Win 12.5 BTC by tweeting about Steem

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers. I am a long time Bitcoiner who helped to promote Bitcoin at its infancy. Bitcoin economy is now matured and can roll on its own. But, I think, Steem has a future and it needs promotion outside of Steemit. So, here is a contest to promote Steemit on Twitter. Reward is equivalent to one bitcoin block. The fund is secured at


Complete the following sentence and tweet it.

I love because...

Post the link of your tweet and your bitcoin address below in comment section and follow my Steemit handle, i.e. . The best tweet will be awarded with 12.5 BTC reward. The contest will be over as soon as we have 1250 unique twitter users posting tweets in comment section or within one week, which one takes longer.

Points to Note

i. You are allowed to post as many tweets as you want. But do not spam.

ii. You are allowed to post image or video with your tweet. Be creative.

iii. You are allowed to tag celebrity usernames in your tweet. It is good if they retweet.

Proof of Fund

Title: Win 12.5 BTC by tweeting about Steem

Date: August 10, 2016

You may verify signed message here:

After the contest is over, I'll take up to 72 hours to go through all the tweets and declare the winner in a new post.

There are 2 pages

BTC: 1Ey2F1rCyZF6PSsEYe46pvWo4ncjDBqQpS

Great idea! Kudos for thinking of this and putting it in play.

Hi bbw,

I tweeted about Steemit in the past.

In fact, my tweet was retweet by Max Keiser, who shared it to his 150k followers!

Anyway, here goes the new tweet, sent to my ~10,000 followers ;)

BTC donation: 16k2zg31M7r1UbTcVjQE1eZXbAWFh6SnFz


BTC Address: 1P63rJr7Kci38Xu6PuUYCmKx4vJ1kqQmmN

Oh and I really really want to my knee pads ready, LOL!

I have tweeted about 100 celebs today....everyone I could think of anyway! No replies/retweets yet though!

TheColbertFam Richard Colbert tweeted @ 10 Aug 2016 - 16:31 UTC because I get paid for writing content I wouldn't have ever written otherwise.@TomCruise I love

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

If Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse for the Banks, then @Steemit is a Trojan Horse for Social Media

BTC Address: 1ESG82FUSr3JVdWXVnVRcvstpQJyJKb4fZ

BTC: 1BMLYEtSh7f1wLmHZyAvfkUjAq6kgzcjTz

Thanks for doing this! It's a great idea to push Steemit to the masses :)

DerekReith Derek a |[?]Ksitk tweeted @ 10 Aug 2016 - 16:39 UTC

I love because this is how we change the world.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

BTC address : 1Tiff6k5cyGQkfw1b7Wd2KYrzUc9M4LZV

BTC address: 1Ja9Aw8Qaf7PcGG1YzE9ysRYKA7V5oMHBy

Don't you try and hide my entry, wtf

~~~ embed:763464387487301632 twitter metadata:SjBobkdhbHR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSjBobkdhbHQvc3RhdHVzLzc2MzQ2NDM4NzQ4NzMwMTYzMnw= ~~~
Make steemit great again!

BTC address: 132oiuKEBg4PP5F5FVQPCBqsg6vgzhVDE7

hyiparena Hyip Arena tweeted @ 15 Aug 2016 - 13:58 UTC

I love because we really a free community of open and creative people. Tomorrow is with us!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Scam. He can pay himself the BTC.

May be need to use an escrow?

Good idea :-)

And a public lottery ball drop.



BTC Address: 1G7kCbr6U82YqsSMgMTC45gCUcKrfgUDC3

Steemit Handle: @voltarius

Thanks for the giveaway!

BTC: 1PizzaTqbyz3b96GNY3LVD3uJnmu1CtpmU

Thank you man, I'll nearly be out of debt if I win this!

Tweet =

Steemit Handle = @ydm6669

BTC address = 1DYebrwWwzBYG9Xq46fEjWqg1ZZqyPKRE

BTC address: 1NJ9ixr8a5uKNR4Px1SqJXgHZUgmbEcsrW

Why is it making a sad face? :-)

It the upvote button :)

Nice use of my art!

thanks @klye I hope it is ok to use this based on your post suggesting we do so? If not I am at your bidding sir.

maybe i receive 12 btc

BTC Wallet: 3JUHq5URKNgXpAjYwjNr4ypRdEVLKp1Ago

I love because it's one of the coolest sites out there that offer a way to earn money and interact with other users worldwide.

I love because it helps me understand cryptocurrency from a different perspective.

I love steemit because I get meaningful information from various authors and curators who willingly share their thoughts to the community.

I'm happy because @Steemit help me retweet my tweet.

ZenoTheHunter ZenoTheHunter tweeted @ 13 Aug 2016 - 11:31 UTC Thank you!@CertainAssets Hi. Can you help me win a contest by retweeting my @Steemit tweet here:

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I love because I can share my thoughts without being censored.

ZenoTheHunter ZenoTheHunter tweeted @ 15 Aug 2016 - 23:37 UTC

I love because I can share my thoughts without being censored.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Jackson Palmer and Nick Tomaino has liked my tweet.

I love because I can openly share my views and opinions with like-minded individuals and get rewarded for it.

ZenoTheHunter ZenoTheHunter tweeted @ 19 Aug 2016 - 11:30 UTC

I love because I can openly share my views and opinions with like-minded individuals and get rewarded for it.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I love steemit because it's making a huge difference in terms of how we look at digital currency today.

ZenoTheHunter ZenoTheHunter tweeted @ 21 Aug 2016 - 14:34 UTC

I love @steemit because it's making a huge difference in terms of how we look at digital currency today.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.


I also bitcoin users just like you, glad to promote bitcoin to become greater in the future.

BTC: 19QLeV9CshYfjZfLwFXcaXbmw84DrP7Wxs
It might be a scam, and the extra promotion Steemit won't hurt

This is a really good idea and I'm disappointed I didn't think of it first.

12.5 BTC is $7500+. That is huge man!


BTC: 1KR3rzA3E58CxnsxwTEJgEnCDNjYAt5A45

The marketing and possible exposure for this is genius!

BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o

I will pray to prevent my homelessness.

BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o


BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o

BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o

I love because... the IQ level of posters is higher than I have seen in any other social media place. #GreatReading

BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o

BTC: 1342rUmAZfbkkoRxp1RN6C5qBn1MPmd62o

DrydeFelton Dryde tweeted @ 15 Aug 2016 - 20:28 UTC

I love gives me of great impetus to blog about the important things of life.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

BTC: 129UQezpdXZpPoEnwZ3hc5ujTZev9JFZhz

Goodness gracious if I win I can finally have a place to live. I will pray.

Address: 1CU4rrJ6tN4S99EDo4bZ8yNKHEHd51HNTV

BTC 1M9vn1Fz2XpRfG21bdKmkKXXqUyrtUWtHe

How does one get a bitcoin address?

For offline creation, try: or

For online creation, try: or

The hell with Coinbase they are in the pocket of the CIA....


We're all in the pocket of the CIA...

If you have a smartphone I'd recommend you look into or to get a bitcoin wallet and address.

If you're going to eventually withdraw the funds, it's easiest to do it through Coinbase (for small amounts) or Kraken (an exchange, for large amounts). I give a guide to setting up on Coinbase at and it is currently possible to get $110 dollars of bitcoin + up to 9 SBD for $100 (less the normal Coinbase fees, of course -- but fees are everywhere and you still end up with over $105 dollars and up to 9 SBD).

I suggest your own verification first.

Proof of fund has already been provided in the original post. I wont post my real world identity for privacy reasons.

~~~ embed:763419788911767552 twitter metadata:RW5vdGNoZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Fbm90Y2hlL3N0YXR1cy83NjM0MTk3ODg5MTE3Njc1NTJ8 ~~~
BTC - 1Cvf1Z91TfERHybGepWsu7PhyULuYQkhLK

I'd like to win, this money would really helped me.
But still I think it would be nice to share them with all who have tried.

BTC: 1PuHqyjBsqQeRnEciF8hHpSj3YgngRah7f
awesome idea, that's a good way to gain a critical mass


Always happy to share in projects I believe in.

BTC deposit address 1PSB6YwxX4rxHTqHsUjnaxRJg6M1Bfj5v6

What an amazing idea, this is a cool way to extend the reach of steemit!!

BTC: 1NZUV5Mcmb3TMqWNXrcd8CHMbQA8Tandpd


good luck you all ^^

BTC: 126JxTRn5nqLwqVQgNmQPC1tPivKZP6EgN

Thank you!!!!!


~~~ embed:763489475506896896 twitter metadata:RHJha2VGbGVnZWx8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRHJha2VGbGVnZWwvc3RhdHVzLzc2MzQ4OTQ3NTUwNjg5Njg5Nnw= ~~~
stupid twitter character count.... cheers everyone and good luck!
BTC: 13GboPapTHUar2qQD3hbr69ob3zNtQpZoV

Pick random winner and I am in.

Btc: 126JxTRn5nqLwqVQgNmQPC1tPivKZP6EgN



There are 2 pages