
Wow... I have heard many times that poloniex is not good, this is another one.
Do someone knows what is the best exchange or alternative that uses STEEM?

Mmmm, look, I´m working with Bittrex, LiveCoin and Cryptopia. And really thinking about close my Poloniex account.
Then I´m wainting for NVO EXCHANGE... check out

Have you contacted Poloniex's customer support?

Yep, never check my ticket; now and i´m writing a mail.

Did you deposit straight STEEM from your wallet to Poloniex? Or did you convert it to BTC first? In the future I recommend converting first to BTC then depositing it to Poloniex as BTC and then buying STEEM on there. I have been doing that and have had no issues with BTC, but I have read quite a few posts where people have lost alt coins transferring, but no solutions yet. I hope you find one.

No, I deposited steem from my wallet to @poloniex in steemit. But Never sent to my Poloniex Account.