Do You Find This Disturbing?

in #steem7 years ago


Take a look at this.

I just opened up my wallet and saw this message from kasser stating :
"Someone has downvote you? Do you want to revenge? I represent service of downvote. Send 2 SBD or STEEM to @kaaser, and we for you will revenge. Downvote will be made from three accounts with reputation 72, 69, 65 and with a general force of 480.000 SP. For anonymity, send URL of the account which needs to be downvote on mail - + your name from which you have sent SBD or STEEM."

I would like your opinion on this. While I certainly don't begrudge others for trying to make money here on Steemit(that's part of the fun!), I must question the ethics. I don't know if there are other such services here and perhaps you could enlighten me on this.

It is an anonymous service. In my opinion, this seems to go against the openness of our community. This means that someone that doesn't agree with your opinions can downvote you into oblivion, as far as your wallet goes! My fear is that this will definitely be used as a weapon. I believe what follows is just a bad reflection of the state of affairs in the outside community. I joined Steem because it was free. Free to express my opinions with others and hopefully engage in a dialogue from which people came away both having learned something new or different or "other".
Freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and the freedom to be human must never be stepped on. Not even slightly. I see it happening on the outside world where we have to try and exist in our day to day lives. It doesn't and shouldn't be brought to our Steem community. It will lead to censorship of ideas and opinions, of thought, of word, and eventually of deed. If one cannot face their accusers here, then we have become the shattered reflection of the unreal reality.


I did not join the Steem community to put people down, nor discriminate against others. I did not come here for this. Not this.
To be controversial, to have opinions that may be different or enlightening to our spirits, yes. To share with others that sit and type their stories as I write this is how we come to understand that we are just one and the same.

I do understand we can refuse to use this service and let nature takes it course. However, knowing human nature, someone, somewhere, at some time, will use it as a weapon. You know such people. They would cut off their nose to spite their face. Sorry, that's not why I am here.

Please leave a comment.
I am interested in what your thoughts are on this matter.
Thank you!




why steemit has this kind of vote system? I hate it....since I am new to here. I have to pay someone to up vote for it...why don't they just get rid of this kind of stupid rule. Newbie can't even survive without paying for bot voter.

I know what you mean. I put up 100's of articles and most didn't make me money. It was only after a while as my reputation number increased and I accumulated more SP that things picked up. The low price of steem has sure effected my voting power. I used to have a dollar twenty five per vote ($1.25) and now it is about 20 cents($0.21). I have used voting services and it may help slightly. I am not sure how good they are in the long term. Also, when you use a upvote bot, it also helps the voters and commenters. About 19 to 25% of the payout gets divided between them.
Hang in there. Keep posting those quality posts and it will get brighter!

What do you think of the ethics?


Also thanks for your up vote my comment. This is the most earn reward so far since I joined.

You're welcome my friend.

life is always unfair, same as steemit.

Think positive. We are what we think. Think good things and they will become your reality. Keep smiling!

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

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Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.

Good luck to you!Hi @acwood I will be grateful if you subscribe to my blog @user2627