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RE: Thoughts on Women, Oppression and Porn

in #steem9 years ago

The other side of the sex-is-power coin is much uglier. Men, on the average, are stronger than women.

The only reason a woman can travel from point A to point B without being raped, the majority of the time, is because society (mostly the men in society) has given her that power. Female sexual power exists because men play along instead of enslaving, raping, etc. But any particular man at any given time might just say screw it and stop playing along.

All of those archaic, dark-age constraints on female sexuality also doubled as constraints on men destroying society. If an average man ends up married and has a few kids under a legal/religious arrangement where he agrees to support a woman in exchange for fidelity and sex, he'll settle down and work a normal job and support society. If not, there's a risk that he will fail to contribute, or even harm society, rape women, and so forth.

It's an interesting time in society. Female sexuality can't be unchained unless something else is done to tighten the chains on male power over women. If too many average guys end up out of the gene pool because women begin to only have sex with the highest bidders or the hottest guys, we'll need labor camps or something to keep those guys in check. It's not a pretty idea.


Perhaps, though evolution has a way of dealing with this too. Testosterone plummets among less fit males who are overlooked by women. Instead of becoming more aggressive against women they usually become less. It's the alpha males who have the highest testosterone levels. Lessor males usually submit.

This is why we should have female-only societies like bonobos, killer whales and elephants. The males are lone wolves who exist outside of the group while the females have the protection of the group. It makes a lot more sense than what we have now. This is the evolutionary reason that males don't form strong bonds with one another and why they have more physical strength. Because they are meant to go solo and have to be able to protect themselves.