
Come on.... we are this close.

Here is my 4th votting contribution.
Screenshot_20181019-214747.pngEverone should vote for Steem. A veey close contest with verge. You are right @ace108 it is a situation like now and never. I am fully hopeful that Steem will be a winner.

Good job.

Done Voted today

Good job.

In addition to the 24 hour voting rule, You can vote as many times as you have Email Addresses

One vote per email

You can use the private browser mode, use a different browser, or different computer for each email address.

I've done a couple too.

@ ace108 hello dear friend, the contest is very close, now we are first but we must not stop voting, this changes every moment, we must not neglect
thank you very much for joining the bid
I wish you a great day

you're welcome. thanks for coming by.
I just voted my last which is past 20th at my part of the world.

Everyone is doing great we are at the NO 1 Spot leading too