My Goal for This Post is to encourage you to Invest in Cryptocurrencies or at least Consider Investing!
- The WHOLE cryptomarket has Grown over 600% in just Half a Year.
- From 17 Billions in January 1 2017
- To 102 Billions Today July 5th 2017!
- People are Investing Enormous amounts of Money in Crypto
- There is so Much Growth happening.
- People all over the Globe are becoming Crypto-Millionaires Every day.
- It's not a Hyped-Fairytale anymore.
Crypto is Real, and it's Here.
Is Crypto a Bubble or does it solve a Real problem in a way that Banking system can not?
- After "Internetization" of the World, everything moving to Online, Countries and Borders can not stop us from buying and selling goods to each other Anymore.
- We are buying low in China reselling with mark-up in Sweden while sitting at home in London.
- We are creating Software that is Used all over the World.
- Traditional Banks Make it a pain in the butt to be able to Exchange goods
- Extremely High Transaction fees.
- 3-7 Day Transaction approval wait
- When Buying from other Countries, in most cases you Have to Call your Bank to Approve the Transaction!
- Crypto just Solves all those problems and connects the whole planet.
- It makes it Easier/Faster/Safer to Trade!
- Make No mistake, many Online websites are starting to implement Crypto-payments
- When Huge-Mainstream Companies will Add Crypto to their accepted payment methods, Crypto-currencies will Skyrocket to all new Highs.
- This might happen within 5-15 Years.
- If you invested in Crypto This Year, You will potentially make Millions over these Years!
What will happen if a Global Crysis Hits the World and all Crypto-Currencies Fall!?
- The Market Stabilized within a few years, Every single time in History of Market Crashes.
- When The Crash happens, Buy More Crypto-currencies and Hold on to Those you already Have!
- This is a long-term Game! Market Crash is a Huge opportunity for you and me!
- Why? Because the Prices fall and some currencies will be cheaper than ever
- You can always wait for the Crash and invest then, but no one can tell for sure when it will happen
- 1 Year from now or 5 Years or 2 weeks?
- You could have been using that time to Already grow your Investments!

- Please don't Miss out on these opportunities!
- You can create a Financial Abundance for Life, you just have to Put in work Upfront!
- You absolutely can Have a beautiful life and not being Chained by Monthly Bills can truly help!
- That's what Crypto will do for Your life...
It's not Easy at all!
- It might sound too good to be true, but it's really not that simple and Easy!
- You have to know the market and Understand it well, before investing!
- Just Following the Hype and Throwing money at what's Hot Today Will Most Likely Fail you!
- But if You invest into Blockchains that solve real problems and have Great Teams behind.
- If You go an extra mile to Really understand Crypto/Blockchain Technology/ Trading etc. You will Crush it!

Crypto is risky.. as life XD
THIS. Only invest what you can afford to lose!
click here!This post received a 2.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @adil! For more information,
which coin is a good to invest atm?
i wanted to, but i still can't figure out how this things is working.
I will be making many Posts on this Topic!
At this point: Siacoin, Golem, BAT, Bitshares are the best Low-Risk Good-potential Investements, and I will make posts explaining why Exactly!
Giga Watt(WTT), TenX(pay), Antshares - are Medium-Risk Big-Potential Investments
What do you think about ripple?
I whish If I knew about cryptocurrncies about a year ago. 😢