This comment rings all my bells. First, it's a bot. Second, it's spam. Third, it's completely antithetical to human interaction, apparently a justification of a bot automatically flagging a person for participating in society, fourth, it's an obvious attempt to censor people for disagreement in principle. Lastly, it's an egregious example of self voting using a network of socks.
All of these things damage Steem, and folks that want Steem to succeed should be flagging this comment, this bot, and this network.
This comment rings all my bells. First, it's a bot. Second, it's spam. Third, it's completely antithetical to human interaction, apparently a justification of a bot automatically flagging a person for participating in society, fourth, it's an obvious attempt to censor people for disagreement in principle. Lastly, it's an egregious example of self voting using a network of socks.
All of these things damage Steem, and folks that want Steem to succeed should be flagging this comment, this bot, and this network.
Look at this silly twat making manual comments. Someone has too much time on their hands!!