With only one round in, some teams are already eating rats, even raw!!!
Desperate times call for desperate measures and this is one of those times. The teams are making their choices and struggling for survival. I’ve group of few “loose players” into teams and also had to toss the coin, but we are pressing on!
Yesterday the teams found a rat and had to choose what to do with it. Here are the options and the teams that chose them.
OPTION 1 – Try to kill, cook, and eat the rat.
Though a certain risks of attracting attention with the delicious aroma of cooked rat meat, the rat cooked quickly. It provided a delicious meal for your team and you are both quite satisfied with that your decision worked out well. With your bellies full, you progress with a renewed excitement and zeal. Your team has until the end of Day 3 (gameplay) to successfully find another meal.
Team Unnamed?
@eirik & @erikaflynn
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 3 (gameplay)

@florio & @steemerstan
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 3 (gameplay)

@nextgen622 & @snooway
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 3 (gameplay)
@mark-waser & @nathanjones
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 3 (gameplay)
OPTION 2 – Try to kill the rat and eat it raw.
Though it has probably always been on your bucket list, as it turns out it was not a good idea. It must have been fun for the internet search engines yesterday to suddenly see people from all over the world asking if they could eat raw rat meat. Though is technically is possible to eat raw rat meat without dying, it is not always the best idea.
By choosing to consume raw rat meat you became infected with Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. In North America the fatality rate from HPS is rather high, and in this case, it was even higher. All teams that chose to eat the rat raw have been infected and have perished.
Honestly, that was the outcome that I chose before the round began, and it was very difficult for me to watch team after team kill the rat and eat it raw. In the future, I will need to make sure to allow the teams to at least interact for a few rounds first before giving them the opportunity to die. I lost some really good teams that round, so maybe we will speed up the gameplay to get to Season 3 more quickly, so everyone can join back in for a few rounds (at least). Live and learn, I was sad to watch these teams go, but such is survival.

RIP @vcelier & @fingersik

RIP @jacobtothe & @generikat
RIP @thelightreports

RIP @mathworksheets & @nba05

RIP @daveks & @cognoscere

RIP @lil4a & @jurgan

RIP @looftee & @sevinwilson

RIP @rahul.stan & @iamsgr
OPTION 3 – Try to follow the rat to find its food supply or hidden stash.
The teams who chose Option 3 began to slowly watch and follow the rat. They were not willing to risk drawing attention by cooking the rat and they did not want to risk disease by eating it raw. Out of the food options, this was the safest option. However, without the rat being dead, it was the least likely to provide a meal.
Trying not to spook the rat, the teams followed at a distance. Eventually, it just disappeared into a crack in the wall, and was never seen again. These teams will live to survive another day, but they are still hungry and will have to eat by the end of Day 2 (gameplay) in order to stay alive.
@thatmemeguy & @oluwoleolaide

@noganoo & @patelincho

@yakuhi & @jeschunta

@bluerthangreen & @allforthegood

@lukmarcus & @kambrysia

@fishjojo1 & @ikilledcobain

@verbal-d & @happyharmonymay

@natator88 & @whatageek

@okkiedot & @avarice

@sammie & @mr-mooch

@nepd & @j-pool

@swolesome & ???
OPTION 4 – Forget about the rat and move on.
The teams that chose not to kill or try to follow the rat also survived, but they too are hungry. They too will need to eat prior to the end of Day 2 (gameplay) in order to survive.

@clayboyn & @bilbop

@gregory-f & @writingamigo
Thus far unnamed
@ganjafarmer & @justinashby

@len.george & @trevor.george

@herpetologyguy & @ellepdub

@edgarstudio & @peacemaker
Much like last season, the gameplay will focus on survival and food. Since we know that water is actually a necessity in real life, periodically I’ll insert rounds where the teams must succeed in drinking uncontaminated water in order to survive. This is one of those rounds.
In order to flee the city tomorrow, you team needs to drink something today. As you search the building for possible water supplies, you wind up in the bathroom. Like so many other bathrooms in the city, this one backed up with sewage when the power went out. Nothing comes out of the faucet now either, and the dried sewage stains the sink a dirty brown. Suddenly, your team has a thought.
You take off the back of the toilet. The toilet itself is horrible, but inside the back of it, it doesn’t look so bad. Could your team safely drink this water in the back of the toilet? As you contemplate this, you happen to glimpse out of the window. There below you in the yard is a puddle, and it happens to be wet.
This is another option. If the water in the puddle safe to drink? Does it have any toxic chemicals or deadly bacteria in it? That is the question. Whichever option you choose, your team will have to drink the water as is. There will be no time for boiling or trying other means of improving the water quality.
Each team must respond in the next 24 hours with you next choice.
OPTION 1 – Drink the water in the back of the toilet.
OPTION 2 – Drink the water outside in the puddle.
The current prize pool is 125 STEEM.
I'm not much for wasting food, but something seemed off with eating that rat, especially raw. Glad to see we are having more users participating in season 2 and I bet season 3 is going to be massive!
Massive might mean that I will need massive kill offs. A lot to handle, but worth the effort!
If anyone can handle it, @papa-pepper the Pepper-Jack of all trades can! Plus I'm sure you have some trustworthy friends in the community that would be more than willing to lend you a hand :P
Team Unnamed.Ah sorry @papa-pepper - yes we are
So many RIPS, this game is not playing around.
would have died in the first round eating the rat raw. Its crazy. Anyway I would drink from the toilet, what do you think?@erikaflynn, haha you see? We
I didn't expect that someone will die in the very first round, it's very sad. RIP guys!
I think it's only the illusion of choice, in both cases, we run the risk of catching a gastrointestinal illness. The only difference is that outdoors can rot and decay the bodies, and that means even more bacteria.
So I won't argue, if you offer to drink from the toilet, let's do it! Option 1.
Yes, the chance of getting it from the dirty outside pond is bigger.
I'm thinking option 1 (toilet water) @j-pool
@mark-waser, I'm thinking toilet water doesn't sound to bad. My choice is option 1 unless you disagree.
OK, we are gonna lock in Option 1.
Sorry about that last comment, I got it!
Team allforthegood choose to drink the water out of the toilet tank. Option #1 for us. I, @bluerthangreen, have intimate knowledge of toilets, and can attest that toilet tank water is safe to drink, unless...
I could brew a mighty potion in the toilette tank.
No not that kind of potion, I mean one we could drink,
Although I can't promise that it too won't stink.@bilbop I suggest option 1, what do you think?
True that be. Could use the lighter, light a fire under the tank. Let's go with the cold brew method and it wont stank. Hey I'm picking up a little accent, Option 1 is what I think.
It would appear we must cold brew a potion of perfection.
That's no lava tube in the bowl, we don't go on that ride!@papa-pepper option 1 is our clear and decisive selection, @bilbop don't hit that little silver lever over on the side,
I'm being real careful, let's have our fill and take some water with us. Maybe we will find some food soon. But move extra cautiously, tonight's the full moon.
My beard does tend to get a bit gnarly around the this time. aaaahhhhoooooooo.
Hey @papa-pepper can you and everyone else who likes this contest please check out and support this post that I am linking to get more of these games going on a dedicated space. If we make this site the place that brings back choose your own adventure stories (with prizes) we can use that as a fun thing that separates steemit from other social media sites. An awesome feature that could go viral.
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Holy cow! 16 dead in the first round! This season is gonna be insane!
Lets hope I do as well with water this time as I did before. Team Zookeeper is going with option 1 and drinking from the tank!
For a small, small fee, of 99.99 steem,
I could brew a potion up for your team.
The last potion I made resurrected your wife,
So what if we rhyme now, at least we have life!
Oh man, steep price! But how do we know your potion isn't POISON and you're just trying to eliminate the competition?! ARE YOU IN LEAGUE WITH TOM???
Ooops, I got foiled before my plan came to fruition,
I must say Herp that you have some mighty intuition.
Don't worry though, I wasn't going to leave you departed,
You would have been resurrected when season 3 started. :)
Option 1.
I see missing a posting time results in suicide by raw rat. Oh, well. Better luck next time. Maybe start it on a day when I'm not focused on library stuff? :D
I roll the dice or flip the coin to keep the game moving... yours was a 2.
Hopefully it goes better next time. Did you are least enjoy eating raw rat?
Can't say I did.
I believe you. Yours was one of the teams I was especially interested in seeing play.
I'll try to hold off longer next season before any fatal options are given.
As a gamer, I am aware of the fickle nature of dice. I bear no ill will.
Glad to hear it. I'll make sure you are notified for Season 3.
Need4Weed will go with Option 1. Covered toilet tank is better than a pool in the open, with possible rats running around just to start.
Option 1.
Lock in Option 1, a great big gulp of toilet water for me and @sammie.
My vote is for option 1, the toilet tank. What do you think partner? My reasoning is and I hope other teams don't read this, that this is just as clean as tap water. The outside puddle may be contaminated and going outside may expose us to a threat from armed people. If we can find a container, I would fill it for our trek out of town. IMHO way less risk with the toilet tank. @folio
Agreed on that, Toilet Tank. @steemerstan please sign up for steemit chat . I'm on there with my same username @florio so we can chat about this game in private assuming we aren't dead this round.
Thanks @steemerstan
Option 1.
I knew you were going to start with a bang. Glad this time it was not from a man named Ted :p.
I think this is a pretty obvious choice, @whatageek! What do you think?
I was thinking 1, you?
Go team repstyle.
Option 1.
Option 1 is the first thing that comes to mind, but I have to do some thinking/research. What are you thinking @natator88?
Awesome post keep up the great ideas my friend @papa-pepper
@papa-pepper, it appears I have been left out of the loop here. Me and @mark-waser had requested to be on a team. I looked back at the first day post and I wasn't mentioned in the post so never got a notification, so made no choice for the first round. Now unfortunately somehow I have been placed with a partner that choose the wrong option so I am listed as RIP. Not sure what happened, but is there anyway for me to play the game at this point? Or am I just SOL for this Season?
Did @mark-waser ever reply with a choice? To move the gameplay forward in a timely fashion I roll the dice for anyone who does not reply within 24 hours.
I'll do some research and see what I can do.
I'm not sure if he made a selection. Thanks for looking into it.
Ok, i do see where he replied with you two as TEAM ANONYMOUS.
Let me check a few more things out.
Ok, thanks. Not sure how I missed the first day post. I've been on here off and on through the past couple days. I'd been on it like white on rice had I seen it. Sorry to have you do this extra work man. Really appreciate that you put this on.
Edited. Try to have at least on team mate reply daily. No worries.
Will do, Thanks!
Grrrrrrrr- my raw rat was salted and tasty- you'll see - we're still alive and we'll be back! How about a way in which we can redeem ourselves rat master?
Next Season. My apologies.
We choose option 1. Thanks
Option 1.
What do you say @writingamigo? I'm all for drinking from the toilet tank. At least we know that it started out as clean drinking water.
I would drink toilet water as well! That said, all the other teams are choosing this option, so we might try our luck and drink the pond water. The competition would be so much less if we survived haha. What do you think? Wanna risk? Also, @papa-pepper how are we supposed to eat if there are no options to eat?
I like your thinking, direct everyone to the big door with the sign over it saying "trap" while we slip out through the little window with the tiny sign that says "Safe passage". Option 2 it is!
We might be the only ones who die, but it's the risk worth taking! Option 2!
Option 2.
One option to eat will be provided daily. You must get one correct every two days to continue.
Team Dudmuffin selects Option 1: the back of the toilet water.
Hopefully it does not create potty mouths.
Option 1. (and hopefully it does not)
Did you ever get a partner?
Negative Ghostrider :/ Noone wants to play with me lol.
If anyone new expresses and interest they will be added to your team then. Thank you.
Oh man. I thought option 2 was to cook the rat. We discussed and chose to cook the rat. I must have mistakenly posted to eat the rat Raw. :(
Oh no!!!!
That was a silly mistake on my part. Maybe next time, I guess. :(
Toilet water for teem meat!
Party! Have a jar of ganja in my bug out gear so helps with cottonmouth
Is it TEEM MEAT then?
Yep dragging limp @justinashby along. At least he don't argue. Is cannibalism allowed? He has plenty of spare fingers... Or an arm.....
Option 1
the Kiwis learned from last time, the outside water killed us, it looks like the same patch of water, so we will go for option 1, the header tank in the toilet
Option 1
OPTION 1 – Drink the water in the back of the toilet.
Option 1.
The kiwis are sloshing along full of water now.
Check out my story on our adventures so far.
@okkiedot , I'm also inclined to go for option 1 - for a similar reason to you.
Option 2 doesn't seem to be very popular at all, it would seem that if option 1 isn't the correct option then it is going to be a very short season... dare we risk hedging our bets or are we going to play safe and go out (with every other team) in a blaze of Cholera, Typhoid or Dysentery glory?
I can't help, but feel like this now when I look at the options =D

option 1
Option 1.
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Team Szumni is drinking from toilet. No other option is possible :)
Option 1.
the Foo(d) Fighters will be back with a VENGEANCE for season 3..
Please do!
option 1 for us
Option 1.
Team Raccoon City Ops will stay inside and drink from the toilet tank. Hopefully the water in the pipes is not contaminated...
I second that - option 1 it is. fingers crossed
Option 1.