The Things You Wanted to Know About Steem But Were Afraid To Ask!! - Duration: 27:32.

in #steem7 years ago


Links Love Section:

We are exploring ICO's, Lending Platforms and Conventional ICO Offerings.
In addition to the Mainstream Adoption of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium and all Altcoins: Ripple, Dash
Petro Dollar Crypto Petro-Dollar
Investment Strategies applied in real trades and purchases -even lending, Real Estate.

"Quitters never win and Winners Never Quit!"

ICO Watch Dogs

The long-awaited lockup has hit and now 55 BILLION units of Ripple are in escrow - guaranteeing a certainty of supply at any given time. Move over every other alt coin, your boss just walked in.

Information is Just that, tests of systems. Do not take MCC 4.0 or Anyone's Advice, investments are risky, play at the risk of loss!

** Video courtesy & all kind of responsibility goes to author of the video.
Source: Youtube