
in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I seem to be bringing a lot of new people to steem. At least 10 in the last few weeks, and I'm sure most of them will stay for the long hall. After we get a base community going strong we plan on recruiting more people. The problem is that we can't really think of a good way to get a large group of people interested in steem. Part of the problem is the content itself, or to be more specific, how it is organised. Sure you can look at individual tags, but that doesn't do enough for people to see a specific type of content. People don't want to only see massive essays, sometimes they want to see and make smaller posts. Both of these might be within the same category, science for example, but they may still be wildly different types of content. That is one reason why sub-reddits seem to recruit and function better than the steemit interface. What do you all think the solution is? (I'm asking for everything here, fixing the front-end, recruiting people, etc)


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This is a good point.

While Steem is a blockchain, and thus all content is effectively permanent... BUT, they have no method available for long term organization, so content is effectively lost a few weeks after it is posted unless one goes out of their way to provide another interface for their posts.

I can bring more people for sure

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