Because that would create a pay yourself place and none would share their votes. Honestly people make this suggestion so often and I'm sure it has been pointed out around the discussions you've been involved in, if not you really didn't consider what would happen if there was no risk to self voting?
Idk what you think needs to be looked into, please let us know. Also, nobody is saying you can't post child porn and bid bot it to trending every single day because your a multimillionaire pedophile, we are saying that if you do there's a big risk that it will not be there long, and be buried.
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I am pretty sure 90% of steemit is self voting anymore honestly. Remove downvotes and remove self voting. Everything would go to bot upvotes. We been through this battle for the last two years and nothings changed I don't see how it would honestly. Unless bots where removed, self voting was removed so you would be forced to vote others content.
The only effective measure against self-voting is downvoting. If you are right that 90% of steemit self-voting then it is strong evidence that this proposal is needed.
I just wanna say your comments have been golden like usual, thanks for the entertainment reading through this thread.
False. The Huey Long algorithm would limit huge payouts and eliminate the ability of profiteers to extract nominal funds by manipulating rewards.
I flag trash. You have received a flag.
We need a word for the folks that paid for their reps.
Like flaggot, but for people that buy their own trophies.
Maybe, prep?
Might bend some prepper (survivalist) feelers.
Any ideas?
Something to mull over.