Hello everybody 😀!
I hope you are all doing great and be still "alive and kicking" regardless of this hard fork that is going on the last couple of weeks and the truth is, it has brought, the whole Crypto world, down to his knees!
This is a vicious battle and hopefully will end soon without anymore casualties!!
Here in Steem community, there are some inspiring moves happening which I think and hope, will get things rolling a little bit and may result into creating something of real value!
The first one I read, which I really liked, is this contest from @blocktrades and @anomadsoul. I think all steemians that are very active, posting 2 to 3 times per week, should take part; And you never know, you may end up being the one that will get the full support of @blocktrades for a month 😉.
As for me, I would love to take part in this contest just for the sheer pleasure and excitement of it, if nothing else but maybe that would be 7 or 8 months ago, that I was professionally engaged with Steem and I was active with posts, sometimes twice a day!
Now things have changed and I am only here when my schedule allows me to, but the truth is that I always love to come and spend time here since I have loved this community dearly and I have met some really beautiful people, inside and out.
And by saying beautiful, I want to show my full support for @loveisintheair that she is one of the contestants! It happens that I know first hand a lot more than the rest of the Steemians do about the work and the personal effort she has given into the Greek Steem community.
I hope you win girl and I say it from the bottom of my heart 💖💖!!
So here is @loveisintheair entry post:
The other one is by @ned and it's about his livestream! I think that this is a good move from Ned, a good leader should always stay in touch with his people.
Given the circumstances, this is the only way to communicate on a one-on- one level, grasp the reality and be able to create the best possible future!
This is his post:
And last but not least by all means and my favourite, is by @hr1!! This is something that if it will work - and I don't see why it won't - will really change the page that we are looking at!! The following is what initially caught my attention and I think many will relate!
"Originally the main financial incentive for powering up was curation. But this currently isn’t working because the reward distribution is not working. Only a small fraction of good content gets good rewards.Why is that? There is like 20 thousand new posts created on Steem every day. But with no content discovery mechanism people are unable to find good pieces. And if most of the good posts never reach their readers, nobody will reward them. Then in turn, if good posts often don’t get good rewards, there is no incentive to search for them and upvote them (other than purely altruistic). In this situation there is just no reason why people should power up."
I would also add to this, that good quality posts, if they get no response, they stop existing! It is only a matter of time!
We live in a world that is based on the continuous exchange of energy, in all forms!!! EXCHANGE!!!!
Here I have to say, that I do not know @hr1 but he was one of the VERY few people that supported me back when nobody would dare to, after I had been flagged earlier this year.
There is more to read about this amazing project in his post:
More info about this projest, at this post as well by @steeveapp:
Thank you @hr1 for doing such a good job 🙂!
Σε ευχαριστώ και εγώ από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου και για την στήριξη και για τα όμορφα σου τα λόγια!!!!💋😊💗💖💝
Είσαι με πολύ απλά λόγια..Υπέροχη!!!!!
Και μπορεί να μην κερδίσαμε, αλλά δεν πτοούμαστε καθόλου!!
Υ.Γ. Ετοιμάζω κρέπες με πραλίνα τώρα και μάφινς με μπανάνα-σοκολάτα...
Είμαι απλά αληθινή!! Ξέρεις, ότι ποτέ δεν λέω κάτι περισσότερο ή διαφορετικό από αυτό νοιώθω 😘!!!
Χαχαχα δεν πειράζει, την επόμενη φορά θα είσαι πιο τυχερή, είμαι σίγουρη για αυτό 😊💖💖 !!!
Υ.Γ. Ανυπομονώ για Σοκολατολιχουδιές και Γουακομόλε όταν βρεθούμε 💋💋💋💋
Το ξέρω πολύ καλά αυτό!!!
Ε και βέβαια, θα έχουμε ότι τραβάει η όρεξή μας!!🍩🍫🥐🍕🌮🥞💗💗