The Importance of Dogfooding in Steemit

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, I’m @andrarchy, the new Head of Communications and Advocacy for Steemit, Inc. But today, I don’t want to talk about me or my plans, I want to talk about the importance of eating dog food. Specifically, your own dog food.

No one knows exactly how the term “eating your own dog food” originated. In the 1980s, commercials for Alpo dog food always had their pitchman point out that he fed Alpo dog food to his own dogs. Others say the term came from the President of Kal Kan Pet Food who would, supposedly, eat a can of the company’s dog food at the annual shareholders meeting.

For those who prefer a video version of this content:

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Delighting Users

What matters for us is not the origins of this concept, but the fact that the entire software industry has long since adopted this phrase to mean the standard practice of using one’s own products. The question is not so much whether one should dogfood, but the right way to dogfood.

Steemit’s Unique Challenges

At Steemit, we are faced with a unique set of challenges that have complicated the issue of proper dogfooding. As the authors of the open source software that powers (called Condenser), there are certainly a plethora of ways that we can use our product that do not necessitate the acceptance of rewards.

Two Products

However, is not our only product. We are also the architects of the Steem blockchain protocol and the primary developers behind updates to that protocol. Unlike most blockchain projects, our mission has always centered around building a blockchain protocol that was capable of powering real web applications from the moment it launched. That’s why we released around the same time we released the Steem blockchain; to show off what it could do.


It wasn’t long before took off and we had our hands full developing a state-of-the-art front end while simultaneously updating a state-of-the-art back end to keep up with that rapid growth. At the same time, the crypto bull market provided us with plenty of capital to support that development. During that phase of growth, declining rewards did not seem like an issue. But times have changed. We now know the important role that plays in the Steem ecosystem and the importance of making the user experience on this site as pleasurable as possible. We have an amazing and trustworthy team that has made rapid progress under challenging circumstances. If they are allowed to use this platform as freely as any user, that progress will be made even faster.

That’s why I plan to encourage Steemit team members to accept rewards on, and Steem generally. While is certainly important, it is only important inasmuch as it shows off what the Steem blockchain can do and is no longer the only application flexing Steem’s muscles. Steemit, Inc. team members need to be free to use any Steem application if they are going to understand the needs of app developers and the users of their apps.

Appreciating Our Position

We understand our privileged position within this ecosystem and we have to be vigilant about maintaining an open dialogue both within the company and within the community about what is appropriate Steem usage for Steemit team members. It is my hope that this post will be the beginning of that conversation, not the end of it.

At the same time, however, I believe it is important that we not be too restrictive. One of Steem’s unique value propositions is that it is an open source protocol that rewards content creators in valuable cryptocurrency tokens. There are countless platforms that Steemit team members can use to publish our content for no rewards and there are many with more users.

Real-Time User Feedback

But there is only one platform on which we can publish our content and receive rewards based entirely on the votes of our users, and that is the platform we created. It’s not possible to “eat our own dog food” without taking advantage of the one feature that makes our product unique and that has the added benefit of providing us with direct feedback from our users. No other platform has the ability to tell us in real time exactly how valuable they believe our contributions to be. For that reason, it is important that we try not to limit our use of the platform unduly, for the more we do so, the more we deprive Steemit team members of valuable feedback.

The more restrictive we are with our ability to dogfood, the less inclined we will be to use our product and the more disconnected we will become from the Steem user base. For that reason, I do not believe that we should attempt to develop complex systems or rule sets to govern our usage of the platform, but instead leave it to social norms that result from our interactions with one another through the platform as members of the Steem community.

Trusting Steem?

Either Steem has everything necessary to enable its users (including Steemit team members) to self-regulate, or someone must add the features necessary to enable that self-regulation. The only way to learn what those features are is for the people developing those solutions to use them freely.

More Than Dogfooding

While this article covers what I believe to be the most important justifications for Steemit team members to have free usage of the Steem blockchain (which would include accepting rewards), I also believe that there are other reasons that are less tangible but potentially equally as important. To me, Steem doesn’t just reward content creators, it helps to build storytellers and I believe that storytelling is a priceless skill.

The Importance of Storytelling

Few people are naturally inclined to storytelling. The fact that our compensation is almost never directly tied to our ability to tell stories causes this skill to go underdeveloped in so many of us. The tragedy is that there are almost no occupations in which the ability to tell compelling stories around what you are doing is not a tremendous competitive advantage. In fact, I believe that there is arguably no more important skill in life than the ability to tell stories that capture people’s attention and makes them excited about what you are trying to do to make things better. For me this is one of the little-known “killer apps” of Steem; it rewards people for developing the most valuable life-skill imaginable.

Feedback Welcome

But what do you think? As I wrote earlier, this should be a collaborative process. We need to know how our users feel about everything we are doing. It is my hope that this encouragement will lead our team members to use this platform in a way that gives users a more direct insight into what they are working on. More importantly, I hope it encourages them to share why they are doing what they’re doing. What are their motivations, and what are they trying to accomplish? Do you agree? Let me know in the comments section below!

Head of Communications and Advocacy

P.S. I plan to use whatever SBD I earn on this post to support community-led efforts.

There are 2 pages

I've always been shocked to think your team nearly never uses Steem. Yet is making decisions. :)

I don't think you can understand a user experience with out.. Well, having a user experience.

I am glad to hear this and I think they can and should accept rewards.

The community can either vote or not... :)

Glad to hear it. Yeah it seems kind of obvious, but given our unique situation, it's also a more delicate situation than most companies have to face. But I think our team understands their privileged position and will use the platform accordingly. It's not that we won't make mistakes, we will, that's precisely the point. It is only by making those mistakes that we will learn they are mistakes and change our behaviors. Community isn't about widespread agreement, it's about widespread discussion. I have total confidence that everyone on the team is capable of having mature, well-reasoned discussions with our users and that the value of those discussions will be priceless. Thanks for the comment!

Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

I just added my opinion...

Bring on the dogfood! 😀🐕🥑

I just gave you 4 cents! I feel so...

I tried to give you 26 cents, but, you declined payout on your reply 😂

😂 Old habits die hard!

great post!

and i don’t care what you guys do with your rewards. but think it’s great to start receiving them!

be a product of your product!

i’m just happy to see you guys being much more active!

that’s a huge win for steem. and steemit as well.

and congrats on the new position!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks Jon! And don’t think I don’t see what you’ve been up to ;) Keep up the good work!

Hi @andrarchy

Steemit is one of the best things that have happened on the internet so far and I think we have only seen the start of what this platform will do for people all over the world.

Many new members need help at the start when they post or comment so they don't have to make the mistake of being flagged.
There are many rules to deal with and many do not read the Steemit FAQ

I always use a link to Steemit FAQ on my posts and hope that many see it and click on the link.

A link to the Steemit FAQ should come automatically when an article / post is written at the bottom. This will help more people read the Steemit FAQ and get a better understanding of Steemit

Congratulations on the new position, Andrew!

I'm actually quite happy to see that this post will have some rewards.

Because IMO the biggest problem with declining rewards is always that other people are less incentivized to vote/curate, meaning the visibility by ranking in hot/trending is a lot lower and posts might not get the reach it should receive.

Now, if it's about making sure rewards are going to the right end, then beneficaries could be a solution.

But in any way - while I can fully understand that writing high-quality posts isn't always a realistic option when having too much to do already, giving Steemit Inc. employees more incentives to actually be active on their own platform - I think that's a great step!

Thanks and great points all around, including the beneficiaries idea.

Always good to see your cute little avatar ;)

This particular conversation brings up the transparency issue. Should each team member be freely able to use unlimited socks, then their actions on the blockchain will be cryptic.

While for many normal users this may be entirely expected, given the position of Steemit, and the potential for conflict of interest Steemit devs might be able to profitably employ due to their work on development, I'd recommend careful consideration of unrestricted botting, socks, and other specifics.

I'm not advocating for anything but prudence and diligence regarding potential issues that may arise if no guidelines or hard limits are effected.


Nobody is asking for the people behind some of the now many other businesses/front-ends on Steem to stop posting/accepting rewards. Nor would it make sense to demand that from new businesses we want to see start up here or migrate to Steem. So why should it be different for Steemit Inc employees? To the contrary, I would say it may make even less sense for them.

Good points, glad I wasn't totally off base

I'm all for it.

Yes, your position is a bit different from all the other users on this platform, but that doesn't mean you're not part of it. I feel like it would be good for everyone if employees of Steemit, Inc. and 'the users' grew closer - that includes reading, writing, rewarding each other.

I also think more communication is better, for the community, but also for 'outsiders' who might sometimes be researching who is working on the Steem Blockchain Protocol.

My pragmatic view is that you'll discover along the way what is/feels reasonable and what does not regarding posting and 'mining rewards'.

I'd be excited to read more coming from a variety of people from Steemit, Inc., plus I very much agree with @whatsup's comment: this is the best way to User Test the platform as well and grow the ' wish-list' on the go :D

Agree on all fronts!

I am okay with the Steem Inc. team using Steemit and receiving rewards, but I do believe transparency is needed. How about mandating that they identify themselves as an employee of Steem Inc?

In that way, we can see who is voting for them and who they are voting for.

Transparency is the foundation for trust.

Great idea! Thanks for the feedback

Congrats on being the new Head of Communications and Advocacy for Steemit, Inc. Get ready to open that fresh can of dog food. lol :)


lol ... there will be plenty more coming up.

We have an amazing and trustworthy team ...

For sure ... but why don't you just introduce the complete team with all its members? Who are you all from Steemit, Inc.? Other companies proudly present their employees on their websites ... Are you a software company or a secret organisation? :)

Apart from that, yes, of course: start using your own product to make experiences every 'normal' user is making, as well!
Do you remember when @elipowell couldn't answer comments on one of her first articles because she was lacking resource credits? Of course she got delegated some STEEM power rather quickly ... but nevertheless, I think it was a very useful experience ...

Paradox here to be addressed...

No other platform has the ability to tell us in real time exactly how valuable they believe our contributions to be.

In theory, this sounds excellent.

However: bidbots.

Look at the trending page... are the posts with highest payouts those that the community actually values most?

At the beginning of Steemit, likely. Now, no. They are typically the ones that have had the biggest promotional budgets.

For that reason, it is important that we try not to limit our use of the platform unduly, for the more we do so, the more we deprive Steemit team members of valuable feedback.

Again, sounds good in theory. Though in the context clarified above - Steemit team members may not actually be being provided accurate feedback - if referring to the valuation of content - given that the numbers of those “valuations” are not organically-driven, but largely swayed by the gaming mechanisms offered via bidbot services.

Unfortunately, while I can see the dilemma, I don’t see the solutions.

Don’t mean to be venturing off-track from the “dogfooding” topic, nor intending for this comment to be a ‘complaint’of any sort, though just to clarify the flaw in that fundamental statement quoted above as it is a significant one...

I reckon that is an extremely important point, and one that will be critical for Steemit to address, particularly as team members are posting and seeking rewards.

What if Steemit itself, or members of the team, set up their own bidbots? What if they buy votes? These are matters that will impact the team and Steemit quite directly now that they're going to be posting and receiving rewards.

Eyes will be opened and let's hope beneficial changes are effected to improve promotional mechanisms. I've always been disappointed that the Promoted tab wasn't more useful and that profiteering via bots has been incentivized instead.

There are many negatives that have arisen from such policy.


What if Steemit itself, or members of the team, set up their own bidbots? What if they buy votes?

Here, we run into more dilemmas...

If they were doing it for self-gain, it’s obviously a compromise of integrity for the whole platform & team. Though what if it was a move strategically done to get an important message to the forefront of users’ attention?

Granted, the ideal would be that Steemit have a dedicated section where important announcements are highlighted, separate and clearly upfront for all users to see... yet, after nearly 3 years, such a basic function / sanctioned updates area doesn’t even exist!!!

If I want to know the details of what’s happening with the latest hardfork, team developments, etc... where do I go? Seriously. This is not clear!

The only place I’ve found such info is in the news feed when people make posts about them.

“Am I dumb and missing something? Or is this such a fundamental flaw in the organization of key developmental info, that we have to find this in the midst of all other ‘normal’ content, which is likely to get buried in shitposts that’ve had bidbots push them to the top...?”


The trending page was NEVER filled with community choices, long before the bidbots. At least now if I want to and think I have something important to say, I can make it up there with an investment.

Prior to the bidbots there was NO way to get visibility and the same 10 accounts would dominate for months at a time.

Although some bad content gets on trending, some of us use our stake to try to at least remove the profits and as for the rest of the content... It is announcements and projects and things that people have invested time and money on. Which is way better in my opinion that the 10 favorite people of 10 large account holders and their sock puppets.

Just another point of view.

This thought would add on so well to my own comment I just made before reading yours. I put focus on the “dog food” user experience for team members topic but bidbots = dogpoo jumped in my mind .....of course!


All feedback is good feedback. Interesting factoid, Hivemind makes adjusting the trending algorithm a much simpler feat...

Always good to see an OG like you still hanging around :) haven't read my feedback yet

well said sir!

But is shit. And you already stated that the development of is done.

The steem blockchain is also not yours.

Development of is far from over. I can promise that. And of course the Blockchain isn’t ours, it’s decentralized.

Congrats on your promotion and it is really great to see every one at Steemit taking such an active part here and I will look forward to seeing posts/with rewards from everyone.

It is impossible to give you feedback when you mute people for providing feedback.

Dogs makes me happy that is why I love petting them, and I allow the Steemit community to pet them by feeding using the Steem blockchain. Please check it out and love to see your reactions on it. Cheers.


speaking of dogfooding ..shouldn't the video be on @dtube ?

Not if you want everybody to be able to see it.
Dtube has never worked for me, on my tablet.

Then at least BitTube may be worth a try. :)

It worked for a while for me, but that stopped some months ago, or maybe even a year. Don't recall exactly.

Youtube is hemorrhaging users, and Dtube could capitalize on that market immensely, particularly as most of the reason for the loss of users is censorship, and censorship resistance is one of the most salient features of Steem, and thus Dtube.

But, if people as savvy as we two can't even use it, that gold mine is going to be profited from by someone else.

That will make me sad.

It does glitch out every once in a while....still its useable..

Not for me, not since it stopped working.

Better luck next time bruh....

I agree that dog fooding is smart. Having people manually use the product is great, but I remember when I was a ft test engineer, I would set up many automated tests that would run in the background to catch issues.

Why can't automated testing or ai continually monitor the steemit blockchain to create a list of improvements?

When does proof of brain come back?
This proof of wallet has crippled us, imo.

...if it relies on the steem oligarchs to give away their power to make it a more meritocratic system - ...when do you think...? lol

We pushed the guy that rekt proof of brain off the top of his hill, now we need to repair what he tore up, imo.

I never really understood the whole "decline rewards" thing. One might think it's about not exploiting power and influence. But for a small user like me, it presents a dilemma. Do I not vote that thing you said, since I don't want my small vote going into the void?
If it's important to signal selflessness by declining rewards (I don't think it is), you could always designate a beneficiary!

Posted using Partiko Android should have done this from the beginning, instead of taking such a huge stake right off the top. made their bed by doing so and need to sleep in it to show integrity.

If starts taking rewards now, it's the equivalent of theft, abuse of power not earned and lying, which should not be tolerated.

Congratulations! 🎈

At long last, @andrarchy Steemit seems to have some UX interest.

And the lady heading Steemit,

  • How much SP does she have?
  • How many lifetime posts & comments has she made? And since she’s been in the saddle?

PS: Is your video on @DTube too?

This would be absolutely amazing. I would love to see more social interactions and engagement from Steemit Inc employees. It will be great to hear more from the team members and gives us an opportunity to thank them for all the hard work they have been putting in.

Moreover, insights into what goes on in Steemit Inc and beyond would definitely be a great thing to see. I am sure many would welcome the ability to connect, communicate, interact with the team. Looking forward to this.

I personally wouldn't even mind if Steemit rewarded their employees with bonus generous upvotes once in a while to boost morale and show appreciation. Sort of be a role model for other businesses that operate on Steem.

Taking this idea even further, I would like to share a thought. Does Steemit Inc have an interest in investing in Steem based Dapps? Many Dapps are or will be seeking funding outside of Steem. Some have shown great progress, proven to be solid projects with potential for a great success. If Steemit Inc invested in promising ones, that would diversify Inc's revenue streams, show vote of confidence and pave the way for other investors to come in, and further decentralize Steem itself.

There is one other user on here just like you, that user would go onto other people post and post comment but that user never reply to her own post, where most of her follower put comment on her post but she ignore it and she goes onto other post and post comment, when she should of reply to her own followers, i forgot her name when i remember i will let u know. And i told her about it too, she is always on neoxian post.

Hey. Thanks for your concern and keeping track of my commenting habits. :)

her name is @blazing .

Her? lol

Long time i haven't hear anything from u, ok its him.

I'm here every day 😎

This story was recommended by Steeve to its users and upvoted by one or more of them.

Check @steeveapp to learn more about Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface.

Genuinely good news. Would it be possible to get a list of these employees so I can follow them?

I'll be sure to resteem any of their posts

Not sure you can commit to that, given socks. Might wanna give that some thought.

Totally in support, I've always thought it was weird and a mistake for Steemit team members to always decline rewards.

Congratulations on the new position!

Thanks man, glad to hear you support the decision. And thanks for the congrats :) Hope you're doing well. Send my regards to @beanz


There are so few Steemit employees at this point. 😏

I’ve never understood why so few of them seem to actually use the blockchain.

Totally onboard with this. Aligned incentives make for a motivated team.

Exactly! Good to see you!

You too man! Really enjoyed meeting you. Every video you do I watch your wrists now lol

Yes, eat and live of your own least you should have the option to do so.

If you guarantee that non of Steem Inc’s or associates use they stake to upvote you

I think it’s fine .... can you guarantee that ?

STEEMITINC must have a lot of promotional offers so they won't eat much of their own dog meals.

I applaud you encouraging Steem developers to start accepting Steem for their posts.

Nice to be able to reward you @andrarchy!
You're definitely one of Steemit Inc's greatest assets
Cheers and best of luck with your new title!

Point Form! No ones eating that dog food!

I think this is a great reflection of the change occuring around the ecosystem as engagement and feedback starts to flow both ways which is different than it was in the past. We have shown resilience and can now work together to provide what we need to move forward and create value. Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have no qualms with the Steemit team using the application itself and gaining rewards from doing so. I can see why many do avoid payouts because technically it is a conflict of interest. As an employee, while you can't game the system without people realising, your celebrity does afford you a higher chance of getting upvotes from influential whale-like users in the community.

If anything, maybe Steemit employees using the service itself will allow them to experience first-hand the problems that plague the concept itself. The flag brigading, the power and wealth inequality that faces this problem and the rampant spam that seems to make it to trending all of the time. There are serious core problems with Steem itself, problems that only STINC can fix and the more employees who can enact real change from within experience those problems, the higher the chance something gets done about them.

By the way, welcome. I sincerely hope that you actively engage with the community. As I am sure you are aware, Steemit Inc has a poor track record when it comes to community engagement and transparency. I have noticed after the turbulence a few months ago that led to the Steem Alliance and other community-led change initiatives, that @ned and the company itself seems to be really trying.

Now that we have the communication, we really need Smart Media Tokens (SMT's) to be launched, delivering on a core whitepaper promise.

Congratulations on your new position.

I likewise disagree with many people's habit of declining payout on many posts that potentially should not be declined for. Steem is in at least one sense like a stock, not just in the Steemit company, but in the community, and what we are creating together. To deny rewards for posts and divorce users that are contributing to it from it? Well that's just stupid. There is a real benefit for employees of Steemit in regards to publicity, which can also be a curse. But that also means that they have real stake in Steem that is constantly growing as they tell everyone about their life and work in addition to any liquid Steem they may acquire at any time.

At the very least they could just donate the rewards to some effort. That's fully built in to the Steem system. Instead they're declining the rewards and just putting it back into the pool, which doesn't always reward the best authors or efforts lately.

If someone is posting on behalf of someone other than themselves, they should possibly donate the rewards, but otherwise, they should just post like everyone else. Hell, we got a ton of services upvoting their own comments on here to reward themselves, and yet the people putting the most into steem are declining rewards all the time and not even really posting regularly? Ehh... It doesn't make sense.

Many good points, thanks for the feedback.

Steemit team also should get STEEM like everyone else like politicians also get Dollars like everyone else. That is democracy.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm all for Steemit, Inc. team members receiving rewards. I think if my feeling were otherwise, I wouldn't have too much confidence in this whole crypto and social media platform. While a conflict of interest may exist here, said conflict isn't proof that impropriety is occurring.

Example: I live in an area where a shipping company recently put up a distribution center. The property they built on was formerly an abandoned industrial lot that was used as a trash dump by passers-by and as a toilet for the local homeless population. The developer, who had connections to city hall, came in, purchased the property, renovated it, and built the distribution center with their own money and at their own risk. Now it's a nice looking building (for a building used by the trucking industry that is) with a landscaped facade and productive things happening there.
People in my area were up in arms because only a few permanent jobs were created and the above-mentioned connections with city hall. My question for them is: what crime did they commit here? They took a large acreage blighted property and turned it into something nice looking and productive. Things are better now because of it. That's all anyone can see or prove is happening. The city even gets the benefit of higher tax roles on the improved property and the commercial activity that the site generates.

In summary, this conflict of interest does not prove any impropriety occurred. It's just something to watch out for, and I'm sure the Steemit and Steem communities will let you guys know if they think you're stepping out of line (as if that would be something new ;)). I have no problem holding people accountable for their actions, but I often do have a problem holding them accountable for what they might do, but aren't doing.

Exactly, and because everything is happening on an open and decentralized ledger, people will be able to see everything we're doing and let us know if they disagree with our actions. Thanks for the comment!

I reckon you're right on the money. I'd recommend some appropriate guidelines, because there's definitely a lot of potential for conflict of interest. Further, I really hope that specific limitations on flagging pertain. The optics of Steemit or it's employees censoring feedback from the community presents potentially nightmarish consequences.

This won't be a walk in a park, as much as a minefield, unless care is exercised. I'd be pretty surprised if team members weren't already using socks that were not acknowledged to be accounts of Stinc team members to post. That's another potential minefield that neither Stinc nor Steem can afford to tread lightly.

On a positive note, I'd really recommend your team throw themselves into the dapps and feel around for ways they can be better empowered to grow the market for Steem, or for impediments that hold them back.


Thanks! I actually don't think we have anyone posting through sock accounts, which is not to say people don't have multiple accounts. That is well within their rights. Whether people are posting to sock accounts is not something I'm likely ever going to be able to disprove, so I'm not likely to pay too much attention to that issue. I know the people I work with, their level of integrity, and nothing other than their actions will dissuade me of that. I also know that they're far too busy working to do much else, which is my bigger concern and why I want them to be incentivized to post. If Steemit employees wind up doing things that are immoral, dishonest, or otherwise behave in a way that is grossly inappropriate given their position, then evidence of that behavior would constitute grounds for dismissal. That being said, there is no question in my mind that none of our current staff would ever intentional behave in that manner. Incentivizing team members to use public and auditable accounts is the best way to solve this problem.

I agree that flagging is an especially perilous area for us to wander into, especially for those team members with a large amount of Steem Power. We'll see how it goes, but given the people we are talking about, I'm not especially concerned that they will do anything the community will have issues with, but we'll just have to wait and see.

I appreciate the substantive reply. I am comforted you approach these issues with reason and careful consideration. Some time ago (several months at least) I was flagged pretty hard by a Stinc dev, and was gratified to be supported by unexpected members of the community.

This was long before your relationship with Stinc began, so it had no bearing on your work. It was recalled in relation to this post, so I thought to mention the issue.

You are having a salubrious impact IMHO, and I am glad to see vastly improved community relations, and the apparent trend towards continuing improvement.

Just carry on. You seem to have it in hand.


Yeah I think I know to whom you are referring and they are no longer with us. Glad you think things are going in the right direction. While I don't know if I have it "in hand" I certainly feel good about where things are headed ;) Thanks for the thoughtful (and positive) comment

Appropriate guidelines is the key !

I gave a token downvote just so you could feel the full user experience of posting ;) haha

But honestly I'm glad you're posting and it was a good post.

haha, thanks!

I guess I'm off the topic of the post.
But you can ignore or disregard my concern if you wish.
If ever you want to hear it.
Here it goes:
I would not cover on steem blockchain in general but specifically on Steemit, Inc.
As I could see it, there are many accounts with less SP/steem in their accounts and few have huge SP/steem in their accounts.
It seems that there is a wide gap of difference between the two, the less and the much.
My questions are:
Is this some kinda abuse of power?
Is this some kinda like a traditional centralized company?
Could we not limit the hodling of SP/steem and make some adjustments in order to shorten the gap that I was referring to?

My analysis is still holding:
"Decentralization will always be a myth."

Eat your “dog food” or even your “own” Poo! Write or don’t write!
Vote or don’t vote! Cheat, circle-jerk or be a value to your community. It’s the beauty of being “HERE” and decentralized thinking. It’s called freedom to do what “we” want to do.

I did not even know that employees are not allowed to be rewarded nor do I know what’s going on behind scene. Who got fired or hired?
So! Bring it on and open some cans! I would love to gain trust again for “Steemit.Inc.” through meeting the entire team and find out more of who they are.
I am lucky enough that I met a few of those interesting people in person but not sure if they still work with the company.

Congratulations for the next level Andrew and your rewards for this article. 💥

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @mammasitta! There are some challenges around revealing the identities of Steemit employees, but it is my hope that by encouraging them to contribute, we can help pull back some of the curtain. It's important to realize that many of these people are extremely security conscious (there's a reason we've had so few hacks ;) ) and many have very good reasons for that. But I do plan to work with all of them to come up with ways for them to communicate with the community that they are comfortable with (e.g. audio only).

My apology for my late reply due an exciting weekend. 😜
I do understand the challenges you face and my hopes never vanished that we will head in the right direction. Your article was uplifting and your comment even more! 🙏

Congrats for the new position!

Hey @andrarchy! I heard your story from the @coruscate vlog. It's really amazing to have people like you behind the project!
Nice to meet you and cheers from Italy! 🇮🇹

Thanks I appreciate that!

Congratulations @andrarchy!
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This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.

"Steemit team members to have free usage of the Steem blockchain"

Hopefully the team members will be hyper aware of the fact that, like it or not, they will be seen as role models of how to "use the Steem blockchain". I would hope a role model would truly engage with the platform. He or she would not only create content, but also consume content. He or she would not only accept rewards but also vote or delegate to assign rewards to content, curation projects, developers, curators, etc who bring value to Steemit. Quality content creators are especially in need of a boost right now. Perhaps participation by the team will help to attract new creators, bring back old ones who have left, and retain the creative and talented people who are here grinding away every day to try and make the tastiest dogfood ever.

I look forward to engaging with the team!

I totally agree with this... one of our greatest issues here is not just onboarding new users like most people think, but retaining them. We've lost a lot of talents in the past and it would be so good to let everyone know that they're welcome here again.


I've always been shocked to think your team nearly never uses Steem. Yet is making decisions.

I don't think you can understand a user experience with out.. Well, having a user experience.

I am glad to hear this and I think they can and should accept rewards.

The community can either vote or not.chunky is dog food.and,it is a ready to open that fresh can of dog food.Pedigree Chunky Ground Dinner With Beef, Bacon & Cheese Can..

USD $1.35.

Your best buddy deserves a hearty meal that also is nutritious. PEDIGREE Chunky Ground Dinner With Beef, Bacon & Cheese Canned Dog Food provides the,| 0. 307 Stemper | 0. 000 steam 0 106 words

posted using Partiko iOS.
& price know google Search..

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