I try to make this contest somewhat realistic and educational by providing some scenarios that are based off of actual information relating to certain plants and situations. Other scenarios are just random and have the main purpose of eliminating teams.
That said, the goal in the last round was to find a plant that has anti-bacterial properties in order to stop an infection, which, if left untreated, would be lethal. Three options for the plants were given.
OPTION 1 - CREEPING CHARLIE (Glechoma hederacea)
OPTION 3 - WILD LETTUCE (Lactuca virosa)
Of the plants listed above, I believe that only Glechoma hederacea (Creeping Charlie AKA Ground Ivy) has antibacterial properties and therefore I predetermined that it was the correct answer prior to posting the last round. Unless I find our otherwise, this means that only one team survived the last round, and is therefore the winner!

RIP @edgarstudio & @peacemaker
TEAM BARZ chose Option 3 last round, and although there are benefits to Wild Lettuce, it did not help with the infection and this team has now perished. Thanks very much for playing and great job making it this far! Season 3 will be starting soon if you are interested in trying again.

THE KIWIS went with Option 2 last round. The American Gooseberries were a tasty treat, but they did not help with the infection either, and The Kiwis have also perished. Great job almost winning guys., your daily stories are a great addition to the game to. Feel free to join back in when Season 3 starts.

@lukmarcus & @kambrysia
TEAM SZUMNI has won! Unless I find out something else regarding the plant options, you guys are the winners for Season 2! Excellent work and thanks for your prompt responses in each round.
The winning team will be receiving 400 STEEM in the near future, and all other teams will be paid out 1 STEEM per day of gameplay that they survived. I'll do a promo post in the near future for Season 3 and start the open signup after that. Anyone interested in participating should find a teammate and pick a team name.
Please give me a few days if need be to finalize the payouts and get the STEEM distributed. Thank you in advance.
You guys have been wonderful and thanks for supporting me in this interesting and entertaining game! I look forward to keeping it going. Hopefully you are all having some fun with it!
Congratulations TEAM SZUMNI
I survived two days out of what feels like forty for this game to end lol.
I have a game for Steem going on right now if you guys want to watch and see who's going to get eaten by dragons! We need popcorn
The Force is reborn once more. Congratulations on your survival of the Pepper Games.
I will be happy to be part of season 3. A big congratulations to the winning team.
Me too. Season 3 perhaps. I missed to much before. I am missing so much now!
Im so like about your operator translations!!!
Congrats TEAM SZUMNI!!!!
Thanks for the contest @papa-pepper!!
Can't wait for Season 3!
@lukmarcus Gratuluję :)
OMG! This last challange was really hard! I spent few hours searching internet for survival guides about plants and at one point I gave up because all plants were only "similar" to those on photos.
Thank you all teams for this game. It was really fun to play with you! Hope to see you next season.
And finally: @papa-pepper - YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME!
Great game bro, me and Edgar almost chose option 1 but when we found out that it was potentially toxic if consumed we opted for option 3
Here is the excerpt from Wikipedia lol
"Glechoma hederacea has been used in the traditional medicine of Europe going back thousands of years: Galen recommends the plant to treat inflammation of the eyes. John Gerard, an English herbalist, recommended the plant to treat tinnitus, as well as a "diuretic, astringent, tonic and gentle stimulant. Useful in kidney diseases and for indigestion." It has also been used as a "lung herb".[13] Other traditional uses include as an expectorant, astringent, and to treat bronchitis.[14] The essential oil of the plant has been used for centuries as a general tonic for colds and coughs, and to relieve congestion of the mucous membranes.[citation needed] In the traditional Austrian medicine the herb has been prescribed for internal application as salad or tea for the treatment of variety of different conditions including disorders associated with the liver and bile, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, kidneys and urinary tract, fever, and flu.[15]
Although it has been used as a salad green and in herbal medicines for thousands of years, the safety of Glechoma hederacea has not been established scientifically, and there is sufficient evidence to warrant caution with its use.[citation needed] Glechoma hederacea is toxic to cattle and horses.[16] Glechoma hederacea is known to contain terpenoids; terpene-rich volatile oils are known to irritate the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The volatile oil also contains pulegone, a chemical also occurring in pennyroyal, that is a known irritant, toxic to the liver, and also an abortifacient. The total yield of volatile oil in Glechoma is less than 1/30th the concentration that of pennyroyal.[14]"
Maybe this can be validated and we move to the next round for sudden death hopefully haha?
If not then congrats to the rightful winners either way. It was fun for sure
Good to see people were at least researching. Thanks @verbal-d!
You are most welcome, We are aiming for season 3 indeed!
Congratulations :D
Great fun reading all the different scenarios (except for the one where my team died). Congratulations to Team Szumni for outlasting/outthinking all the others.
LOL, "except for the one where my team died."
Back next season?
Absolutely! Looking forward to it.
Glad to hear it!
Nobody picks me until this game ends.....mean folks!
Congratulations to the winners receiving 400 steems. That's very good. I wish and hope everyone enjoyed the contest! :)
Yeah, that's a great prize pack right now!
We have a saying in the deep south - Bugger!
We did a bunch of research on this and couldn't find anything much useful.
i did find this though.
Which led us to our fatal choice.
So it looks like there is one last sad story to write.
On another weird note - this is the second time I have posted this comment.
It saved ok the first time and I could see it in the thread, but when I went back to check it was gone! So I'll try again.
I found that in my research too. Different plant, but still called "gooseberry."
BUGGER it is.
Great job though guys and way to add to the contest!
No worries. I knew this was a 'kill' round ;-)
I'll try to get my last story up today (still at work just now).
It's been a lot of fun doing this, and a big congrats to the winners.
We'll have to regroup and get ready to 'die another day' in season three. :-)
Competitors were worthier this time around! I salut you for making it to the very end. I swear we will do better next time with @vcelier.
From the far side of the universe, we who gave our all thank you papa, it was fun while it lasted.
We have a new team maybe next time, Trevor thinks he deserves a holiday so his better half will join the team.
We may be the Kick's or the Gewi's seeing she is Greek. Watch this spot.
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform Steemit of the demise of The Kiwis.
They put up a good fight but the injuries and lack of good food did them in, in the end.
They shall not grow old as we grow old. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will check Steemit for more fun from @papa-pepper.
Oh man Team Barz was so close! Thank You for this opportunity and for creating such an awesome idea of a post @papa-pepper!
A HUGE congrats to the winning team!
Congrats team szumni!
Just noticed a bit of extra steem in my account. TYVM
Thank you for playing!