I don't agree with some of the points you make in other subjects @kyriacos, but this particular one I do... it's not right to penalize people caught in the cross-fire of two people disagreeing. It sets a bad precedent.
What I am hoping for, is for more discussion on the matter so they both can work out their differences if this is possible.
Healthy relationships work this way. If there is always a disagreement or always an agreement then there is a problem.
I agreed with fyrstikken in some subjects in the past and disagreed in some others. I am sure it is the same with you.
Yes... the dynamic ability of someone to "sometimes" agree and "sometimes" disagree.. shows intelligence without holding a grudge.
It is these types of mature conversations I thrive on... :)
there you go :)
most of the good friends I made was through fights. applies in real life as well.