Unfortunately, the cannibals are coming and our teams look tasty to them.
Knowing that the time had come to flee town, the teams decided to make a move to the wilderness. Things were just getting too crazy and dangerous in town, and it was getting harder to trust any other survivors. On the way out though, they saw a car, which offered the potential of getting some goods for the journey.
Sure, the car looked rough, but these were desperate times. The teams could either choose to check out the car and look for useful things quick, or just flee to the woods.
The teams who chose Option 1 decided to just get out of town as quick as quickly as they could. Although they have no supplies, they made it out alive. The teams who chose this option will be included in a comment below.
Option 2 was to check the car out first. It was pretty well destroyed and nothing much was found... until the teams opened the glove box.
Inside were two freeze dried ice cream sandwiches. Since each team must eat at least once every two days of gameplay, the teams who chose this option now have a backup food supply. Backup rations automatically kick in to prevent death when needed if no additional food is found. The supply is 1 ration per team member, so teams with one or three steemians still only one ration each.
As it turns out, this was the last chance to leave town. Unfortunately though, the departure did not go unnoticed. Someone is following the teams. Is it cannibals? Is it a friendly survivor? Is it something worse?
Not exactly wanting to find out right that instant, the teams quickly move deeper into the woods, but soon they are standing on the edge of a high cliff. The ravine looks empty and it appears that no water has ran down this gully in ages. Only sharp and jagged rocks await the teams at the bottom. The closer that the teams move towards the edge, the more of the brittle rocks break away and fall into the crevice. This is not a good situation.
The teams could hold their ground and see who is coming. If whoever it is is friendly, perhaps they can help. However, if it is cannibals, then teams will have to fight. Attempting to climb into the chasm might work, but the rocks seem so brittle. The distance across the canyon seems a little far, but if the teams risk jumping across, they just might make it. Options are limited, but a decision must be made.
WARNING - The outcome of each decision has been predetermined. Depending on what your team chooses, you may not make it through the round. You have been warned.
OPTION 1 - Hold your ground and see who comes. If they play nice, attempt to make friends. If they try to kill you, defend yourselves.
OPTION 2 - Attempt climbing down into the ravine.
OPTION 3 - Attempt to jump across the chasm.
Each team must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post to avoid a Coin Toss.
Also, please make sure that your team info is accurate below. All teams have been entered and anyone else wanting to play will have to wait until next season. I will @mention all team members still playing when I post to help remind you that I need replies every day. Make sure that your username is accurate in the replies below. Thank you.
The current prize pool is 150 STEEM.
I think we can skip Option 2 - climbing down the ravine. We have no gear, no way to get out once down there, and mostly - no water.
Option 1 - wait & see who's following. 50/50 chance of help. If it's cannibals we have a chance to get rid of them over the cliff (or use THEM for food) & remove the threat. We may be injured in the fighting, but we'll still be alive.
Option 3 - risk the jump. No guarantee we make it across, plus the followers can keep following.
I vote for Option 1. What are your thoughts @devi1714?
NOTE TO @papa-pepper. My name is mis-spelled in the recap. I'm not @aunt-ded yet. ;~P
Lol, cursed by @papa-pepper from the start.
LOL - Very funny. Thanks for catching it.
You're welcome!
Am still chuckling...
You're still @aunt-deb for now!
Woot! Good to know.
It will be option 1 unless I hear otherwise.
Cool beans. Not sure where my partner is...
option 2
Got it!
on the edge of a high cliff, and waiting for someone friendly to come out of nowhere, LOL, this is the dead end ;)
no risk, no gain,
It will be Option 3 unless I hear otherwise.
yep! it's definitely option 3 :)
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!
What should we do @iamsgr ?
I think we should go with Option 1 @rahul.stan
@papa-pepper we choose option 1!
Option 1 it is.
@l337m45732 and I attempt to climb down the ravine, taking our shoes off first for optimal grip. Option 2 @papa-pepper.
Option 2 it is.
@jznsamuel I'm partial to option 1 and waiting to see who followed. Jumping is probably the worst option, but climbing down could work.
@tomshwom I agree, jumping or climbing down doesn't make sense. Instead we hold our ground - we need food, and the ones who're following us better offer help and give us food, else they become food. Team Endurers go with option 1
Option 1 it is.
Option 1 it is.
Oh shit! I'd entirely forgotten I even signed up for this.
@improv Holmes, where you at? We have choosing to do!
I'm curious to know what's following us, so option 1 maybe? What do you say.
I mean, curiosity did kill the cat after all, right?
I agree whole-heartedly!
Option 1.
And let's call ourselves Whole Mess in honor of your calling me Holmes.
LOL - Whole mess = Holmes! I get it!
Option 1 it is.
I like it. Option 1 it is, then. Let's hope it's a pupper following us and not one of them hungry cannibals.
...twist! We're actually cannibals, too, and join in feasting on all the other teams!
OPTION 1 and we will defend our ice cream sandwiches to the death! We'll be team steem scene... say that 5 times fast.
We could threaten to eat the sandwiches if they get to close :-)
Option 1 it is.
Damn! I didn't see you had started a new one! Damn! When will the next one begin?
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to kill all of these guys first. I seriously just closed the entry....
Haha it's fine! I just wanted to take part. I will participate next time!
I have been avidly watching out for this game since I first found it and missed both earlier entries. Seriously, I barely got in the first round of this game. I'll let you know if I see next game before you so we can both sign up again.
Please do brother!
...AAAAAAND....we died. So yeah, will do next game.
Alright @jdawg @uruiamme what are you guys thinking. I am leaning towards 1 or 3...either stand our ground or get out asap...
Please give me a temporary answer to go with just in case I don't hear more. That way we can avoid a coinflip.
Let's roll the dice and go with Option #1 for the temporary answer, @jdawg let me know if you would rather go with a different option.
Although Option 1 is my first preference, I might have to out-think @papa-pepper. The last event worked well staying around, but times may change. I like Option 1 because there are still a variety of things to discover by observing the following entity. My natural instinct, if this was real, is to check out the rear flank and worry about the crevasse later. I can lie in pretty much secrecy and surprise the follower or stay hidden.
We may only have 1 chance to check out the rear.
So for the Aspiring Entrees... we are liking Option 1!!
The anticipation, is killing me already hahah
Well, while you are waiting, start sharpening your pocket knife to a razor's edge. Cannibals shannibals. They gonna have to meet Mr. Leatherman to the groin before they snack on me!
Option 1 it is.
Got it. Thanks.
Running the numbers:

multiplying by infinity...
dividing by zero...
interpreting the graph... cosine @bilbop's name...
Okay it looks like we choose option 3.
Option 3 it is.
haha do I need to redo my math?
No, I need to redo mine. Option 3 it is... I'll edit.
Will jump no time to waist need to get some food on the other side - Option 3
Option 3 it is!
@cerebralace which option? lol 1?
I don't feel comfortable jumping across nor climbing down a crumbling cliff. Therefore, Team Extreme will hold its ground and see who comes - Option 1! If we meet friends, the more the merrier. And if they turn out to be cannibals....well, we are Team Extreme after all - we won't go down without a fight. Bring it on!
Option 1 it is.
Cool can't wait for tomorrow! Will it be a repeat of "Lost" or "The Walking Dead"? Either way, Team Extreme is ready!
sounds good!
Yup buckle up partner! ;)
did i just get confused and is this just capping results of the first round? lol
Well the zombies are following
or is it
photos from google images
and we are team extreme! it says we still need a name? :)
Yup that's right! Papa, @cerebralace and @doitvoluntarily are Team Extreme!
Yeah, that info came in late when I was working. I've got it now.
Option 3 for us. Thanks
Option 3 it is.
@erikaflynn, isnt option 2 the safest? We will still probably die very soon! ^_^
I would try to jump but I have a bad luck in choosing right options (previous seasons showed it).
just a little bit :p
Which option it it then?
2 :p
This time I will trust your choice:-)
I really want to know what option would you pick... :(
Option 2 it is.
Which option it it then?
Did the two freeze dried ice cream sandwiches come from your nature forage video with your daughter this week? lol
Yeah, we must have left them in the glove box! LOL - Thanks for the comment and for letting me know that you watched it!
@vcelier and @fingersik were running as hard as they could. They were being followed and with all the cannibals around, they weren’t keen on finding out what part of their bodies would be eaten first. When they saw the cliff and how brittle the stone is, they saw only one option out. They trusted in their military training they have obtained. The sooner they’ll jump the lesser portion of the cliff would brittle down = closer distance. They said last hello to each other and gave the jump a try!
Option 3 it is.
@steemerstan I think option 2 what do you think?
I haven't heard back from @steemerstan but time is about up. I'm going to make the call. Option 2 for gourmets
Option 2 it is.
@sumsum what do you think about Option 1 ? Is it too risky or we should choose Option 2 instead ?
Option one should be best for us. :)
Sorry for replying so late I could not find your comment. The notifications don't work properly.
@papa-pepper opinion 1 for this round for team sumtex :)
Option 1 it is.
@jennswall... Though my weed stash is almost gone, I feel like a champ with my freeze dried ice cream sandwich waiting on standby. I also know that this Dude will not make that leap of death... I'd end up like:
I say we stand and fight. If it's cannibals, we'll have to whip them, whip them real good. Don't want to waste a freeze dried ice cream.
I got stuck watching this gif over and over...so yeah. Hold our ground it is. If we had any fat left on us after the 'end of ze world' I'd be complaining about my fat a$$ not making the cliff jump or climb as well.
So we'll go with Option 1 please sir, Hold Our Ground and FIGHT! Or make friends. Let's hope for friends.
Option 1 it is.
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Team Kraken chooses OPTION 1
Option 1 it is.
We will option 3
Option 3 it is.
What ya think @ikilledcobain I am thinking of option 1
It will be option 1 unless I hear otherwise.
Sounds good.
Option 1 it is.
Option 1 for us please, we are going to hold our ground and see who is coming, hoping they are friendly, we trust Life.
Option 1 it is.
thank you!
hey @bitrocker2020!! I think I would choose option 2. what do you think?
It will be option 2 unless I hear otherwise.
@cryptodan and @sflaherty chose: OPTION 1
Being a horror buff here I think I can handle a few potential cannibalistic idiots, no one getting my freeze dried ice creams lol OPTION 1 all the way
Option 1 it is.
Team DM will follow option 2. We belive that in the bottom of canyon we will find some bodies of people who tried to jump. And close to these bodies we will find their food and stuff taken from the city. For sure we will not wait to see who is comming, even if they will be friendly people, we do not need them :p
Option 2 it is.
Team Progress would like to choose OPTION 3 does that sound good to you @playfulfoodie ?
I agree, we'll just build up enough speed first!
Option 3 it is.
I'm game to try a flying leap, option 3, what are your thoughts @provider?
Yeah, I agree. Leap of faith!
Alright, think happy thoughts! Option 3 it is.
Option 3 it is.
Team Fish On will choose Option 1
Option 1 it is.
Option 3 it is.
@papa-pepper - it was supposed to be 3, like @dawidrams said :)
Good catch, my error. I will edit. (I typed 2 but put you down for 3)
Option 3 it is.
Well team Kwik Thinkers are going to take our chances with option 1. Wait and see their intentions and then do some kwik thinking on our feet. We are both martial artists so we will give them a fight if they are hostile. And if worst comes to worst we can jump to our deaths before getting eaten!
Option 1 it is.
@avarice I wouldn't try to climb under these cicircumstances. So jump or try to trade our ice cream?
I like the idea of seeing who is following us
Let me know what you choose.
Option 1. Hope it's not too late.
Option 1 it is.
Let me know what you choose.
option 1
Option 1 it is.
option 3 for us :)
Option 3 it is.
Team Steemject picks Option 1. @dan-atstarlite
Yes, Option 1 for us!
Option 1 it is.
@nin0000 what do you think about option 1 or 2 ?
I personally think that option 1 is the best. We should remove the threat as soon as we can. If it's an ennemy, we have more chance to suvive while figting him than fighting a cliff. We are two and he (she) is one. May-be it's an ally ! May-be, we kill him (her) and we loot something usefull !
It will be option 1 unless I hear otherwise.
Team Szumni chooses option 1.
Option 1 it is.
TEAM FSU chooses Option 1.
We hold our grounds and see who shows up.
Feeling the heat already, someone should please turn on the AC
Foo(d) Fighters have chosen Option #1, Bring it ON!!
Option 1 it is.
Btgaftg chooses option #1. We pity da foo who messes with us. Worst case scenario is that we turn the tables on the peeps followin' and cannabalize them. What's good for the goose is....
Option 1 it is.
Team Zookeeper is hoping it's not Tom following us and we prepare to greet them. Option 1!
Option 1 it is.
team grwi , being the friendliest people left on earth will wait and see who approaches, in the intro to today the wording was 'someone' so at the worst it is a two onto one match,
option one for us please Papa
I miss the daily write up so I can find out what I have done all day. Come back Trevor, a holiday isn't that important when you could be writing B S here.
Option 1 it is.
option 2
New players will have to wait until next season to join. Thank you.