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RE: Step by Step guide for Steem Mining in Windows (after August 15th Hard fork)

in #steem9 years ago

Super useful post! Just one question about the batch file (step 10).

I have donwnloaded it and copied in the folder but once I right click on it, it doesn't allow me to open with notepad, but instead if I double click on it, it looks like I am running steemd.exe (the same window open and it starts to load the blockchain, hardforks etc).

Is there something wrong with it? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot for your help!


You should be able to right click on the file and then go to Open with > to select Notepad.

I only suggested to do this as a way to verify that the batch file just has the one command steemd.exe --replay in it because some may be concerned about download a batch file without checking it out first.

Anyone can create their own batch file by just make a text doc with the one line of code in it and then renaming it to a .bat extension. But they will need extensions turned on Windows Explorer settings (it's off by default).