in #steem-pocalypse7 years ago (edited)

On the verge of starvation and only leaves and berries to be found!

In our last round, the teams were placed in a desperate situation. They had spent so much of their time so far trying to just run for their lives that they had not eaten yet. At the end of Day 2 Round 2, they had to either successfully eat or die. Let's see how they did.


OPTION 1 – Eat these red berries.

Fortunately for those who chose this option, the berries happened to be Wintergreen berries. I photographed them while up in central Wisconsin last year and featured them in a post in my The Edible Outdoors series. Follow the hyperlink to learn more about them. The teams/players who chose this option must now eat again prior to the end of Day 4 gameplay in order to avoid starvation. You can see who chose this option in the comment section below. Great job guys!

OPTION 2 – Eat these purple berries.

Sometimes, @papa-pepper is nice when running these contests and doesn't kill everyone right away. In the last round I even had two edible options. The purple berries featured in Option 2 were American Gooseberries. I photographed some last year and featured them in another of my The Edible Outdoors posts soon after I joined steeemit, some eleven months back. More info about them can be found in the post I hyperlinked. The players/teams who chose this option had a very tasty meal and have made it through the night. Check out who made this choice below in the comments.

OPTION 3 - Eat these leaves.

These leaves are Poison Ivy, and should not be eaten. I've never personally experimented with exactly what happens if you do, but for the purposes of this survival game, the blisters and welts that Poison Ivy brings began to form and restrict the airways that leads to a very painful death for those who chose this option. The quote below is from

If poison ivy is eaten, the digestive tract and airways will be affected, in some cases causing death.

They can feel free to join back in next season, but the players/teams who chose this option have now been eliminated form Season 4. You can see who it was in the comments below.

OPTION 4 - Pass on the meal and do not eat

I tried to make it very clear what would happen if players/teams chose this option.

The players need to eat at least once every two days of gameplay in order to survive.

Of course, if they choose not to eat, or find a poisonous one, they will die.

Even though I mentioned that in the last post, one team chose to partner up and pass on eating. Unfortunately, this has resulted in their death by starvation, just as I said it would. I was sad to see you go that way guys, but please come back next season. Find out who in the comments below.


In this season, players who do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead. Unfortunately, we have lost a few more. Sorry guys, but feel free to sign up again next season and jump back in. These players are listed below in the comments too.


Some of the players had a chance to team up last round. Any who had that chance but did not actually team up will have to continue on solo play for now and try to team up again later if they get the opportunity.

After a meal and some sleep, the players are rudely awoken by gunfire. A lot of gunfire. Thankfully, they are not being shot, but the city sounds like it is erupting in a firefight. Thankfully, the woods are not too far off, so the players make a run for it.

Once they enter the woods, they do not stop running... until they have to. Soon, a giant canyon is directly in their path. They can hear that at least someone is following them and they have no reason to believe that whoever it is will be friendly.

It looks like a few possible ways across the canyon might exist, but almost all of them will probably prove to be fatal. What to do? What to do?


  • OPTION 1 – Do not try to cross the canyon and wait to see what happens. For those who are armed, attempting to defend themselves with firepower will be an option if needed, but there are no guarantees.

  • OPTION 2 – Move up the canyon towards a dead tree and attempt to jump and grab a vine hanging from it. If a team chooses this option, please let me know who tries it first.

  • OPTION 3 - Attempt to jump across the canyon. If a team chooses this option, please let me know who tries it first.

  • OPTION 4 - Move down the canyon to a fallen log and attempt to cross the canyon on that. If a team chooses this option, please let me know who tries it first.

By way of reminder, I have predetermined all the outcomes ahead of time. The end result of each option has already been decided. Also, I am attempting to reduce the number of players in this round, so best wishes as you continue and choose.


Each Player/Team must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post. Players/Teams that do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead, and will have to wait until Season 5 to join back in. If a team chooses one of the options 2-4, please let me know which teammate is leading the way (going first).

As far as I know, I have accurately recorded everything in the comment section. I do this all manually, though, and am prone to errors.


The current Prize Pool is 400 SBD.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with


There are 2 pages

The International Minds are choosing option 4 with @vcelier as the first one. Cheers!

Option 4, @vcelier first.



With @mindfreak going first on log with Shotgun and water purification tablet
@mash-inns willl give me cover with pistol and flashlight and Ill do the same while he is crossing the log.

I affirm the decisions made here. :)

Option 4 - @mindfreak first.


Sharpe's Rifles

@fronttowardenemy – rifle – 3 OZ Silver

@circuitshark – unarmed


@nepd – pistol - Magnesium Firestarter

@patriot – pistol - Magnesium Firestarter

Team Ten Cats

@marxrab – unarmed - water purification tablets

@novaatebatman – pistol - water purification tablets

@deanlogic – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter
@benjamincollier - rifle - water purification tablets
@jacobchamplain – pistol
@marialin – rifle- Magnesium Firestarter
@sireland - shotgun - Magnesium Firestarter
@happy-doge – pistol - water purification tablets
@vj1309 – pistol - Magnesium Firestarter

Having filled my belly up on Wintergreen berries and wondering "How in the hell did I get to Wisconsin and why is there a damn canyon here!!", I have calmed down to think things out. Of course, staying calm also prevents those berries from turning into diarrhea. Anyway, moving on.

DeanLogic is alone (but with a crowd) and unarmed carrying a Magnesium Firestarter and some red berries.

I guess I can't keep throwing other people in the canyon in order to stack up bodies to cross, so...

OPTION 4 - Move down the canyon to a fallen log and attempt to cross the canyon on that.

Team Patriots chooses Option 1

pistol - red berries - option 4 downed log.

Option 1 - Shotgun go boom boom if I must

Pistol & WPT - Option 2. Swing using that vine.

My pistol is lightweight. I'm sexy. No problem-o. :) hahaha
Oh god, I hope to survive this >.<

Solo-gun-water tablets-cross the log (option 4)

"Why are there so many damn canyons near cities!? This can't be safe!"

Once again, we're left considering a way across a dangerous canyon, and once again, there's someone hot on our literal tails. Well, at least the meal was tasty. And we lived long enough to eat!

"Either we live or we die, but we're going together, @marxrab! Get ready my rabbit-friend!"

Option 1, Wait to see what happens.

These darn cliffs are everywhere! And so high up. At least you have a pistol my cat friend. All of the options seem so dangerous but option 1 seems the best I suppose. Let's just wait and see and if things get rough pull out that gun and shoot.

Maybe I should start "STEEM-POCALYPSE MINI (No crossing canyons, I promise!)"

What do you think? XD

You have my full permission!

Haha! I might just do it!

Actually, I was thinking of doing something similar to this for education purposes. Have everyone playing the role of an animal, and they have to choose between different things. Sort of a teach them about pet safety (especially with food and medications) through a choose your own adventure.

Option 1

Did I put it in the wrong place? Sorry if I did.

Option 1: Do not cross the canyon.
Magnesium Firestarter


Team Sauerkraut

What do you say @jeanpi1908? I like option 4, cross the log. I'll go first, if you want me to, to make sure it's safe.

That is ok for me. Option 4 was the one too I would hve Chosen.

You can go to the other side during that time I hold the log and when you are on the other side you do the same fo me or cover me with your riffel

Good plan. Ok, I'll post Team Sauerkraut's official entry.

Option 4 - @gregory-f first

Option 4.

Good stuff

Okay, option 4 this time
Shotgun, water purification tablets ==>> option 4

Okay I also choose option 4 here

Eat those red berries that i have and then do option 4 :)

Team kiwi rant
Well done icanrant, we are still alive. Last time at this gully the tree, option 4, was a good option, and seeing I sugested it I'll go first if you like

works for me dude ill cover u.
if we did the vine thing id be worried about an indiana jones type situation ;)

i googled berries and purple ones are way less poisonous than red so i figured lol

@steem.engine I thought I commented like 10 hours ago, but I don't see it... I'm thinking option 1, u?

My bad! I was on an 8hr flight! Option 1 for sure

I'll put you down for option 1 just to cover bases. Please let me know if anything changes. We have some hours left still.

sharpes logo.png

@fronttowardenemy – rifle – 3 OZ Silver
@circuitshark – unarmed

Sharpe's Rifles chooses Option 4. @circuitshark will go first, testing the log. I will provide cover with my rifle.

Oh jeez, I hope this thing's sturdy....

Light as a feather, quick as a bee! Or something like that... It looks totally safe from here. :)

Option 4 for me

Everyone is playing too defensive...let me take the lead

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 9 with 483 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 275 comments

I am still wondering what i have to do on this

Wait until the Season Five sign up post and sign up to play.

@papa-pepper, you're coming on Saturday to the KC Steem Party right? Bring your family!!!!

I am making my final decision very soon. I will let you know. Thanks!

option 3

Only players already signed up and participating in this season can play right now. Once this season is over, there will be a sign up for Season 5 if you want to join in then. Thank you.


How can I become a player? @papa-pepper pls advise? Thanks

You will have to wait until this season is over and watch for the Season 5 Sign Up post.

yeah... waiting is no fun, but I don't have a choice. @papa-pepper thanks

Hey friend, you have to wait until next season, unfortunately!

@farmstead Thanks I'll go bury my face in a pillow and cry till next season..)

Nooo Survivors don't cryyyyy Hahah.

@farmstead I guess I'll just get a bucket of ice cream and sit in front of a TV till next season..))

That sounds much more rewarding! Haha

You have to wait until next season. When that happens depends on how long this season lasts. Follow @papa-pepper and join in when he starts the new one. Welcome!


@dreamiely - rifle - water purification tablets

Somebody ate the poison ivy?
Wow, I guess he was lucky to get the this far.

Yes, someone ate Poison Ivy... I guess that can kill you. (Keep that in mind)


Team Scroopica

@pearica – pistol - water purification tablets

@scrooger - unarmed– 3 OZ Silver

Omg, that's what happens when we are at work and have to decide real quick what will happen... Lol, feeling real silly now... OOPS.

Yeah, I was sad to see you go like that. Oops!

Yeah we were at work and all busy with this and that, not reading carefully and having to give a reply we just went for what sounded like the safest option. LESSON learned! Each failure presents with a lesson. Thanks, for the short run though. Next time I will go all in like the previous season!


@nicnas – pistol – flashlight
@swelker101 – rifle - Magnesium Firestarter
@edwrich - shotgun - water purification tablets
@vot – unarmed – flashlight

I forgot to play! Nooooo!

Maybe next time. Thanks for playing while you did though!

I did post for purple berries. It showed up on your comment. Thats disappointing.

Even if you would have replied to someone else and not me, it should still show in your comment history, right?

its not there anymore.. it was yesterday though. I am still very new to steemit so I have no clue what happened.

Not sure either, never heard of that before.

I'm sorry, but to avoid opening a can of worms, I'm going have to have you wait until next season. My apologies.

they are not there at all. I searched with the "find" on the browser.

When I look back in your comments, your last reply to me was this one

Last Round: LOOK UNDER THE BED (Option 2) - Flashlight

From two days ago, 18 comments ago. I can find no comment of yours in past day ro so to me mentioning purple berries. Did your reply go through?

It just happened to me on another post. I posted and it disappeared. I wonder if its happening to others or just me.

Papa-pepper i replied. Crap my comment must have been removed? It showed up under your post. Maybe got rejected from a node? I watched the WHOLE video with you daughter on edibles. I choose the purple berry cuz it had the little thing dangling from the bottom. Is there anyway to see the missing message in the chain?

This really sucks, not your fault tho papa-pepper. Makes me trust steemit a lil less today.

I'll look into. There is no record of @vot replying either.

I wish i could prove it. I am sorry. It did show up after i posted the comment so i thought i was good. I did have someone loose their whole post yesterday asking me for help on discord too. I keep your account open 24/7 on a tab on my browser, just like i do with @Steemit-health. I wouldnt forget to post. I appreciate you responding and taking the time. I dont think there is a way to see it if it never really posted. I am sad today b/c of this since i was really looking forward to your contest. I do remember vot replying too but cannot find that one either.

Wow, there is no record of your response either, your last one to me was 2 days ago. Not sure...

Do not stress on it man. Its not your fault. I should have double checked to make sure it was still there. rofl. WIsh i didnt have to do that but i do it with my blogs soooo. Anyways, you are still amazing either way and i understand the rules completely. I dont want to take you away from your posts b/c i dont think there is a way to prove i posted.

Not sure either, never heard of that before.

I'm sorry, but to avoid opening a can of worms, I'm going have to have you wait until next season. My apologies.

I watched the same video yesterday.

too late to join?

Yes, but there is always the next season to look forward to. :)

Calling @marty-art...

What should Team F-Art's next step be?!

I am leaning towards either

  • Option 1 - making a stand (we have a rifle and a pistol)
  • Option 4 - move down the canyon to a fallen log

What's your feeling about this?

Rogerroger @fraenk! I've got the same gut feeling here: options 2 and 3 just sound too dangerous. My first idea was that option 1 is too risky (this game tends to make a lot of casualties in shootouts) and we should cross the canyon anyway, today rather than tomorrow. But then again, we do have a lot of firepower to make a stand now and could try to cross the bridge at a later and safer place. What d' you reckon? And am I taking this way too serious, haha!?

haha... no let's take this serious! Even though it's just a game there's quite a prize at stake!

If I look at the illustrations for the options... that canyon is at least 6m wide. Imho, and I think you'll agree, jumping is completely out of the picture.

But even the log doesn't look too promising. I've got a feeling it might not hold and slip off at one edge... but if you want to make a run for it and cross that log, I'll be right behind you.

If not, we have a Pistol and a Rifle. I can spray some bullets when they get too close while you can try to get a clean shot with your rifle as they approach.

I'd say we make a stand!

P.S.: how's that logo coming along? I'd love to have a pimped out decision post like Team TEAM

Allright, you convinced me - let's make a stand @fraenk, we should have sufficient firepower between the two of us. I snipe 'em, you spray 'em!

Will you inform @papa-pepper with our official decision again? This is the best banner I could do caught between gunshots and a canyon, hope you like it! (And yeah, I know, it really should read "..since season 4", but hey, let's go!)


our decision is posted!

awesome banner! Let's hope we can make a stand, or won't have to fight.

keeping my fingers crossed!

Hah, awesome, and i'm glad you like the banner! I'm really enjoying this adventure, let's hope we can make it last a long time!

Option 1:

I don't think any of these crossing options will work out well. The tree branch might break, jumping sounds like a horrid idea unless I'm a parkour expert and the log could roll or break. It's time to stand my ground and incase I need it I've got a hidden pistol. I won't appear armed at first but I can shoot if needed.

This is where I made the mistake last season, I chose option 1 and got murdered... This time I'll do option 4. handgun and water purification tabs

How often do you play this?

I'd like to play but have obviously missed the start of this game/round. :(

When will the next game/round be starting that new people can join in for?

I constantly have one going. It lasts until all the teams are eliminated or only one survivor is left. Not sure how long this one will go, but once it is over, I'll do a GAME OVER POST, then a RECAP Post, then a SEASON 5 SIGN UP Post.

Sweet. I'll keep an eye out for it. :D Thanks. :D

Option 1- stand my ground and hope I don't need to use my pistol.

This is so creative. I may need to try the next game. Super idea.

Option 1.

I have a pistol and magnesium firestarter.

I am thinking about to select option 1 or 4 what you say @doc-speakeasy?

@doc-speakeasy please select your option and i will agree with it and submit

I just found this. How do I get notified next time that you tagged me in a comment? I am sorry, I was unaware this was up here at all, nevermind the fact that it has been here for 10 hours...

Nice giveaway


We made it through!

What do you think of this round?

I have a strong feeling for choosing Option 4.
We can go for Option 1 as both of us have weapons and certainly flashlight to know what's there, but as mentioned HUGE GUNFIRE is what I am not sure of.

I want to know what's your say?

Hmmmm... Im partial to standing our ground. What do you think @mtgmisfit ?

The tree us probably going to break... the jump is suicide.

And the log... hmmm... could be rotten for what we know.

Though it is most likely were going to have to fight if we stay... tempt the VERY cruel fates with the canyon or with possible armed assailants ?

Of the other options the lig is mist likely, I'd think.

Unarmed, solo, no items. Keep going with OPTION 4. I'm alone and light, so the log has lesser chance to break.

hmm...Ii would like a clearer picture of the vine and the log..
but ... I go w/ #4 as less chance that sudden weight will cause it to break, maybe if I take my time I can cross before it breaks,or make it far enough to jump,if I hear ominous cracking sounds.. :-)




OPTION 4 - Move down the canyon to a fallen log and attempt to cross the canyon on that.

Pistol, water purification tablets, run, purple berries. I will say f it, and go with option 4. Here is hoping that log is sturdy, and my balance does not suck.

Wow, very complex!

It is a lot to work with and sort through, but I try to make it easy on the players so that they can just check in once a day and make some choices for a chance to win some serious $$$.

Thank you for that @papa-pepper, just finding the right list to reply under is work. I have a lot of respect for the background work that is being put in to giving us this great game!

Thanks for appreciating it. It takes me hours just keeping things straight for each post, but I think it is a great fun opportunity for the community, so I'm willing to do it joyfully!

@papa-pepper me and @scooter77 are team up. Our team is SCOOTER TEAM and we choose purple berries but we are not mentioned in the player

I made the team but missed posting it. Just make sure to reply this time (if you have not already done so) and you'll continue. You're still in it so far.

shotgun-water purification tablet and for this round I will go with- OPTION 4 - Move down the canyon to a fallen log and attempt to cross the canyon on that. It seems the best alternative and less risky.let's see.

Option #1.
Weighing the options, I decide to stand my ground and wait. I take aim at the noise with my rifle...and wait... Steady....steeeaaady...

wow amazing...! i like your content keep posting stuff like this, i followed and upvoted
your post and please also upvote and follow me @wicky or click on image. i need more followers
can u please help me to get more followers i am new here? thanks


option 1 pistol firestarter

Solo -
Option 4

Oof @miniature-tiger, this seems like a round likely to get us killed. Here's the pros and cons as I see them:

Option 1: We both have firearms, so that's good, and I presume the pistol is better at close quarters than average, but the rifle is not, and I'd kind of assume, if we're guessing, that the shotgun, with its stopping power is the possession that would allow a team to survive that choice. Or maybe they're friendly again. I know you were friendly. Though also, we don't have silver... if we need to bribe someone, I assume that's what they'd want.

Option 2: Grabbing a vine. I wish I knew more about this vine. The way it's drawn, it looks like a grape vine. I feel like that's a pretty weak vine. But does that matter? Does it actually wrap around the tree?

Option 3: If the drawing is to scale, the distance is just under 3 body lengths. Average human is 5'4", but it varies greatly by country, and we don't really know where we are, or who is represented in that picture. Anyways, that puts the horizontal distance at 15-20 feet. A world record running long jump holder could easily do that. The average person falls short by a couple feet. Are we average?

Option 4: I really want to trust that we have all the relevant info. The log isn't rotten, is it? Can we thump it to test it? It actually reaches the whole length, presumably? One of us can hold it steady? I've walked across lots of streams on logs in my life, so I trust logs, but this isn't my life. This is a game.

I'm inclined to 1 or 4. 1 because we have the tools to fight if necessary, which makes us special and makes it a special option... plus there's the possibility (though I think it remote at this stage) that there could be some benefit. There's no reason to believe they're friendly, but there was also no reason to believe that you were friendly, and you were!
And 4 because, of the escape options presented, this one seemed the most viable.

I have eliminated two options. You pick one of them. I'm willing to go first across the log, if you want me to.

...also, as long as I have your attention... you wanna read a story I'm telling over on my page? Here's the link. Ignore it if this feels spammy to you (also tell me. I'm still figuring out etiquette for posting links that I want to share).

Argh! I responded and it disappeared!
In brief: Let's go with Option 1. Wait, guns drawn, shoot it out if necessary.
And I'll check out your story!

Alright. OOF. I hope we don't die. But hopefully, we'll meet some friendlies.

@papa-pepper our choice is locked and loaded! option 1, wait and see. We have a rifle and a pistol and a magnesium firestarter and water purification tablets.

Option 1

Yep... maybe they're friendly. If there's time, we'll prepare option 4 to escape across the ravine if they aren't, but we want to meet people. That's why we're on Steemit, after all. ;)

@foodie.warrior – pistol - water purification tablets
@velimir – pistol – flashlight

We go for option 1 here.

(aslo pls rename us to team FAV if not to much trouble) :-)

There are 2 pages