Deadly plants and wild dogs!
Yesterday our eight surviving teams made it past the GMO, Virus-Infected Ticks and got a chance to grab some grub. Unfortunately, as often happens in survival situations, not all the options were actually edible...
This beautiful flowering plant is a sight to behold. It also happens to be some maturing Poison Hemlock. Unfortunately, one team chose this option and has now perished. They will be missed, and they will be remembered.
RIP @mark-waser & @nathanjones
Option 2 was some Yellow Dock, also known as Curly Dock. It is a member of the same family as the Rhubarb plant and is quite common in some areas. The young leaves are the best, but five teams still enjoyed eating some of it. The teams who chose this option must now eat prior to the end of Day 5 (gameplay) in order to avoid starvation. (please see comment section below for a list of the teams)
Two teams chose to play it safe, so they did not even try to pick a plant. Since food was not an absolute necessity at the moment for either team, they avoided death and got to carry on.The teams who chose this option must eat prior to the end of Day 4 (gameplay) in order to avoid starvation. (please see comment section below for a list of the teams)
The remaining teams are pressing on. Their goal lies southward, and they are working hard to continue in that direction. Avoiding the woods allows them to avoid more encounters with the ticks, but it leaves them out in the open. So far, no vehicles have passed by, but travelling down this road is giving them an uneasy feeling.
Soon, a peculiar fence begins to line the road. The teams cannot see anything but woods inside the fence. No buildings or other structures are anywhere in sight. The rows of barbed wire running along the top of the fencing do not give the teams any clues. Whether the fencing is supposed to keep someone, or something, in or out remains a mystery.
As the teams continue to travel, so does the fencing. It runs such a long distance that the teams doubt that any private citizen had placed this fence here. More likely, it had something to do with the government or military. The teams are unsure if this is a good or bad thing.
Behind the teams a pack of now-wild dogs has emerged. They look quick and tough, and at least as mean. The teams swallow hard as they evaluate the situation.
The dogs seem to have only one intent... a meal. This leaves the teams very little time and very few options. If the teams attempt to climb the fence, who knows what they will find inside it. Also, it looks like the barbed wire will take its toll on their flesh. If the teams try to run, they will have to head back into the woods in order to make any serious attempt at outrunning the pack of dogs. If they take off down the road, the dogs will certainly overtake them. There is always the option of trying to kill the dogs with the gun, but the teams already count at least eight dogs in the pack, and they only have four rounds. What will the teams do?
Option 1 - Attempt to climb over the barbed wire fence.
Option 2 - Attempt to run back into the woods.
Option 3 - Attempt to run away from the dogs down the road.
Option 4 - Attempt to kill the dogs with the gun.
Each team must reply to this post with their decision within the next 24 hours to avoid a COINFLIP. The teams have four (4) options.
The current prize pool is 200 STEEM.
Until next time…
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Team Racoon City Ops have decided - it has been a tough decision, but we're going to go with option 4; we're going to stand our ground and fight for survival or go out in a blaze of glory.
WOW! Is that what you call glory?
Perhaps it's more style than glory ;)
If we don't end up dog food tonight / tomorrow then I'll imagine that we survived with similar aplomb =)
Team Barz will go with option 1! Thanks @papa-pepper for the awesome scenarios!
@steemerstan I think option 1 for this round, hop the fence. Thoughts?
I agree. We are both young, strong and agile but no one can outrun dogs.
4 could work if some dead dogs might scare off the rest but 1 is the best even if we don't find a blanket or something to throw over the barbed wire. #1 it is.
The kiwis are still in it!
Here is our story from yesterday
Ooooo.... and look! Puppies!
Can I play with the puppies dad?
go help yourself, they look nice, well trained puppies.
Option 2 for our team. Thanks
the kiwis will climb the fence, option 1, barb wire is no problem for us. We have been scaling barb wire fences since childhood, pinching fruit etc.
Regarding the old option 2: I think you should have taken a different picture since this had something in the background that could well have been poisoned water (or worse).
I actually had another photo but was having extreme difficulty getting it to upload.
@mr-mooch, I think there's only one option here that gives us any kind of chance :-/ What do you think?
Option 1
Yeah, definitely Option 1.
Darn, i took one lool at the plant in option 1 and thought it was queen annes lace. What a terrible way to go!!! I will return for season 3.
Szumni - option 1 is the best!