How is @haejin and his sheep so ignorant?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Can someone please explain this to me?

It CLEARLY states "Disagreement on rewards" at the top of the list in the flagging criteria on this site.

(This is besides the FACT that 90%+ of his rewards have been provided by a SINGLE user and most of his "followers" have little to no SP.)

Also, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the time with your families!!!

There are 2 pages

One haejin gets 6% of the reward pool (or something). If there were two haejins, they’d only get 3% of the reward pool, each. If there were four, they’d each get 1.5%.

So clearly, the solution is more of these. Before that happens, this guy gets to brag how much he’s making, which just increases exposure of

It’d be nice if we had an inviting attitude, but instead, we act like assholes to people who are unfamiliar with the nuances of the blockchain.

That's such a bunch of bullshit and you know it. This is a single user being rewarded by anoter single user, this is not good for Steemit. None of his followers are buying steem, powering up or contributing in ANY meaningful way other than circlejerking him. We have plenty of users who earn great rewards here, but they're not rewarded by a SINGLE user and actually deserve them (the majority of the time).

I just followed you berniesanders. Thank you for addressing this issue so much. I don't fully understand the intricacies of the blockchain, and the measures people take on here to exploit the system, but I want to do my part to make this a an honest community with original material. I will study up on this and continue posting my original content. As far as I can conceptualize, the more honest people there are around here, the "problems" like this will work out with work from development, and serious users of the platform. Have a good day.


That I can agree with, just doing what I think is right for Steem. Regardless of how many shills comment and flag, I get enough support on here and in private to continue doing what I'm doing.

I think steemit has become a window for the world of digital currency. flags are terrible for the user and may close the progress for one's future in this pursue. this is really not relevant for this platform.

Possibly right. there will need to be an alternative for content moderating I think.

Yes! I have no answers... and I have thought about it... all I know for sure is that the abuse of power by a very Tiny minority could destroy the platform. It's becomes a race to the bottom. The Haejin fans have even resorted to the same tactics. If it's not sorted I predict steemit will be overtaken by competitor and once that happens the head start the platform had will never be taken back.

Exactly.....steem and steemit has way more potential for massive growth than these flags

I’m not against what you’re doing. I’m just suggesting that it’s not something to get worked up over. I flagged him. It had no effect. Moving on.

@inertia. This is first time in history great wealth is created without committing a great crime. This the first time in my experience that a top notch analyst giving his knowledge openly and freely. Many people have benefited from it. But you don't like it, do you? What have you contributed today @berniesanders? You and your clowns should be ashame of yourself.

Yeah, the thing is, I care about the platform more than I care about some kind of made up social justice you're trying to invoke.

Have you investigated this? Your followers keep quoting your original 6.x% figure which has never seemed to add up

Have a look at this instead:

Still averaging:

If you post 20 times a day and get 138 SBD each post, that's $27000 USD each day. Who cares if that's 6% or 0.6%? What blogger earns at a rate of $9 million USD each year?

Let's approach the question from another angle so that perhaps you can understand my perspective.

Let's leave aside the issue of what percentage of the reward pool someone gets. That gets into Tragedy of the Commons territory and I don't want to go there. Since you didn't bring it up yourself, we'll leave it aside.

Here's the deal – what difference to you is it if he manages to make $9 million USD a year? Leaving aside the rewards pool, like we said, why is it your business to decide how much someone else can take voluntarily from people who willingly offer material support?

I want you to think carefully about your answer and realize that you will be going into a dangerous space in so doing.

I have long said that "you should never build a weapon that you aren't willing to have used against yourself." That applies equally to weaponized arguments.

"I don't think he deserves that much," opens you to the counterargument that someone else might decide that you don't deserve any of what you're getting – and by your reasoning, they would be justified in making sure you didn't get it.

You have to avoid that argument. If that is your argument, if that is the feeling that you have in your heart of hearts, you are going to get screwed, blued, and tattooed in the long run. You have given "your enemies" (for lack of a better collective term) a stick to beat you with.

Now, you might have a reasonable argument if it was, "I don't believe he deserves the portion of the reward pool that he is entitled to by the number of upvotes that he's received." That's still a very dangerous weaponized argument to make, but it's one you could, in theory, justify with some effort. Again, it's a weapon that can be turned around and used against you and people with whom you agree with trivial effort. Effectively it boils down to, "I don't believe that the positive support of the people who like that content are as important as myself and the people who agree with me."

You can obviously see where that could be a problem in the long term, right?

Now, you might take the position that, by your measure, "he simply doesn't provide enough good to the community to have access to that much influence" – but this might be the most dangerous weaponized argument for yourself and those you support that could be put forward. It's terrible. It allows anyone with a subjective opinion about "what you accomplish" and more power than you to come along and shut you up, as long as the whim takes them for.

I'm having difficulty justifying your position in a rational manner, and I'd really like you to help me out.

@berniesanders. This is first time in history great wealth is created without committing a great crime. This the first time in my experience that a top notch analyst giving his knowledge openly and freely. Many people have benefited from it. But you don't like it, do you? What have you contributed today @berniesanders? You and your clowns should be ashame of yourself.

@berniesanders Just wondering why is it that you keep pointing out that @haejin is being rewarded by a single user? If that user believes in what is being posted, I do not see where the problem is. Personally I feel that is each users right to vote on what type of content that they would like to see more of and use their steem power how they see fit. If you had a millionaire promoting your content would you be complaining? Are @haejin's rewards destroying the economy on steemit? We (T.B.L) are new here so if there is something that we are missing then by all means, please explain but I would think that if you reap in a lot of $$$ on the steemit platform then more power to you. Thank you for taking the time to read this reply by the way. ^ ^

The reward pool is split by all steemians according to upvotes they receive. If a single user pulls in a disproportionate amount of the rewards pool, they do so at the others' expense. They are taking a bigger piece of the pie. So to answer you question, yes, it affects the economy here. That is why everybody has some say in how big that pie is. That is why flagging a post because you don't feel the rewards earned are justified is not only allowed, but encouraged. It is the decentralized method for protecting the reward pool from abuse or misuse.

The single user mentioned, @ranchorelaxo, is a bit of an enigma. His upvotes are worth over $300 each. He upvoted 37 times, 36 of which were for haejin or himself. Here are some facts I found on him:

-rancho showed up here about 10 months ago and laid mostly dormant.
-7 months ago started buying massive amounts of steem
-@ned reached out to him around this time asking him to "ping" him on
-2 months later, @theprophet0 reached out again asking him to ping him on
-15 days ago, he started upvoting @haejin's posts eventually to the tune of 10,775.09
-he also upvoted himself 3 times for like $1000.
-he also upvoted one other person for $10.
-Note the numbers above changed during my analysis (going lower) I'm not sure if that was due to downvotes or changes in the price of steem. I was using steemit more info chrome plugin for the data.
-@haejin reached out to rancho when the upvotes started with the following: "I am very grateful for your upVote! Thank You! If you'd like a crypto analyzed, please don't hesitate to let me know!"
-@Ranchorelaxo has no other interactions that I saw other than a single comment ("great post") on a post that he didn't upvote.

To many steemians, this seems very suspect. Haejin for his part claims to be rich, so if that is true, it's possible he made another account to upvote his own posts in order to gain more visibility and a bigger piece of the reward pool. This is far from proven. Nonetheless, if action hadn't been taken, haejin was on track to profit $2 million dollars in the next 52 weeks from the reward pool. Granted, that is based on numbers from a single weeks sample at the current SBD and Steem prices (which he predicts to rise substantially).

Thank you for explaining that in full detail. This may be like our 9th day actually being active on this account but it all makes a lot of sense when you put it that way and yes something about that does seem very suspect especially if that means that I am working hard and someone is sticking their hand inside of my cookie jar. I have to be quite honest I kind of got a little upset there and explained it to my partner on here because I myself am an Ethereum miner and if someone found a way to con 6% of the block reward I would honestly be pissed. I'm still new here so given all the details I agree that it sounds EXTREMELY suspicious but also I do believe he earns some (not all) of it so how to tell which is which because this seems to be a bit of a pickle. Wow you explained that well.. I upvoted for what it's worth and to be honest I can see why you are upset about it because I think I may be a little uneasy about it as well now. If I understand this correctly... "He is getting a HUGE chunk of all of OUR money that we earn in the rewards but he is not earning it rather he may be con'ing most of it away in a loophole that he found?"

Well, he may not be earning. I am trying to come at this as objective as I can be, but as a steemian, I do have skin in the game (we all do). @themarkymark pointed out that while I thought I had 15 days worth of upvoting data for rancho, it was actually more like 3.5. So in 3.5 days, he spent 11k of the reward pool for the most part on one individual. If that trend had continued, he would have taken over 1,147,142 from the reward pool over the course of a year. That is not considering compounding and growing of his SP and what he would have done with those funds. That also is not taking into account the market value of those proceeds which I would estimate to be over 5 million. That is also in addition to what he is already taking in which is a sizable chunk and probably over a million market value in and of itself.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that he (haejin) doesn't seem to debate this thing head on. If it were me, I would be on every one of these threads. If I wasn't associated with rancho, I would offer to give back all of the money from rancho's upvotes. I would decline payment. He himself says he doesn't need the money and only wants the exposure. He could decline payout and still trend.

Thanks for the detailed explanation brother @moeknows

My suggestion is that you follow Haejin and Bernie Sanders and after a couple of weeks you will then know first hand how the ground lies.

They didn't find a way to earn 6%. He had one good day when he earnt 0.6% but someone doctored the numbers. He worked hard for months helping people for free (yes free 30 min consulatations!) and finally had a great day when one whale awarded him for the good work.

52 weeks? My estimate he would been 150-200k/week if it was a full 7 days of upvotes and not just 2 days which the 56k figure was based on.

I based my figure off of
You had visibility into this situation before I did and as I mentioned in my post, the numbers were going down as I was analyzing ranchos activities. The number on steemworld was based on his coming author rewards and the estimated cash value it puts out. Currently, those numbers would have haejin making $4975 in SP/SBD rewards which is estimated to be worth $26,865. That multiplied by 52 would be about 1.4 million.

These numbers would reflect the ongoing efforts to change his rewards. So it would have been higher, but I had no first hand data to do that analysis. I'm still kinda a steemit noob.

At the time, Rancho only had two days of votes and that was a 7 day estimate. So a full 7 days of votes would be much higher

Thanks for the summary of the goings on and your efforts in collating the information you have provided @moeknows.

You're welcome. I also have the following which is more subjective in nature:
Other findings
-@haejin's content seems legit, but some posts are low in content containing only a couple of charts and a sentence.
-he was very successful and had many followers long before rancho came around
-many of his supporters seem to have came here for him or because of him
-many of his supporters have no idea who rancho is (or that he was giving haejin 11k in upvote) and think this campaign is about his success due to their upvotes.
-@haejin doesn't seem to ever mention @ranchorelaxo by name to his followers, and I haven't heard him directly address the accusation that he was colluding. (He does mention that he is accused of having multiple bots and denies it)
-I don't think haejin has directly addressed bernie or any of the groups here on steemit in a dialog (I could be wrong), but he does mention the attack during the last 4 or 5 minutes of his youtube videos starting on 20 Dec.

Haejin has bots? Crazy allegation! He works flat out on TA ans some people find his short direct of the moment posts incredibly useful. BS aka randowhale has 60 bots he uses. A little research will show you... but you will need to click on them to reveal content as theyve been censored by yours truely BS

I believe the behaviors you mentioned are in response to the effort to downvote. It's possible that rancho is just some steem noob millionaire that likes haejin and didn't know that his upvotes would be a detriment to the rest of the community. I don't know, and we haven't really heard from either one of them in terms of dialog. I do know that I'm glad it's stopped. Haejin was posting about 8-9 times a day. So if rancho had just continued to upvote only him, it could have pulled about $3000 daily from the reward pool.

Better Distribution of the Reward Pool must certainly be looked into.

The Sooner the better. !!!

@berniesanders This is first time in history great wealth is created without committing a great crime. This the first time in my experience that a top notch analyst giving his knowledge openly and freely. Many people have benefited from it. But you don't like it, do you? What have you contributed today @berniesanders? You and your clowns should be ashame of yourself.

But you do the same. I've seen you reward yourself $100 a post. You use your power to squash minnows free speech. You've deleted their other innocent posts that have nothing to do with you. Can you please let me know why you have done that? You censored a story I'd written about downvoting. Why have you done that? Why do you think you have the right to be a censor? Your reputation clearly lets you know the majority of the steemit community don't approve of your actions. Come on Mr Scrooge! Show some good seasonal good cheer and make up wit Haejin and call the war off. You might find you win many new fans.

Have you seen anyone reward themselves $100? Sure. But have you seen them reward themselves $100 for 20 posts daily?

I watched husband posts daily from when they were $3-$5. I can promise you it was only in the last 36 hours before BS's attack that he earnt mor Ethan $50 a post. Before that I was always amazed at how many people looked at his posts and how few voted. Jerry Banfield openly moved from one post a day to 3/5 a day and he asked the community for their opinion. I said I'd prefer one! He earns very well and also attracted hate attacks. To me this is fuelled by jealousy not reason.

@BernieSanders raped his cucumber too hard and now it's stuck up his anus and she is getting major butthurt!

Thankfully, @haejin told us to buy Verge Currency, which made us all rich!

Now butthurt @BernieSanders is miserable because she missed on the chalice of wealth!😂

Didn’t you get a 4,000% payday? Nice!

@BernieSanders raped his cucumber too hard and now it's stuck up his anus and she is getting major butthurt!

Thankfully, @haejin told us to buy Verge Currency, which made us all rich!

Now butthurt @BernieSanders is miserable because she missed on the chalice of wealth!😂

Speaking as a totally FNG here (day 3), for the most part I'm still geeting an overall inviting feeling around here. Although the more posts I read, the more I realize that the devil really is in the details of steemit. As a social network, I Love the system of checks and balances present as well as the overall quality of users, content and comments (for the most part). My question is this, is it worth it to invest my time in the finer details of steemit in an effort to increase my reputation or will that only take away from my enjoyment of the site altogether? As it stands, I "Like" it here... A lot. My knowledge of blockchain is rediculously limited, but it hasn't dampened my enjoyment of the network as a whole and I'd like to keep it that way. I enjoy a way higher percentage of the content presented to me on here than on ANY other SN out there and I'd very much like to add to that pool of quality content. Any recommendation in regards to groups or threads to join/follow that would excellerate my steemit learing curve that focus on profile growth while maitaning the network's intgrity? This place is awesome and I want it to be a "thing" without devolving into a version FB with participation tokens. Thanks.

Take it from me: learn as little as possible. Don't get stuck face down in the drama. Step away from everything but the broadest understanding of how the system works.

Once you look under the hood, once you start seeing how the sausage is made, you will experience a long dark night of the soul – and not one that you will come out a better person than you came in.

Think of this as an overgrown Internet forum with no mods and utterly without individual sub-forums which would help you focus your attention on things that you want. With all that implies.

There are people here who just want to make content, find people who like it, and have them signal their approval – and those of the people that you want to look for.

For the rest? Avert your eyes.

the thing is.. if a good idea for stability and protection for the weak arise will you support it or let it drown?

that's not how it works m8, unless you think this problem applies to only one account

I asserted a whole bunch of things. Maybe you could be more specific about what it is and how it doesn't work... m8.

@BernieSanders raped his cucumber too hard and now it's stuck up his anus and she is getting major butthurt!

Thankfully, @haejin told us to buy Verge Currency, which made us all rich!

Now butthurt @BernieSanders is miserable because she missed on the chalice of wealth!😂

Someone doctored the 6%. It was Haejin's best day - just ONE day at these levels - and it was 0.6%!

You’re absolutely right. That was just one day extrapolated out. His true earnings have only ever gone up since then.

You know its funny your crying about it being unfair this guys getting to much for his posts. When I post a lil comment trying to promote my blog and you flag it because you disagree about what im bloging about or whatever the reason is. When im just a new user to steemit trying to build a following just like you guys.

You steemit users who already got a lil following and power on steemit don’t support none of the new steemians. #support the new steemians
Upvote if you agree.


@berniesanders, a serious question here.

You are fighting for the reward pool. If so, why not decline rewards on the posts you make against Haejin?

I mean, right now the posts on both side of the trench garner a lot of votes each, and the drama as a whole is sucking up rewards, on both sides of the fight.

(Personally, I think you've got a point, and haejin shouldn't be receiving the rewards he is, certainly when his content quality dipped to 1-2 charts and 2-3 sentences per that read like horoscope. He should condense them into 1-2 posts a day, or attach a video and 3-4 paragraphs explaining things per chart. But I do think you're going about it the wrong way, or at least with the wrong attitude.)

I'm not entirely sure, but I think he does it to stay visible due to his -18 rep, otherwise it would be invisible and it wouldn't get much notice.

while no one ever accused bernie of being a diplomat, I don't really have a problem with him earning rewards on these posts.

He's using his voting power in order to downvote someone who is getting large payouts from one whale on multiple posts per day, while the payouts bernie is receiving are on periodic posts from multiple members of the community.

If the need to balance the rewards being received by one wasn't there, bernie could be focusing on making money like others do.

That's my opinion. Bernie obviously will speak for himself if he feels so inclined.

There's a whole bunch of heajin shills that recently came to Steemit. I tried to reason with some and swiftly encountered over 60 downvotes, all from fresh haejin shills with 0 Steem Power.

Still, that got me thinking: do we really want just user growth, or do we prefer to have Steemians here that are vested and contribute meaningfully?

Hello, I am a follower of @haejin, I made more than 50k the past two months out of a 3k investment, just by following his tutorials and posts. He has more than 15 years of experience and provides knowledge that people pay for in college. That would naturally attract much more users and up-votes don't you think? why cannot @berniesanders just provide better content? He seems like the one who drew a circle and assigned himself leader of it because he could not prove himself otherwise. Even if @haejin inhales most of the reward pool, the way @berniesanders deals with this is simply wrong.

Even if @haejin inhales most of the reward pool, the way @berniesanders deals with this is simply wrong.

No, Bernie can do whatever he wants with his stake.

Opinion Appreciated.

I appreciate your rather smooth approach here. I really do. But if you've made 50K in 2 months... And others have earned anything between 10K and 500K which I've seen people talking about.. All thanks to haejin.. - Why are 90% of his followers still minnows without investments on Steemit and why does he not invest millions of dollars himself, to become a powerful whale... Instead of asking others for their 100 SP?

Some people just like to take and not give back, the reason why I bought some steem and powered up is to support @haejin and others on this platform, I came here in august but did not power up until October, it took me a while to understand the platform and how it works, and until now I still lack in many ways. Many @haejin followers think that you look at a graph for a second, buy the asset, expect magic to happen, without applying the attached tutorials in his posts, these are the investment-less minnows, some give up before making any, and some will eventually invest, like myself, two months later :) . As for @haejin steem power, I wonder the same, I would turn my self into a whale if I had the chance, and I do not know why he isn't powered up with full RPM as I would definitely do that. I hope this post answered your question, Peace be with you.

That's a good answer man :) I recieved an extremely uncomfortable comment simply because i commented on one of Bernie Sanders posts, but yours seem to be well argued.
I have nothing against Haejin, but i simply think that other people spend so much work, that goes unnoticed, so i think that the money could be better distributed, if we want to see the continued growth of steemit :)

Peace out man, hope you're doing well

thank you :) Peace

And that's an answer I'd be willing to reward. Thank you.

I can totally understand that many people cannot afford to invest. That is why I still haven't been able to reach a dolphin or whale status. If I could afford it, I would invest. It's that easy.

However, like you said. Followers of his are claiming to earn thousands of dollars per month. 10K. 50K etc. Yet, most of them have not bought any Steem power at all.

  • I think that is very odd.

And that he himself haven't bought a couple of millions worth of Steem Power is strange. With that power he would not have to ask others for their SP and he would be able to fight berniesanders with his own SP for starters.

On top of that, he would also be able to spread his wealth and support others, by upvoting their content and comments and he would also be able to reward himself even more.

But he doesn't seem to care about those things. I might be wrong here, but it seems to me that he is selfish. At least when it comes to Steemit.

And for being such a rich guy who doesn't care about the money, he shows the exact opposite when he is picking a fight with berniesanders.

The whole haejin-scenario is weird and strange. Everything about him and this scenario just feels odd.

Thank you for a superb comment though. I appreciate it! (That shows that there are haejin followers out there with a brain after all).

I'll be honest . I have mixed faith in Steemit after seeing Bernie's manipulation of the Steemit. It is pretty clear in the terms of sevice that bots are not allowed.

Since the uncertainty surrounding the platform and Haejin's use, I've been exclusively tipping him directly to incentivize his posts. That's how I encourage it, and I will continue as long as he makes calls.

Read the entire sentence. In context there. Robots are not allowed if you are using them to extract data from the website.

That doesn't say you can't make an upvote robot.

Everyone is using bots. Most whales and/or dolphins have multiple accounts. 85% of the users pay for votes... Dolphins, whales and minnows.

I can't see why that makes bernie a bad person.

Thank you :)

@phuzz , You still don't understand Steemit. @haejin was pulling down 6.7% of the reward pool when @berniesanders started the call for flagging his rewards. It has nothing to do with if @haejin makes great content or @berniesanders makes shit content.

It has everything to do with balance in the system. One user simply can't be allowed to take that much of the reward pool. Period. We now have half a million registered users and around 40,000 active ones. at that 6.7% level it would have only taken 15 @haejin's to drain the reward pool dry. As long as he keeps getting those kind of upvotes he's going to keep getting those kind of flags. It can be no other way.

Thank you for clarifying, but I would only ask, can we blame Genesis mining or a few other mining empires for making Bitcoin mining so hard? They mine such a huge percentage of the block that mining Bitcoin, or almost anything now for that matter became almost useless. This seems like the nature of the blockchain, which ironically is easier to manipulate and control than a centralized System. Steemit seems like it is built this way, I would assume that applying reward rules would be the only way to control this, because if either @haejin or berniesanders are gone, someone else is going to fill that gap in the very near future, there will be thousands of haejin and berniesanders to come that this whole platform will be abused and destroyed. So unless @haejin and @berniesanders could come to terms in a way, or @ned would somewhat wake up from slumber, I see this is an endless fight, and would involve much more whales and content providers to come. Will be the curse of Steemit.

To correct you it bitmain that controls bitcoin mining not Genesis mining.
The curse of decentralization is it prone to centralization but the fight to stop it stands and will continue

Great then send some of it to him. We don't care.

I wish you Massive profits

How can someone have 15 years experience in crypto analysis if Bitcoin which is the first cryptocurrency is 9 years old? Or what experience are you talking about?

The Stock Market, the same rules apply, but the Crypto world is on steroids.

the guy is a fucking scam, get 100000% gains and abc boom! hes a fucking cunt and stealing the rewards

TA learnt in the mainstream financial markets. He's a wizard.

I agree that it's very unfair that they are targetting @haejin. They say it's because a whale is persistently upvoting him but that's not his fault, and also that whale is entitled to use his votes to reward @haejin's content if he values it

Maybe the whale is making money from following @haejin posts, I would assume it would be rude not to up-vote :)

Thank you for sharing.
Please upvote and follow. Together the community and earning is HUGE !!

Done :)

Thank you @berniesanders for all you've done to help Steemit, including the encouragement feeding happy little minnows like I was one year ago.
Your support from attention and upvotes encourage the little guys and gals to keep contributing to the platform, attend Steemfest (I attended both), and promote Steemit to the world!
Your attention and support helped grow this little minnow into a Dolphin; one who has always powered up, never cashed out, and always remembers those (especially you!) who made such a wonderful impact so early in my Steemit adventure.
Thank you @berniesanders, Merry Christmas to you too brother 😊🤝

thanks man your daily suggestion is very helpful for us

if @haejin is so rich why doesn't he just buy steem power to protect himself from your flags and make money too? hmmmm....

I can only see two answers for this.

  1. He is not rich.
  2. He doesn't believe in Steemit.

No matter the answer, his approach on Steemit (after the flagging) is terrible and many of his loyal followers are nothing but ignorant and stupid. They flag everyone who doesn't agree with haejin and that is personal.

Flagging due to disagreement of rewards is not personal but haejin and his followers are making everything personal. - And I don't want any of that here.


if he isn't rich his guides are useless, thus he should be flagged anyway ;)

In my opinion it doesnt make any sense to fight over that. There are better things to get a mind on. I dont know much about haejin and also about berniesanders. Normaly everybody has good intentions. So I would like to ask you @berniesanders if you could think about how you can make steemit a better place without fighting each other over the internet? And also what would be your request to @heajin to do for steemit?
Merry christmas, a good time and much love!

lots of people have tried to tell them that downvotes are to be expected when huge upvotes are given.

They seem to choose to ignore that and think they have a righteous argument cause you said mean things. YOU BULLY LOL

Merry Christmas!

Hi @daveks! Have an upvote just for the jingle bells of it!

I think Steem should display high voted post but also always random, to give equal opportunity to those with less SP or whale-friends

mmmm strange person

It's hilarious that some fat whales rules Steemit and normal users dont have enought power to make their post visible.

well that's capitalism for you

A lot of problems in steemit but the future is brilliant

Merry christmas :D

There is so much hate on Steem right now from every direction... Kind of sad... I don't know all of the technical stuff that goes into what everyone is talking about but I hope people stop this on both sides and come to an agreement of some sort.

Speaking of down voting.

All of my content got down voted because I said I am part jewish on a post... I am also part Italian, Greek, Yakut and pretty much the rest is all middle east. Why is there so much hate on here?

People speak so much evil and hate, I really don't understand why? Blame all of their problems on Jews, again? I don't understand how everyone is so progressive yet but still thinking like its 1933 Germany?

That person want as far as down voting my followers? That is just no right nor needed. I said no evil towards that person. In fact I was wishing people Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

Anyway, I really hope steem doesn't turn into a pissing contest where the biggest babies in the world are always butt hurt and downvoting because they hate their lives and want to take it out on others.

You never know what the other person has been through don't be so quick to judge.

Merry Christmas and I hope all of you are going to have a great New Year and maybe in this New Year we can make Steem a friendly community!

@gdaveed Thanks for your words. Iam really sorry to hear that. I hope this platform dont cares who you are or where you from and the download just came because you wrote a bad article in the downvoters mind. Peace!

Merry Christmas @berniesanders, thanks for protecting the reward pool

I get the frustration Bernie, i do :) And i hope you have a wonderful Christmas as well. We need people like you (the good whales), to go around finding the actual good content. This post for example, it got over 400 bucks. I know a ton of people, myself included, that puts in hours of work into every single post, yet we are lucky to come above a dollar (luckily, this has happened to me more than once, and for that i am very grateful).
My latest post is actually about this very topic, i hope it's okay i mentioned you in it. Because the point you make is very true. Too much hard work goes unseen, while a few people can spend minutes on a post and make hundreds of dollars.

Anyway, check it out if you want to, i only wrote it because i want steemit to become an even greater place.
I hope you all had/ have an amazing Christmas :)

white sheep suck ;-)

You are correct....but instead of trying to fight these guys....why not reward those you think have little or nothing to earn on steemit.... @surpassinggoogle is a good example.....he has impacted soo many lives positively...flagging cant really do much...especially to someone like @haejin

Flagging has reduced his portion of the reward pool from 6.7% to 1%

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

@berniesanders is one of the rather few whales who actually cares about minnows. He is also one of the few whales who fight against things like this, because he believes others deserves some of the rewards this guy is getting.

So meanwhile surpassinggoogle is an awesome guy, berniesanders is doing things differently and he spend his power and his money by doing several things for what he believes is the greater good.

Hey guys, here to voice my opinion,

I actually like Haejin's posts, because newer people getting into crypto like myself, can see what picks he's making and try to see if it's a good buy after applying our own research. What I don't like is the frequency of posts don't deserve triple digit rewards on the daily, and that he can't understand that there is nothing wrong with flagging others and now wants people to give him power to fight you lmao

I feel that although he's giving Steemit exposure, but due to how much percentage of the rewards he receives, people will flock here only to feel cheated. If you don't like his rewards, that's fine- It's built into the system for a reason!

Good informational post.

@berniesanders I am on your side! I just made a comment on @aggroed post in which I said what I feel about @haejin and his conduct on Steemit! Go about +12 upvotes and then this tt-dogg guy just downvoted me to the ground because I just said a truth that many of the fellow Steemians agree with!

well, if you are ok on mass flag haejin you shouldnt complain that one guy flagged your post.

I am a new user on this platform, still working on my introduction. I am enthusiastic about it but I feel slightly turned off by some of these fights. @berniesanders, it seems like some people and posts are getting censored if they are critical of you (@taskmaster4450, @scarlet7) are you not an advocate of free speech?

I don't get it. This voting war. If one wants to downvote a blog due to whatever reason, in this case because of disagreement of rewards, just downvote and be done with it. Why start a war between two sides?

Because humans are emotional beings that tend to get butthurt. Especially over perceived injustices and demanded entitlements.

Thanks for the information merry christmas

Seasons Greetings!

To infinity and beyond!

Fight until sanity is brought to Steemit,we minnows have no chance if a single user can upvote worth 200$ of rewards.....!!!

Is it possibly for someone to upvote with that huge amount worth?

Their drama is making me crazy.

Me too but I learned from this post a lot because of the reactions of other.

Good information , nice post

I'm new here. can someone help me and say how can I get followers? Thank you so much, I really need your help guys ;(

I think steemit has become a window for the world of digital currency. flags are terrible for the user and may close the progress for one's future in this pursue. this is really not relevant for this platform. @tuhin201

I am extremely new to steemit. Seems like a lot of flame wars going on. Could anyone give me a brief synopsis of what this is all about? O.o

haejin's post are rewarded with anything between $200 and $400. And he publish 10 posts per day. - That's a total of $2000-$4000 per day.

He earns this much money because one user is upvoting him. (About 90% of everything he earns are because of this user).

berniesanders are trying to flag (downvote) these posts, because he want to reduce the amount of money he earns per day.

And by doing that, haejin is taking this personally and he is trying to fight back.

That's all there is to know about this.

Hoe can one user cause so much $$ to flow with just one vote??

He has 1,304,376.716 in STEEM.

Holy shit. Wellllll that'll do it I guess.

Crazy how that works. So a couple people that are massive whales can bascially just make each other rich? Seems a little unbalanced.

Yeah well, many of the whales can probably earn ~$5000 per day if they wanted too. As Steem is worth $3+ and SBD around $9.. You can do the math.

They can basically earn about $35,000 per day or something like that. USD. However, most whales are not doing that. Most of them are trying to spread the wealth and encourage and support others instead. As they see this as a long-term investment.

If and when Steem and SBD goes up in price, they'll profit and most of them are working towards that instead of short term goals.

If they have 1 million Steem when Steem is worth $1. They'll have 2 million if and when Steem is worth $2. So there's no need to bother with hundreds of dollars for them.

Ahhhh makes sense. Appreciate the info man! You have yourself a new follower :D

woo wooo excelente

Some very good original content writer are still struggling for good Earn.
And some people just earn huge. Thats unfair. (Y)

Yes agree with it bro
If it's goes in that way
original content will not for deserve .

Its not really unfair if they work for it or deserve it.....although its unfair but hey!...wake up!!! aint fucking fair man

Flagging criterias also indicate spam. Which looks like a better match for their posts.

How do you have the courage to say that? My hands are shaking on the keyboard only for commenting on this post by fear of not being flagged by that people...

He said "their" posts. And if he thinks this one is spam, he can flag it. I haven't flagged everyone who has flagged me, just those who act like morons and post absurd bullshit repeatedly like many have.

Rare Source


I thought he mean the posts of haejin's people...

Sarcasm lost in translation

"Hate Speech or Internet Trolling" is basically all you've achieved with this crusade against Haejin, and to what end? You ruin a community (something you claim Haejin does) when, instead of welcoming the new users to Steemit with open arms (I found this website exclusively because somebody shared Haejin's calls with me) Every person I introduce to Haejins' calls I ask to sign up for the website because that's how they can contribute. This exponential growth is just part of the catalyst to Haejin's success. Your crippling jealously towards the success Haejin recieves (go ahead and claim it's fishy, you're the one with massive bot voting power: something that's truly gaming the system and is clearly ruled against in the Steemit Terms of Service, which says any sort of bot program/influence is prohibited. However, Steemit just isn't being fair, huh?

I know what you mean... I commented on a post by @themarkymark and got a bit of abuse and a number of downvotes on my posts from this "group" of hey-gins. Makes me feel worried that getting involved is not the thing that i want to do, even though i have an opinion on the situation.

Yep, I feel you completely, I have written a post about this war which I think it's pretty high quality since I have worked a lot on it but right now I am a bit afraid of being caught in the middle. I have just tried to find a good solution to make everybody happy but now I don't know if this is possible...

Yeah, your right, I wanted to start to downvote his content, but my voting power and weight are so low.

This post has received gratitude of 25.21 % from @appreciator thanks to: @ngc.

Merry Christmas to you too! If you ever see this comment you can take a shot to my post and hope I will not be flagged to death :)) Anywho, enjoy you holiday, you deserve it!

Merry Christmas dearies
Let's just leave them n celebrate this season
Upvote my posts and follow me too
My blog is interesting

You get flagged when you copy/paste somebodyelse's content or abuse someone in steemit.
So you need worry if your Honest about everything

'Flagging' and 'downvotes' are still new to me, and I expect none. I read few a times of @haejin's point through some other posting on behalf of him. Because you two have been contributing greatly to Steemit and the growth of newcomers, I wish you two should have worked out together. Individual conflicts arising that's coming out of both of you has raised a 'feeling of fear' in contributing to any post, or blogs even.

I'm sure, there's solution to any problems. Two great people, who have worked hard equally and trying to pull each other- just because of misunderstanding or perhaps, poorly communicating effects us- the newcomers.

I am sure @haejin and you will both sort this out soon, for the better of Steemit.

Merry Christmas to both of you, and to all of us. Cheers

Good job here can u support me by upvote my last post thank you

You got a 11.78% upvote from @upme requested by: @ngc.
Send at least 1.5 SBD to @upme with a post link in the memo field to receive upvote next round.
To support our activity, please vote for my master @suggeelson, as a [STEEM Witness](

Interesting article, likewise I invite you to read this post for social work in Venezuela! Merry Christmas!! @berniesanders

Thanks for the important info!!

This post has received a 25.34 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @ngc. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

@berniesanders Thank you for addressing this frequently over the past few days. You raised awareness on a crucial issue. Too many folks are newbies in here (including myself) so your attempt to keep the community informed regarding this is important and appreciated.

I absolutely agree that we have to protect our favourite platform and make sure it's being used properly.

Highest Regards

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