Dead Armadillo sandwiches anyone?
Yesterday our teams had the opportunity to indulge in some gourmet roadkill, but most of the teams passed on that option. Though the majority of the teams just kept walking, a few had some other ideas.
OPTION 1 - Forget about trying to eat and just head on.
Th majority of out teams went with this option. They did not ever try to get a meal out of the roadkill. Thankfully, none of those teams needed to eat yesterday, so they all made it through the night. Each of these teams must successfully eat at the next opportunity to avoid starving. Here are those teams.

@sammie & @mr-mooch
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 5 (gameplay)
All members of this team have open wounds from the barbed wire.

@edgarstudio & @peacemaker
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 5 (gameplay)
All members of this team have open wounds from the barbed wire. &
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 5 (gameplay)
All members of this team have open wounds from the barbed wire.
OPTION 2 - Try to eat the dead thing.
One team actually tried to eat this armadillo carcass. Though there was little left than the outer shell of the body, the tail and the head were still somewhat full of meat and brain. After a quick fire and a little sizzlin', one team choked down what they could. It may not have been the tastiest or the healthiest, but for now it has kept them alive. Here is that team.

@lukmarcus & @kambrysia
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 6 (gameplay)
All members of this team have open wounds from the barbed wire.
OPTION 3 - Use the roadkill as bait in the stream and see if it attracts anything.
One team actually took the road-killed carcass down to the stream in an attempt to use it for bait. The stinky carcass let off it's foul odor and flavor into the stream, and before too long a creature crept up.
It was a large Snapping Turtle. Sometimes, for some people, these can be more of a hassle than they are worth. However, as it turns out this team of survivors are steemians, which can change everything.
They were already well aware of the incredible and practical know-how that @papa-pepper had imparted to them back before the power failure, so they knew how to grab a Snapping Turtle by the throat to keep it from biting them.
After they safely caught and disposed of the turtle, they had a most magnificent dinner and replenished their bodies with essential nutrients. They will now need to eat prior to the end of Day 6 (gameplay) to avoid starvation.

@florio & @steemerstan
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 6 (gameplay)
All members of this team have open wounds from the barbed wire.
The remaining teams continue down the road. Exactly who has been driving around inside this fenced in area recently remains a mystery. The goals for our teams are simple: stay alive, keep eating, keep going.
Soon the road begins to be lined with a long row of cow skulls mounted upon a barbed wire fence. The teams are already cut up enough, and they have no incentive to attempt to cross this fence. They do, however, begin to wonder, “What kind of person would put up all those skulls after everything that just happened?”
Suddenly the team mates’ eyes get wide and their jaws drop as they frantically turn towards one another. Whoever did this did it before the power outage… What kind of person lived this way before the apocalypse?
That unsettling feeling doesn't get much relief as the teams see what is just ahead.
Just off to the other side of the road is a camper. Beneath it is six cans of non-perishable food. Those cans could be a great backup food supply in case the teams do not find anything else to eat. However, it looks like a man named "Tom" is the owner, and that he doesn't want anyone stealing his food.
Based on the sign, it looks like he may have a gun. Fortunately for the teams, they are sure that they have a gun. Hmmm.... what to do?
OPTION 1 - Run away as fast as you can.
OPTION 2 - Have both team members run and grab some cans as fast as they can.
OPTION 3 - Have one team member sneak in for the cans while the other covers with the pistol.
OPTION 4 - Shout "Hey Tom" and ask if you can have a can.
Each team must reply to this post within the next 24 hours in order to avoid a CoinFlip. You have four (4) Options to choose from. If your team chooses Option 2, please tell me who is sneaking in and who has the gun to cover.
Someone has to fight vs raphael the ninja turtle
I'm on it!
If you zoom in you can see Tom. IT'S A TRAP!

Missed that. Must have been the gilly suit.
Kiwis are friendly people, and while we are known to be a little crafty on occasion, it's always a good policy to try friendliness first.
So We'll take option 4 and politely ask our good mate Tom if he might see his way clear to lend us a can or two for a while.
We promise we'll look after it and bring it back in as good a condition as it was when he gave it to us..... just empty ;-)
Option 4.
option 4
So torn on this one. If it's crazy Tom from the first game then I don't like our chances for any option. However, the sign says he shoots if you steal - so rather than stealing we'll take Option 4 and the honest path - "G'day Tom, could we please have something to eat?" The $2000 cash we're carrying isn't likely to be worth much in these grim times, but maybe we can offer him a trade for some of the silver bullion?
You're welcome.
Asking never hurt anyone right? :P
We will have to see.
I feel a little late to the party on this, is there a link to what this is all about, it seems really cool, but totally lost as how to participate?
That one sums up some of what this is all about. Feel free to join us next time.
It started a bit ago. You can't join until a new game starts. This game ends when one team is left standing. Winning team wins the pool. But in the meantime. I've made a similar contest you can join.
Sign up expires within the next 24 hours so hurry.
Join here
Wow, this is great. I actually RPG every friday night with a group. We usually do Shadowrun, FATE, and others. I added a post under the thread, and following ya now. Not sure what the next steps are, guess I'm in ?
You are in my friend. I'm waiting a day or two more for irl friends to register on Steemit and join before I kick off the game.
Sounds great, looking forward to it!
Yeah, bring some friends.
@steemerstan I think we need to take Option 1 and run like little girls.
OK We are good guys so it is either 1 or 4. And I agree with #1 since we are re energized from our delicious turtle.
OK #1 for gourmets .... run like little girls.
We are running away as hell. Szumni option 1!