My guess is this is deeper than you are looking currently at and I know you will probably go read through the whole thread at some point and see the whole context.
No, I’m too tired to dig deeper now or tomorrow. I understand your point of view as witnesses being management. I get that part, perhaps didn’t address it in depth, but do understand that is a basis for your post. I believe one’s perspective of this platform is where ideals either cross paths or do not. Yes, Steemit mimics the real world very much but the activities on here do not. Do we tip ourselves in the real world? Do we pay our friends a bonus a day for a job well done? Do we create a fictitious business to pay ourselves? None of the above I would think, but we do so on the blockchain. So who is to say being a witness on two platforms is right or wrong. It’s not me, I definitely don’t have enough knowledge. I would like to see what will result from the action. If it is hurting the Steem platform, then perhaps people will consider how important it is to choose the top witnesses wisely. There is no noncompete agreement stating a witness can’t be on more than one platform. Wouldn’t you think that something like this would have been written into the white paper from the get-go? I’m sure someone would surely have thought of witnesses jumping ship or duo-witnessing.
Also, I find it hard to believe that you support and are ok with the fact that Steemit was never intended to be a permanent social platform and that it was an experiment only.
I do not support nor are ok with this fact. I read the same statement you did, and who is to say what is the truth or not on here. Dave, you’re looking at it from a Steemit perspective, not from a Steem perspective. Who knows what community has in store or SMT. If Steemit Inc decides to not continue the development of Steemit, that doesn’t mean all interfaces will not exists. Just the other day I read Tim Cliff talking about digging into Steemit’s (phone typo and let known by sircork) STEEM codes if ever Steemit Inc stops with their development. Who’s to say one day the witnesses that are developers won’t start their own Steemit dapp? I still have faith in Steem, but do extend beyond Steemit.
No. He is digging into STEEM blockchains code. He is NOT digging into steemit incs condenser code, though he has submitted pull requests on the steemit code as well.
They are NOT the same thing, and you sort of seem to understand that in your comment up until the comments about Tim, which are not a correct portrayal of what he is doing at all.
Developers have already made dozens of clones of condenser. MSP has their own version, other witnesses have built spin offs, busy is a spin, zappl is a spin, all the D* sites are spins... they are all interfaces to the steem blockchain, which steemit inc developers currently control and gate on pull requests, even though it's "open source". You cant get a pull request merged without a blessing from stinc. They actually already need to get the hell out of the way and let people who can finish things actually submit things and get them approved. itself is neglected, mediocre in terms of functionality and could wither and die for all most of us who understand the ecosystem care. There are plenty of other options already to use to talk to the blockchain.
Yes I realize it’s Steem and not Steemit. It’s way past my bedtime and typing on my phone is not always the best way to go with the autocorrect feature. Will make that quick typo change, and respond less ‘spammy’ tomorrow. I drank way too much coffee today and have to get up for work in 3 hours. Thx for pointing it out.
Yeah, as noted, I could tell you knew then it sort of fell apart at the end :)
That’s how my day will be tomorrow. Will probably be awake enough to function with coffee in the morning but start to zone out once the caffeine leaves my system. Good night sircork. :)
Just another 29 hour day and 4 hour nap for me. I'll be here - get some sleep for both of us.:)
No idea how you are getting through your days!
That's cute. Do you mean that thing where sometimes I look around and it's lighter outside? It's all a blur.
Just looping around to this comment. I did make my typo correction.
You just taught me something new, never heard of condenser codes (not a developer).
Definitely did not know about this bit. I assumed "open source" meant just that, readily available for the public without constraints. Who knew. :)
Yeah. That's what Open Source is supposed to mean. ;)
Well it is available to the public without constraints and the public can do what ever with it, like starting their own version. But that does not mean that the new changes you make to your version will necessarily be accepted back into the original code used by the original project.
Appreciate the clarification!
He is correct.
I value all your points... I am glad to see them and happy to know you have faith in steem!
There is no agreement, sure, but as a witness, I have promised to make decisions for the best of the platform and its users. How can I make decision for the best of two competing platforms?
Hi @quochuy. It's great to have another witness stop by to join the discussion.
I think that's great that you hold those values as a witness. As we know, not all witnesses have the same values. There are many dead witnesses on here with support from users.
As for being on two competing platforms, I wouldn't automatically discredit the work a witness has shown through the months/years simply because he decides to try another platform. If his actions down the road show that he becomes a liability and no longer an asset, then users would need to rethink their witness vote. We all know that the top witnesses must have the support of one individual to maintain that status. Since the user holds a very big stake in steem, well, let's see what action he will take with regards to witnesses being on two platforms.
As a fairly new user, I would like to have a comparison of the two platforms from a witnesses' perspective. I understand it may be different for everyone.