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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem6 years ago

Not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that 1 of your downvotes won't make a difference, the change isn't to increase your downvoting power but to give you a few downvotes for free/at no mana cost, you still can only downvote based on your stake and still only one downvote per item.. I don't know what you read or what you expect, hopefully that clears it up though.

Posted using Partiko Android


Do you think mana costs kept people from downvoting offensive content?

Posted using Partiko Android

In order to do the right thing maybe.

Posted using Partiko Android

You cannot expect people to act against their own financial interests and be altruistic, it's an unrealistic expectation.

Is it really altruistic to do something in the hope of a raising STEEM value?
I would accept not to earn one single more STEEM in case this guaranteed a significantly higher STEEM price.
In other words: I would accept to get a smaller piece of the cake, if that made the cake grow a lot. :)

I just wonder if people (and also many whales) really know what their interests are? They circle jerk, upvote themselves, use bidbotes to reach a certain ROI. They actually get that great ROI, but in the meantime the STEEM price is getting lower and lower. So in my eyes they were thinking to maximize their profits but did exactly the opposite ...