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RE: The Future is Here - Cryptocurrency will not be Stopped - A Rant

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Tommorrow land! We are almost here!
This is a real modern day city!

Looks like a crazy CGI image of some futuristic city doesnt it?
This is just a photo of the Vancouver Skyline! It already LOOKS like a tommorrow land type city!

The Pleadians have alot to say about money and how Extra Terrestrial civilizations dont really use money but probobly some sort of blockchain like system, and i wouldnt be suprised if extra terrestrials gave us bitcoin to change the plant the same way they changed the planet giving us Fiber Optics, Lasres and SemiConductors putting us on a 300 year boost, accordng to Philip Corso in The day After Roswell after the 1949 uf crash retrieval where he got the tech that was given to Bell Labs and by the sixties developed modern personal computers via semiconductors and microprocessors, and then fiberoptics to allow for the internet to happen....(I even remember seeing documentaries about how fiber optics had already been been perfected in the 1970s and how we didn't have much use for it until the world wide web happened in the 1990s , and its just been one big wild ride, and when u think about technology, what has really changed in the last fifty years besides the computer chips and lasers and fiber optics as most of our technology now is all based on those essential ingredients
...the internet is a type 1 civilization communication network! its almost too advanced for us being only a type 0.6 civilization! And Bitcoin or the Blockchain is a type 1 civilization communication system!

This is now the fourth industrial revolution, and i cant wait to see the fifth industrial revolution!

blockchain is like the Type 1 civilization Monetary system!

here is another real photo of the Marina bay hotel in Singapore

and sometimes you just have to be reminded of the Burj Khalifa...I guess even the pyramids were built with slave labor

how is this not the future?