A great piece of work here!
That took me 10 minutes to go through, I could see it being very useful to new recruits and even those who've been here a little while too.
Nice job @roleerob :)
A great piece of work here!
That took me 10 minutes to go through, I could see it being very useful to new recruits and even those who've been here a little while too.
Nice job @roleerob :)
Thank you @abh12345, for stopping by, and adding value to my post! 😊
In choosing to invest the time into creating this and my User's Guide posts, that’s exactly what I hope they will be.
Thanks for the encouragement of your experienced perspective @abh12345 and support! 👍
Another huge effort on that one too!
I hope that soon you can create an 'index' post and be able to update it with these guides.
Have a nice day :)
Yes @abh12345 ...
… that’s a good idea. Probably should have elected to publish each section, of these two posts, as separate independent posts in their own right. I didn’t feel good about it though, as it seemed to me as though it would be somewhat disjointed, rather than holding together …
That was before learning that Steemit prohibits the HTML code needed to create bookmarks, as I had intended to not only refer to the entire posts in whatever way might seem best in the future, but “point” my reader to a specific section of them. Not possible now …
The next best thing, then, would be an index post, as you suggest here.
Thanks @abh12345! 👍 (<= I think these “positive emoticons” should get a score in your next contest … 😉)