Yesterday i saw someone just post a pics of a complain he had on a site , and he had over 100$
While someone like me who takes his whole time to prepare something good can hardly get $1
And most of the whales are not helping
Leaving we minnows stranded
check out his steemit power and payout history, and i will understand why he got the 100$
Yeah i saw it
But he still got lots of upvotes
my point is, the more steem power you have, the more upvotes you get, if you are an active upvoter.
for example if had and upvote worth 1$,
and i upvoted 20 posts of authors who have similar steem power, it's more like they will follow me and upvote me back, (Back Scratching)
True talk.
But we all know minnows dont have high steem power so back scratching wont work with whales