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RE: Adapting to Market Signals - Steem Sports

Principle...True freedom guarantees inequality.

Hmm. I agree that there's a type of freedom that guarantees inequality, but I'm not sure I'd call that form true freedom.

When I think true freedom, I think complete and total freedom from psychological suffering and freedom from the seemingly incessant need to compare and/or prove oneself to others (seeking approval). I think absolute and total independence, as in accepting NO authorities in any walk of life. I think a total loss of a subjective sense of judgment (loss of ego-identity), therefore, no basis to determine who's equal or unequal, on any terms.

I think freedom FROM choice, not OF choice, kind of like how your heart beats without any conscious efforts, whatsoever.

This type of freedom, a Buddhist would call "nirvana". Freedom FROM self, not FOR self. Freedom FROM competition, not TOWARDS competing. In other words, the total opposite end of the spectrum from what you called true freedom.

What you defined as a true freedom, a Buddhist would call "bondage" (to the material; to greed; to psychological suffering).

BTW, I'm not a Buddhist, nor do I practice Buddhism in any way. Just thought I'd share a different perspective, one that I believe has some merit (it makes sense to me that freedom from one's own ego would lead to a great sigh of relief, so to speak, as a great deal of personal burdens would go away with it).