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RE: How Medium Can Morally Monetize In One Month Using STEEM

in #steem8 years ago

I didn't want to get into the specifics with this article, however, were I advising Medium I would say that in the short run they should buy a bunch of Steem Power ($1 million would be nothing for them but it would immediately turn them into whales/major shareholders) which would guarantee that if the price of Steem went up, they would benefit monetarily. There is zero question that were they to purchase SP and then announce their adoption of the STEEM blockchain the price of STEEM would immediately skyrocket and they would make a windfall. I would then advise them to integrate STEEM and leverage its posting, commenting, upvoting, etc. mechanisms. They could generate additional revenue by using their account to share the most valuable content being posted on their platform and receive upvotes for doing so. With millions of users, those upvotes would be non-trivial. I would then advise them to immediately start developing a STEEM sidechain which would be their own steem-based-smartcoin which they can control and design to maximize their upside. Using a sidechain would allow them to switch from STEEM to their own solution with ease once the new chain is ready. Using their own sidechain would then allow them to capture more of the value being created by their users.