Isn't it pathetic he gave up providing his advice that is SOOOO valuable to all of his sheep just to try to defend himself against little old @berniesanders?
Seems I did get under his skin a little bit given he's now advertising @randowhale for me and using his power to flag me and my accounts.
Pathetic bastard.
Wow, it seems this is a great way to lure all of the shills out of their caves! You guys are dumber than I thought...
problem with this site when there is no moderators XD
everything seems sooooo prefect , but there is always a problem that causes disagreement... why dont people just take a break instead of fighting over one another and destroying this platform.
They are not destroing the platform (or so I hope). This site is supposed to live by itself, as a self regulating system. It should not be influenced by moderators. There are no blockchain moderators to put it in other way. When problems like these appear, the community has to solve them by itself and this is exactly what is happening. Just wait a while!
I want to ask you, the posts you write, are they worth of getting $400-500 upvotes? Do you really feel it.Hi @berniesanders. Merry Christmas.
People are working really hard here and not getting an upvote of even $10. All the whales are voting/downvoting each other (except a few communities like @curie, @steemstem etc.).
Why don't you "Decline Payout" for your these less effort posts and allow the reward to be used for posts worth voting?
What you are doing is nothing else than what you are complaining for @haejin.
Please don't flag this comment. I have really worked hard to reach this rep. I hope you'll take this comment positively and bring the change accordingly.
Hope this Christmas brings prosperity in your life.
Thanks. :)
He already provided the info...flagging doesnt reward the user in any way (unlike upvoting) and this is a way for him to have at least some minor income (given the power he uses every day to flag scammers)
There can be other ways to be rewarded on steemit. He can write good upvotable posts like others are doing and get rewarded. I only requested to decline payout for his less effort posts like these.
However, I heard somewhere that @randowhale is owned by bernie (my info may be wrong). He may earn from that as well.
Well...can you imagine how much steem he refuses to earn by giving the rest of the community chance to earn more? of course he could be even more charitable and spend even more time trying to get some is not perfect...and you are correct he owns randowhale
Sorry, I don't know much about him. I just checked his posts in last few months and shared what I felt.
Why We Should Thank Ned, Dan, Haejin & BernieSanders
no need for apologies...even though i dont always share bernies view, i think most of the people will agree that 7% of the whole reward pool for one guy that spams posts is way to much...there is nothing users on our lvl can do with that and thats why i try to stay informed about whales activities even though i mainly concentrate on providing value to the platform.
i think @haejin should decline some payouts as well amounts in his posts are insane, to be honest .... and he got too many posts which shows pretty much same chart and content (except the coin name) with fancy title
Yeah, I agree with that too. He is just making multiple posts to earn profit.
He can tell all his crypto analysis in a single post, but he is posting multiple posts to earn more which is not fair.
Now that is a question that deserves an answer.
"Why don't you "Decline Payout" for your these less effort posts and allow the reward to be used for posts worth voting?"
It was already answered in the past and recapped above.
Okay. Will check out your older posts. Thanks for replying on the topic. :)
So for the good of steemit dirtysanders will decline payout on all future posts. Wow you are a stand up woman!
@berniesanders you macke a good job. Pleas flagge @politicua too - this user poste only Copy&Paste from different sites. And use self simmilar bot after 6 day.
why you hate soo much this guy hadji?what him make it wrong i want to know thx
(Romanian) Firar engleza noastra a dracu' bai @ionutciobanu :))
(English) Well, nobody actually knows man. I've been seeing little old @berniesanders being attacked and attacking people left and right for the last few months.
I never actually understood what's going on. But I think he's been through some drama around here... probably us "minnows" will never find out, haha!
impossible under a market m8
What wrong about haejin?
Another sucker
I hate christians spaming trash... There is enough bibles in the world...
Why people do that? Don't see the purpose of doing it....
Upvoted and resteemed dear
@randowhale - 10150 followers. Wow, it is something!
yes look amazing but why him hate this guy almost every post are by this guy hadji
To keep it simple, again: pentru ca hagi asta, posteaza mereu, de cateva ori pe zi, in fiecare zi, asa zise analize ale pretului a diferite monede si predictii care de cele mai multe ori nu se adeveresc. Foloseste cuvinte pompoase si grafice complicate sa fure ochii oamenilor si sa primeasca upvote-uri. Si primeste! O gramada! Mult mai multe decat ar primi un om normal indiferent ce ar scrie si indiferent cat ar lucra. El are niste baieti care il simpatizeaza si ii ofera voturi foarte valoroase. Iar dupa cum stii tot Steem-ul se bazeaza pe un sistem inflational conform caruia sunt generate monede noi si se aloca oamenilor in felul urmator: 75% creatorilor de continut (care primesc upvote-uri) 10% posesorilor de SP si 15% witness-ilor (cei care intr-un fel mineaza si pe care noi ii alegem prin vot). Din aia 75% se distribuie oamenilor in functie de voturile pe care oamenii le primesc. Pentru ca tipul ala scrie multe analize din alea a ajuns sa ia o suma foarte mare de bani din aia 75% si pentru ca el ia atat de multi bani, pentru ceilalti useri nu mai ramane foarte mult. Utilizatori cum sunt eu, cum esti tu, cum sunt restul. Si asta nu e sanatos pentru platforma. Asa ca s-au tot facut dispute, i s-au dat downvote-uri ca sa ii mai scada din reward-uri, dar tot degeaba, el continua sa scrie sa ceara voturi si sa faca chestii din astea. Sper ca am fost destul de clar, daca mai e nevoie de ceva sa imi spui si incerc sa detaliez. Daca vrei poti sa te uiti la postul meu pe tema asta.
wow excelenta explicatie ms mult asta asteptam
dar nici sanders asta nu e ok nu ?????sau el este?
nu stiu sigur, inca incerc sa imi dau seama :)) pana acum pare putin nebun la cap, dar cred ca are intentii bune.
ok thx a lot
Do what you see it good, you are the best keep it up
Why peaple do that?
Dont see the point of doing it!
To save it easy, once more: pentru ca hagi asta, posteaza mereu, de cateva ori pe zi, in fiecare zi, asa zise analize ale pretului a diferite monede si predictii care de cele mai multe ori nu se adeveresc. Foloseste cuvinte pompoase si grafice complicate sa fure ochii oamenilor si sa primeasca upvote-uri. Si primeste! O gramada! Mult mai multe decat ar primi un om highly thought of indiferent ce ar scrie si indiferent cat ar lucra. El are niste baieti care il simpatizeaza si ii ofera voturi foarte valoroase. Iar dupa cum stii tot Steem-ul se bazeaza pe un sistem inflational conform caruia sunt generate monede noi si se aloca oamenilor in felul urmator: 75% creatorilor de continut (care primesc upvote-uri) 10% posesorilor de SP si 15% witness-ilor (cei care intr-un fel mineaza si pe care noi ii alegem prin vot). Din aia 75% se distribuie oamenilor in functie de voturile pe care oamenii le primesc.
click here.Congratulations @berniesanders, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1411 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $12722.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Nice post guy.....
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Everything happen has a reason ..@berniesanders has its own reason for hating that guys...
What i now is that @haejin shares such infos and Chart TA that earned me thousands of dollars, for free.
So F..k Bernie Sanders and all of his friends, and whatever they write or do in Steemit.
Everybody just please do your duty and upvode Haejin who is such a good man that made profits to random people for free, and just downvote and red flag this Trolls, haters, evil, sneacky, malicious people!! Good vs Blamer (Be lamer)
reduce the reward pool rape so others can earn too?So you mean to say that @berniesanders is evil because he gives away free Steem, free SBD, shares % from randowhale if you delegate and are working hard to
Sounds like an evil man with his own agenda for sure...
Do you think that's good for Steemit?
Steemit welcomes everyone for sure, but if you don't appreciate the opportunity, you're free to leave.
Ok, so who's this guy @haejin and why are my fellow romanians defending him? Guys, I want answers! Repede! :))
I do not take the defense of any of them just because their posts are always hot and I was curious what is written through these posts and I saw that nothing really interesting and that this man is attacking the hadji who posts bitcoin buying strategies and makes a lot of money
so in principle the two make the most money by posting something good and the other posting attacks on him
money for nothing I say
Yeah i dont get why you would upvote his kinda useless posts that much ... oh yeah i forgot he upvotes himself with his own accounts :D How silly of me
so, @cristiangaina, you're basically admitting to being a leech off of @haejin's talents and you expect the rest of the community to pay him because you're too cheap to reach in your pocket and pay the guy for the information you have profited from?
You even call it our duty to support you being a leech?
Gee, no wonder @berniesanders flags the hell out of folks like you.
Fun fact #1 on Steemit.. when you are willing to accept those upvotes, you also have to be willing to accept receiving downvotes.
Fun fact #2 on Steemit.. those rewards are not anyone's rewards until they are paid out. Until then... reffer to Fun fact #1
Repeat until you get the clue.
Your last six blogs have been about one person. A person that helps people make money. I sure as hell have not made any money off anything that you have posted. I think I finally figured out who you are.

Steemit can be a great platform, but people like @berniesanders stand in the way. Peace, I'm headed back to reddit.
170sbd x 2 sended to this posts
the profits are directed to these post. For weeks I've been looking for someone who has the influence and power to stop them. and NO ONE can stop them. This situation comes weeks ago now ... and I do not know who to turn to.
Destroy this bastards pls!
The "leading account" is @arnobtogor25
It's a racket and the bot tracker makes it very obvious. Not just this guy but there are probably about 50 or so accounts doing something similar from what i've seen. You could try report it to steemcleaners as well. I know a few others who have as well.
Edit: Just wanted to add that it is going to be very hard to do anything about them unless the bid bot owners block the offending accounts. No post visibility won't affect the scam i think.
Also a bad ass whale on the site checking those highbids would be enough. They are kinda stupid, just do a 170SBD bid... i mean its easy to track!
Yeah Bernie was flagging one of the major ones already before this Haeijin thing. The problem is that there's too many accounts for one whale to handle.
Also the frontrunner votes meant he was able to get like $90 upvotes without a cent and could carry on indefinitely.
If he needs some help... Ill live here on steemit =V
And i can dedicate full time killing spam. Count on the fact, they PAY for a vote, and then, when the money arrives, i can put a flag so deep in his asses, that will make them fear of loose that money. Remember, they are paying for those bots (bids over 100sbd). If you waste then a few times probably they quit. As ill do my research, they start two months ago with tiny bids -1sbd- or less.
The problem comes when they vote crap with his personal accounts, that would be harder to chase, but at least we keep them away from ppl who contributes to the network (i think ill do) but use the bots for a more fairly curation process, actually the "better" curation community in spanish SUCKS SO BAD i dont have any other way to keep writing (philosophy, literature and technology) but using paid votes.
(note: i cant even do a single post x day counting write, pulish the text and then design my own visual material)
i have the goal to do one post x day but its just to hard and i dont want to downgrade the quality -for the opposite, im trying to improve-
bleh, i dont want to overextend! i just hate those bastards. Its preety easy to do 30 accounts, and spam 5 shitty post each day on every account, then, wait 6 days and BAM!.
Im not even thinking about doing that.. i think is being a dick, im poor but a good guy.
Also, being scared of get flagged in this war i use another account =V
Sorry for my horrible english =)
For you HATER , and yout hater followers :