With bullets flying overhead and a deep gorge in front of them, the teams had to decide quickly!
Not knowing who was shooting, only that they were, escape seemed like the best plan for most of the teams. It appeared that certain death awaited any teams who chose to try to jump across the cavern or into the water...
Tired of running and loaded with at least some ammo, one team decided to hold their ground. If someone was trying to kill them, then they just might die trying, and the team may get whatever goods that they were carrying.
No teams chose the first two options, but one team was willing to hold their ground and shoot it out.
Unfortunately, the team was way outgunned and perished very quickly. Was it a "blaze of glory" that they went out in? No, not really, just a regular blaze...

RIP @sammie & @mr-mooch
The remainder of our teams chose to try to cross on the log upstream. I looked a little rough, and it was high up there, but in the end, it proved solid enough for our sure-footed survivalists to cross on.
The four teams that chose to cross on the log are the only ones left now. Nice going teams!
The teams race into the woods once they reach the other side and do not stop until shortness of breath and side-aches finally become too much for them. Whoever was shooting back there certainly had no issue unloading ammo.
The teams continue to press on and put as much distance as they can between themselves and whoever is on the other side of the river... as least whoever is hopefully on the other side, still. Though there are no more sounds of gunfire, the teams press on as quickly as their weary bodies will let them. Eventually though, the teams grind to a slow trudge.
Now that the sun has passed the midday mark, West is obvious and the teams press on southward. There are no roads or fences, and hopefully they have not been running in any circles so far. Eventually, the buzz of mosquitoes surrounds the teams and nightfall begins to set in. Finding a small wet spot on the ground, the teams coat their bodies with mud to prevent the mosquitoes from feasting on them, well, the exposed parts of their bodies anyway.
This had been a long, tiring day of constant movement and no food ever since the teams were so rudely awakened.
As they lie down for sleep, they notice that the ground has become covered in nightcrawlers. Is this a possible food source?
OPTION 1 - Pass on the worms and just get some sleep.
OPTION 2 - Soak a shirt in the wet spot on the ground to ring water out into an empty pop-can laying nearby and boil the worms over a small fire to enjoy them simmering hot.
OPTION 3 - Light a small fire, find a few roasting sticks, and roast the worms like marshmallows over the fire.
OPTION 4 - Eat the worms raw and get some sleep.
Each team must reply to this post within the next 24 hours in order to avoid a CoinFlip. You have four (4) options to choose from.
Hard luck @sammie & @mr-mooch. As a member of a team that took a risk in an earlier round and also died in a violent way, I applaud you for having the courage to pick a more risky option 👍
Second that. You died as "Brave Wombats".
Thanks guys :-) We had a lot of fun playing. I can't believe we made it to day 7!
option 2
RAISES HAND OOOOOO PICK ME!!!! I know this one. <3
very interesting and mind blowing
the kiwis checked with the little-peppers what is the best way to eat worms and were advised that option 3, roasted over the fire is best, although they do sneek a few raw ones when Papa isn't watching, or were they baby snakes?
Trevors write up to follow
For survival game i choose the 4th Option, Eat the worms raw and get some sleep. (Option 4)
Beware teams, the worms could be poisonous. The only good options seem to be 3rd and 2nd.
Can I get some fries and a coke with that?
It's not been the best day for the kiwis, but we're still in the game, just.
Can we survive tomorrow? You'll have to tune in to find out.
Option 4 seems like the best bet that way you can get some sleep without having to waste time trying to boil the delicacy that you just found!
@steemerstan I'm thinking option 4 is the way to go.
#4 might be OK but I think #3 might be even better. Worms are on the menu in many parts of the world. They can be quite tasty when properly prepared. Got soy sauce?
I think the worms might fall off the stick into the fire and making a fire might attract things we don't want to attract. I really think option 4
OK #4 it is.
Szumni are going to boil them. Option 2.