I totally agree with you. We need the powerful to take the issue forward. I am sorry I got involved because a white middle class 'wrinkly' with no experience really of the www other than using it as a fantastic research tool and publisher of my 'ramblings'; I only thought an Arbiter would help those who feel aggrieved and enable them to get redress from somewhere, without having to resort to anger. I understand their frustrations. I also understand the other side too. There is a need for someone to stop malicious content. I hope you understand I am not involved, just an outsider who tried to put another point of view forward. I agree nor disagree with anything. I have suggested this to both of the above. X
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I understand and I also see that you have some of the yummiest recipes on steemit. I followed you.
You are so kind. I do feel bad about getting involved with the discussion on 'trolls'. I cannot keep my big mouth shut!!! X