To clear things up, I am not involved with steem alliance and I didn't submit a proposal. Although I did comment and provide feedback on all of those left. I also registered to vote and plan on doing so.
It was already decided that we would have a foundation. If someone wanted the foundation to serve no purpose, it would have made an interesting and simple proposal to make and evaluate.
I am sorry my previous post (linked up top) mentioning the deadline was missed by some.
Several proposals have measures in place that will make funding optional.
People recognized that a lack of funds was a serious threat to sustainability. Lowering rewards is never popular, but in my opinion it isnt the worse idea either and seems to be sufficient to ensure sustainability.
My post pay outs are so dismally low compared to my effort, losing more rewards wont really affect me. In fact I think it will mostly affect people who are trying to squeeze the block chain dry. I hope that is next on the chopping block but it won't actually add value because those people will stop when it becomes unprofitable.
Other ideas involve just collecting donations, well nothing is stopping people from doing that now and it's not working. Perhaps a proposal to get it working would be nice, but I am skeptical. There are a few proposals that try to focus on incubating or membership fees. Again I am skeptical.
Merger relies on several different methods and that is its strength. It has the lowest risk of failing and is by far the most developed and is also looking at current needs and not future ones. Since it can be assume if new needs arise it was adapt.
I'm not saying I will vote for merger, but I do think it will accelerate this entire mess and a lot of people are apathetic to the entire thing, so why drag it on?
Steemit Inc. had to fire over half its workers. I dont know if the foundation will stop the ship from sinking or raise it beyond its former glory, but I do know wasting more time won't improve things.
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I'm against financing things through delegations.
Too many have dumped their steem and left.
Honestly, i would vote nota.
But i am against hierarchies on principle.
It privileges the few at the expense of the many.
Most people are followers, they go where they are led by those they accept as authorities.
Not all bad, unless you are getting led to a slaughter.
The track record of the stakeholders makes that a nonzero probability.
Eliminating nota is a mistake, imo.
If folks want to build a foundation they should, but don't ask for community support unless you are prepared for the community not to give it.
Now the community doesn't get that choice because those invested in the project have denied it to them.
One of those proposals will be foisted on us whether we like it, or not.
The time to submit proposal has past. We cannot keep delaying it because some people were ignorant of deadlines, or didn't like the proposals that were submitted in a timely manner.
There has to be an official channel besides Steemit.
We both know Nota will fail in any case. Also, because it wasn't submitted in time, it won't add any legitimacy to the poll it may damage legitimacy since we will be making exceptions.
If it was a completely thorough and smashing good idea with a lot of support, I would sympathize with your motives, but a lot of people worked extremely hard on this and please forgive them if they think you are just trying to derail it.
Edit: Voting is entirely optional and vast majority of people didnt care to register. Now that it is closed maybe we can get an idea,
Saying things confidently doesnt necessarily make them true.
Nota can be included up until the post is made.
Not including it is an arbitrary decision.
This decision has been made by folks invested in both the process and the outcome.
Rejection of which is intolerable to them.
People that have made clearly known their resistence to the idea of freedom of choice on the part of others.
Yall's choice is made and it has eliminated the choice for every other voter.
If you can live with yourself after making that decision for others, it reflects on you.
Whether, or not, nota prevails can only be speculated upon.
As long as it is excluded by fiat, or any other reason, we cannot know how many would have chosen it.
You can speculate, but without the availability of the option, it cannot be known.