Did those guys really just eat some worms?
Actually, every team chose to try to the worms yesterday. No one could resist the thought of finally having an excuse to goble up some worms.
In addition to eating worms, the teams used mud to coat their arms and other exposed body parts in as a mosquito barrier. as it turns out, their open wounds from the barbed wire may not have enjoyed the mud coat. Some of the wounds are now swollen and red.
The choices for eating the worms included raw, boiled, or roasted. Let's see which choices the teams went with and how it worked out for them.
OPTION 2 - Soak a shirt in the wet spot on the ground to ring water out into an empty pop-can laying nearby and boil the worms over a small fire to enjoy them simmering hot.
This option was the most popular. Two teams chose to enjoy their worms boiled. The boiling killed the parasites and bacteria that the worms had, and in the end, the meal was actually rather delicious. Some would liken it to soft, pink spaghetti noodles with no sauce. Here are the teams that chose to eat the worms boiled.

@lukmarcus & @kambrysia
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 9 (gameplay)
All members of this team have swollen, red wounds.
This team has 4 rounds of ammunition.

@edgarstudio & @peacemaker
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 9 (gameplay)
All members of this team have swollen, red wounds.
This team has 4 rounds of ammunition.
OPTION 3 - Light a small fire, find a few roasting sticks, and roast the worms like marshmallows over the fire
Roasting these tasty worms over the fire like some skinny, skinny hot dogs was another option. This choice allowed the parasites and bacteria to be killed prior to consumption as well. There's nothing like a good night's sleep after a tummy full of crispy worms to help a body feel ready for the new day. Here is the team that chose to enjoy some roasted worms for dinner.

@len.george & @trevor.george
This team will need to eat prior to the end of Day 9 (gameplay)
All members of this team have swollen, red wounds.
This team has 4 rounds of ammunition.
OPTION 4 - Eat the worms raw and get some sleep.
One team chose to eat the worms raw. Unfortunately, there were a lot of bacteria and a few parasites living on and inside the worms. The vomiting was not enough to remedy the situation, and, unfortunately, the team who chose to eat them raw woke up dead...

RIP @florio & @steemerstan
I was sad to see you guys go, but you can always return next season. Also, all participating teams will be some some of STEEM Prize at the end of this season, so be patient and expect that. Thanks so much for playing.
Still tired form all of the running on the previous day, the teams move slowly and cautiously. There is no gunfire to be heard, so that is a relief. The forests give way to fields full of tall plants, and the teams heads can just barely see over the tops of them. Realizing how exposed and out in the open they are, the teams stoop down to avoid being easy targets.
Soon, their arms begin to itch something terrible. It is almost like the fields are full of plants that are covered in tiny, hollow needles, and the needles are breaking off in their skin.
The pain continues to get worse, and the itching more and more irritable. The teams examine the plants a little more closely.
Sure enough, there are tons of tiny little "stingers" covering the plants. Not only are the plants painful, they are surrounded with them. What shall they do now?
OPTION 1 - Run across the rest of the field and get out of here quick.
OPTION 2 - Try to eat the plants and see if they are useful for anything else.
OPTION 3 - Take turns shooting themselves to avoid a suffering any longer.
Each team must reply to this post within the next 24 hours in order to avoid a CoinFlip. You have three (3) options to choose from.
I'm ready throw up.
I think I am totally with @steemitqa on this one.... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!
OPTION 2 - Try to eat the plants and see if they are useful for anything else.For survival we should it anythings except toxic. For this statement i choose option 2. Thanks @papa-peper
Once these last three teams finish up, I'll have a signup for Season 3 you can join in then if you want.
Yeas. I want, but how to join
Wait until this one is over.
Okey thanks papa papper
I need to win 375 Steem.
You should join in next season.
phhhh. i did it. please finish my suffer :)))))))))) was reading post when my breakfast oooooooohhhhhhh. anyway upwote.
With the price of Steem as high as it is now, 375 Steem is a handsome Prize!!
Yes it is, too bad you are dead... Lol.
Darn, I forgot again!
Your head stone shall read:
"Here lies daveks, dead as a door nail."
Future generations will have no idea what a door nail is. It will be great.
I just hit a nettle today lol. Sandals bad idea this time of year.
@papa-pepper did you already have the scratches and marks all over your arm or did you deliberately sting yourself just for the picture? 0_0
I'm already beat up. Only the snake bite photo for Season 1 was deliberate.
You deliberately got bitten by a snake...

I needed the photo.... I do my own work... LOL
I expect nothing less than '100% original @papa-pepper content'® from you 😀
So sorry I should have went with your "gut" instinct @steemerstan
It's OK Florio. We had a very good run.
I'd love to team up with you again next round if you're interested.
It would be fine to team up again @florio, but as you may have gathered, I don't have a clue on many of these options we are presented with. Sometimes, however, I will do a bit of research as I believe @PapaPepper like to keep things fairly real. I don't mention my research in game but sometimes it affects my choices. I was really impressed with your using the roadkill to get that turtle. See you in season 3.
Yep I thought we made a good team. I'm looking forward to the next try, I am determined to survive the next steem-pocalypse
TYVM for this game #papapepper. It was great fun and educational too. We may not go as far as Venezuela and I sure hope we don't, but these are still valuable things to know. And as someone said in the movies, "I'll be back"
Glad you had fun. There will be more to come.
We're gonna eat plants. Szumni goes option 2.
The kiwis are inti a varied diet, worms one day, stinging nettle young leaves the next.
Option 2
Trevor is making a buck for a while, hhis writeup will follow
We would like to use the plant for any ailments! Option 2 for Team Barz!
Got it. Check out my most recent post too.
Will Do!