in #steem-pocalypse8 years ago (edited)


First off, Season 5 has officially ended! In the end, @sireland pocketed 450 SBD. What happened to @dksart and @randomness you ask?

They got shot... but they still took home 75 SBD each for making it that far.

In other Season 5 news, we had the biggest sign up ever, with almost 300 players starting the season. Some died early, as they always do, but we did make it all the way to Day 10 of gameplay. Also new last season was a Gameplay Spreadsheet provided by @novaatebatman. To track almost 300 players every day is a daunting task, so I was blessed to have help. A big thanks to everyone who played, watched, upvoted and resteemed last season, and to all those who made their own posts about the game too, like @dwells, @asimplewriter, @keepdoodling and others.



Each season is a learning experience, especially for @papa-pepper. In both of the previous seasons I seemed to allow teams to form in one round and then kill off the teammates in the next round, returning it to solo play. Part of the original intent of the game was to include interaction, community building, and relationships. That does not happen as much with solo play.

In Season 6 we will be waiting until about half of the players are eliminated and then engaging in some team play. Moreover, I will be attempting to have some rounds with an "Ozark Trail" type feel to them. There will be other surprises and things to look forward to, but all in due time!


To streamline the running of this game without restricting the number of players, a few changes will be implemented. Recently in the gameplay a little more has been required of the players. When they have a chance to potentially win hundreds of dollars worth of SBD, I think it is a small thing to ask, so I thank you for your help ahead of time.

All steemians who want to sign up must register at this link:

All that you need to do is enter your username into the registration form and you are officially signed up. You also have the option to receive email notification when a new season starts to make sure that you do not miss it, but you are not required to do so.

Just follow the link above and enter your username to sign up for Season 6 gameplay. I will leave the sign up open until midnight Saturday CST, roughly one week from now, with gameplay officially starting on next Sunday. Get ready everyone! This could be our biggest season yet!

Additionally, @novaatebatman also created a spreadsheet to help track the players and gameplay last season. Here is a sneak peek at the one that will be used this season.


Besides @novaatebatman helping out with some of the administrative work for this game, @liberty-minded has been providing Title and Game Over GIFs, like the one that heads this post. I hope that you like them, as it not only lessens the workload on me, but also adds to the game and helps build the community.


I am blessed to be part of a platform and community that makes things like the STEEM-Pocalypse game possible. To provide a fun, entertaining, and periodically educational way that people can potentially win hundreds of dollars just by investing a few minutes a day has been a real joy for me. I hope that you all are enjoying it too!

Also, please do not forget to sign up by entering your username here:

Remember, by taking turns resteeming this post over the next week the next season can have maximum participation. Thanks everyone!

Be ready, because the STEEM-Pocalypse waits for no one!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with


There are 2 pages

I am not only signed up this time but one of the first to comment!
I am excited to adventure through your wild and crazy world with my fellow steemians!

I'll give you the 100% upvote for making a real comment then! I'm just trying to encourage real interaction and comments here, so I like to upvote one at 100% on each post and put it on display.

You do realize that by signing up you will most likely die though, right?

Thanks @quinneaker!

Hahahaha yes I do realize that this is a RIGGED GAME designed to kill people and I won't be able to use my usual super powers I have access to in "RL" ;-)>
Im not in it to win it, just to get a chance to play in your wild and strange world and meet some new Steemians!
Also yes REAL comments or comments of substance are VERY rare these days and there are SOOO many spammy comments. Its a bit sad as comments were once upon a time one of the best parts of any post!
I appreciate the support you are showing for REAL content and am honored by your choice to choose my comment!
See you in the wild and strange world soon!

RIGGED? The outcomes of all scenarios are predetermined before the players make their choices. It is not designed to kill people, if everyone would just choose the correct option every day, no one would ever die... but I guess for a survival game that would mean that no one would ever win either.. yeah, that won't work....

Well what I mean is there are "trick" questions where the answers that MAY be logical or that I COULD MAKE work in a "real life" scenario won't work and the game is designed to kill everyone off. Did not mean any offense of course or anything to your VERY WELL ESTABLISHED HONORABLE CHARACTER!

I know, I was just having some fun with you... while you are still alive.

smiley face emoji

That wasn't ominous. Nope. Not one bit. XD

Yeah... I find myself flagging more posts than upvoting them. Of course, I only flag spammers, copy pasters, and plagiarizers. But I end up flagging more than upvoting. It's kinda sad.

I don't choose to use my down votes very often and if so just on plagiarism, lies or attacks. For spam stuff I just ignore it.
Someone needs to do something about it though!

Don't just ignore the spam, that lets them get away with it. At the least, report them to @steemcleaners.

I use my flags for spammers like that on certain kinds of posts to knock them down to the bottom.

I agree.

I follow you, you follow me. I vote you, you vote me. Love you long time.

I'm so tempted to flag you just for the snark. :P

You love me long time? Really? Awesome!

You're that 5 dollah whore aren't you! 😉

Are you trying to insult me??? It's 6 dollah!

First time trying this game!

Signed up this time @papa-pepper. STEEM-POCALYPSE SEASON 6. Were are the rule of game? I think it is important for dummy like me.

Hello! Glad you could join us for Season 6 of STEEM-pocalypse!

You can get a good feel for the rules by checking out STEEM-POCALYPSE Season 5 Day 1 Round 1.

Something I would like to emphasize is that you must post your choices on the comment @papa-pepper makes with that option you'd like to choose. That makes keeping track of gameplay much easier. If you read through the posts for Season 5, you'll find a lot of people replying to the main post during gameplay. Please do not be like them, as they were not following the rules, and you will be eliminated for not following instructions.

In addition, I'll go ahead and quote what I replied to someone in an earlier comment explaining more about the rules.

STEEM-POCALYPSE is a survival game. You must sign up before the game begins. When the game begins, there will be a scenario and options to choose from. You must pick a single option and then wait to see the results. You must reply to this post within 24hrs of it being posted. If you do not reply in time for one post, your game is over and you will have to try again next season.

Each single day of gameplay takes two real life days. Days are divided into two rounds. One round on each real life day, before moving on to the next.

So, say, on Monday, Day 1 Round 1 is posted, on Tuesday, Day 1 Round 2 will be posted. On Wednesday, Day 2 Round 1 will be posted, on Thursday it will be Day 2 Round 2, and so on and so on and so on...

You must manage to eat every two game-days, meaning every four real life days, otherwise, you will starve to death, and you'll have to try again next season.

I would highly suggest going through and reading the game posts for the last game, starting with Day 1 Round 1, and working your way through it to get a better idea of how the game functions as a whole.

I hope I've helped to answer at least some of the questions that you have about the game. If you have anymore, please, by all means, let me know and I'll be more than happy to answer them to the best of my abilities. :)

I hope that information helps! If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask!

My, that spreadsheet is awfully pretty. That sign-up form is pretty shiny, too.

But I think the star of the show for this post is @liberty-minded's awesome GIF at the top of the post.

Can't wait to get the next season underway!

the forms look great but I like the Gifs too

That sexy, sexy GIF, lol.

Just want to say thank you ahead of name may not be on the list for long, but as long as its there, and beyond, I appreciate your assistance!!

Why thank you so kindly! :)

Ok! I'm ready for a new game! :)

And I have to say that this new @papa-pepper's character is just awesome :)

Hurray for awesome doodles! Not nearly enough of those in the world!

Thank you @papa-pepper, can't wait for the next season. Good job on the new intro logo @liberty-minded it looks great. Thank you for the spreadsheet @novaatebatman. And lastly can't wait for the creative content the players come up with like @dwells and @keepdoodling.

I think next season need to take more risks, was trying to play it too safe and missed out too much.

Can't wait as usual. Check the spreadsheet after you sign up, if you want to make sure you are registered.

I'll be starting the game with a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, 2 packs of beef jerky, and water purification tablets 😀

Good advice on confirming... Also, great idea to begin the game already loaded with supplies! #genius!

Well I am technically still alive lol

Is this something you decide yourself?

I'm starting with a suite of armor and a bazooka!!!! :D

I'm ready to build deep and lasting relationships with salmonella.

HA! I'm willing to do so much more.

I am signed up! I'm so excited for another season and to read all the players comments/posts who bring their creativity to playing the game. Thanks to @novaatebatman for all the hard work keeping records! And thank you @papa-pepper for a great way to bring Steemians together. Here's hoping my little rabbit cottontail doesn't get shot or fall off a cliff.

[slips you a small bunny-parachute and a little bunny bulletproof vest]

Shhhhh..... I did nothing... [ninja poof]

I'm baaack . . .

Yep, your username still makes me smile when I see it.

Glad to have you back! :D

Alway nice to know I'm getting smiles without even trying 😊Thanks @novaatebatman

It's just so playful and perky! I can't help it!

signed up on the form.

it probably doesn't make much difference, but I was unsure if you wanted the user name with or without the "@" symbol... I signed up without it.

let the games begin... yay!

It doesn't really matter, I've been adding the @ manually to everyone that didn't use it. No big deal.

that's cool, thanks for the feedback!

No problem. I make an effort to reply to everything, especially things concerning the google forms or spreadsheet.

Thank you for the mention @papa-pepper. We sure have alot of fun making our steem-pocalypse strategy discussion videos. The "Ozark Trail" type feel should make it easy for us to do some live action shots of the options. I WILL NOT be eating any turtles this season though!

I WILL NOT be eating any turtles this season though!

But it might be the only chance at survival!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool you thrice, it's dinner time! :D

So we still need this turtle for soup or no...? It's wiggling pretty hard and if we're not gonna eat it I'm gonna let it go. It's getting hard to hang onto.

Careful, it the claws but your skin the wounds could get infected.... I'm just saying...

Don't worry, I have a bottle of orange essential oil and a squeezy bear of honey. I'll be fine. :D

There's an oil for that!

LOL! Must not forget balloon animals and Vanilla Extract!

From a great deal of reading I've done over the years, it seems like orange essential oil is one of the only things known to stop/prevent tetanus outside of a medical setting. And both it and honey are natural antiseptics.

There's an oil for just about everything! :D

Thank you @papa-pepper for the shout out and for this contest. I really do love it. I've actually been using it as an everyday free writing exercise. It keeps the creative juices flowing and I cant wait to see what the next season brings. I'm also looking forward to @dwells and @essentialoilmom videos. There was actually a couple of times last season where i made my choice and watched their video and was like crap I picked the wrong one(mostly the one where I died). And of course I cant forget about @keepdoodlings wonderful pictures. I was showing them to my wife all season because she thought the little guy was super cute. All of you keep up the good work, looking forward to what you guys come up with this season. Lastly, thank you @novaatebatman for the spreadsheet and @liberty-minded for the GIFs. They are both great and really make the whole experience more enjoyable.

And so, It starts.

Record keeping for STEEM-pocalypse has been a mostly positive experience. The ones that make it less pleasant aren't the ones I care about. The people that truly love the game and contribute to it and help build the STEEM-pocalypse community/universe are the people that I'm here for. And I love you all.

I look forward to reading your writings for this season.

Just signed up, I enjoyed watching last seasons but was to late to sign up. Look forward to being a part of this one.

With my luck though i'm sure I will die early lol

[patpat] Don't worry if you do, that's just par for this course.

I am going to sign up and not going to die ;)

Great attitude! Sign up and prepare for greatness!

Well you aren't signed up until you sign up using the form linked in the post above. Otherwise, you won't die because you won't be playing. :P

I did sign up. You just dont know how I am not going to die ;)

Oh, I have a pretty good idea...

At the time that I left that comment, if you had signed up, it hadn't gone through. You have been added to the spreadsheet since then. :)

Ready to try again this time I'll try not to miss one! So mad at my self last time.

I was so sad to see you die that way after surviving so hard for so long. D:

Oh so was I. I was working so hard that day I totally forgot to reply till after. Oh well let's see if I can get past day 6 this time.

Here's hoping!

All humankind are mortal! So, I may die in this gauntlet apocoplyptica. 😬
But if I die it will be with my shoulders back, face set like flint and no regrets passing from my lips!!! 😑@papa-pepper

May those willing to enter this challenge have the bravery and stamina to see it through to the end.🏆 💀Your life may be forfeit. But hear me now fellow steemians, they caNNot taKe oUR STEEEEEEEEEEEMDOM!!!!!!


They'll never take our STEEEMDOM!

Lauren and Benjamin are signed up, we only have one account so we are connected at the hip, I guess. This will be fun! We are enjoying @dwells and @essentialoilmom's discussion videos. Now we can participate! @ironshield

They could make accounts and play, too. :)

Do you have any suggestions for making a new account? We've gotten as far as verifying by phone and email, now we're waiting... and waiting... and waiting for a new account generation. I heard you could PURCHASE a new account, but i'm not sure how to do it. @ironshield

Have you tried registering from the beginning all over again? My friend was waiting for several days, then decided to just start all over again. His account was approved very quickly the second time around.

I'm looking into ways to purchase an account. I'll hopefully have good news for you shortly.


I have looked into the two third-party methods of making accounts, and ultimately, this looks like the much better option.

I hope this helps you out!

Thank you, I'll check this out. @ironshield

I hope it's been of use to you.

If you're still having trouble in a few days, I'll try doing some more research into it to see if I can find something else. I'm just too drained to do any real research right now.

It worked! Thank you! @ironshield made me an account by delegating 61940.614925 VESTS (30SP) and only paid 0.2 STEEM account creation fee.

Yes! I told you i'm not gonna miss it this time mate!
Signed up and waiting for the kick off! I'm ready to die! hahaha!
Cheers man!

Glad you were able to make it this season!

Oh yes so happy i made it this time!
Thank you @novaatebatman!

Are you signed up for the email notification service I offer to let people know when STEEM-POCALYPSE signups are open and when the first game post of every season goes live?

I have been seeing people participate and what not , when I have the courage one day, I'll sign up :D

You should sign up now! The worst thing that can happen is that you die before the end of the game. But you can have fun along the way!

Have the courage, you just need to pick a number each day.

I didn't know it was that simple , for sure then . Thanks for your wild adventures .

Don't forget to sign up using the form linked above.

it is that simple.

Sing up, wait until next Sunday, and then choose one option every day within 24 hours of my post. Worst case scenario, you die in the game. Best case, you win hundreds of $$$$!

👌🏽 just signed up for my very first Papa-Pepper challenges:D

Congratulations and good luck!

I'm excited af lol.

Me too! Can't wait to record keep again! :D

Signed up and ready for another trip down Steem-Pocalypse Lane!


That's a really awesome GIF, by the way.

Maybe you can even catch another lizard or snake!

Not the snakes! I need those to hoard in my basement to kill the mice in the winter!

gonna catch the first Tegu of the series!

Happy to be signed up again. Almost made it to top 15 last time. Hoping to go all the way. Thanks for making this @papa-pepper!

You did do a really good last season! Let's see what you can do this time.

Signed up! This is my first time to join here. May the odds be in my favor. Lol!

That's what I sent out in my notification email. >.>....

Shouldn't it be May the options be ever in your favor?

Hrm... It would allow us to have a catchphrase and avoid copyright laws...

Just signed up. Let the madness and mayhem begin. :)

Welcome back! Good to see you again. :D

So it begins...

I don't have time to play but following along as best as possible. My son just signed up. He is so excited.

Can we get @thehomeschoolkid to come on one of our strategy discussion shows?

Yeah. that would be cool!

Cool. Have fun watching, it can be entertaining.

I can't promise his survival, but I'll try to take good care of him! ^_^

yay , I was hoping you got the message and the link worked.

Saweeet! got your email notification thx for setting that up!

Umm although when I signed up for season 6 just now, I also entered my email again... hopefully I won't get double emails...

Anyway! Looking forward to getting another shot at this! it's been like 2 months man!

Steempocolypse ! Wooot Wooot!

Sure thing!

Don't worry, you won't get double emails. If for some reason you do, please reply to the email to let me know. I send out the notification emails manually, and after the sign-up closes, I'll be deleting any duplicate emails from the email lists.

Perfect thx for the quick resp!

You know I bugged Papa to keep me in the loop when the next one launched so I didn't wana take a chance of missing out again haha..

Too excited, it's probably not healthy ~

Well, the fact that notifications on the main Steemit site haven't been working for weeks, and the fact that it's a lot to ask @papa-pepper to keep track of everyone that wants to play, is the whole reason why I set up the notification emails list. :)

I'm not even playing and I'm really super excited about this as well! Can't wait to get back to record-keeping! The sign-ups is like a little pre-game for me. I get to start having fun before the players do! >:D

Ya Notifications haven't been helpful :( I'm starting my Steemit Sandwich Competition on Tuesday and tagging all of the steemians who showed interest in participating isn't going to do anything lol...

  • Either way! I'm sure Papa really appreciates the help. It's good that you enjoy it too haha, I don't think most people would ;)

  • Can you not sign up, bc it would then be a conflict of interest?

I can create an email notification form for you and you can post it telling people to sign up so I can send out a mass email to them when your competition is going. I wouldn't mind doing that for you.

Luckily, I'm rather good with and usually enjoy tedious and obsessive work.

I've been told that I'm welcome to play, but I feel that it would appear as too big of a conflict of interest and have therefore opted out of playing from now on.

I still love the game dearly, but I feel like my place in this expanding STEEM-POCALYPSE universe is keeping the records.

I did write a few scenarios that may or may not be used in this season or in future seasons. But I opted out of playing well before that. My early demise last season was pretty much suicide. I felt there was a 98% chance that that was the fatal option, and a 2% chance that the risk would have an amazing payoff.

I personally don't want there to be any accusations or assumptions that if I somehow manage to win anything, that it was rigged.

Ya I totally understand that, make sense!

And whole crap Yes! If you're willing to take care of the email list for the "Steemit Sandwich Contest" that would be a huge help! Especially if it's ready for the kick off! Shudang!

I would whole heartily accept your help and I'd sincerely appreciate it!
Is there something I need to do in order for this to work?

Also, please let me know what I can do for you as a token of my appreciation!

Add me on Discord if you like: jaybird#4732

You're looped, you're looped!

Welcome back... not prepare to die!

(or to win... your choice. smiley face emoji)

All signed up to hopefully not die this time. That was painless. Good luck to everyone competing. You're gonna need it. Hahahahaha(evil laugh)!

Bwahahahahaha! (maniacal laugh)

Welcome back to the game that always ends badly for all but a very select few! >:D

All signed up. It wouldn't be a new season of Steem-pocalypse if @papa-pepper wasn't trying to bump me off... erm, I mean teach me new survival skills...yeah that's it, new survival skills.

Bumping you off is totally a survival skill! ...for the person that bumped you off. >.>....

You've been getting really close lately. Let's see what you have this time!

Include me for next season! I'm excited to participate well this time.

Thank you! Welcome back! :D

My body is Ready (Y) :D


Just try to work on actually reading the posts in their entirety, 'kay? :P

No problem, i promise to read them complete :D

Gotta follow them complete, too, haha.

Looking forward to recording your journey in the next adventure!

Please reread the post.

Looking forward to surviving longer than last time. Outlived half the entrants, but only just.

Here's hoping! Good luck!

Just signed up fro Season 6. Looking forward to another record turnout and even more exciting surprises this time around! Thanks for doing such a fantastic job of organizing this game Papa - it keeps me on my toes and encourages me to participate every day on Steemit!

We've already got 112 players signed up! Here's hoping for hundreds more!

Wow 112 players signed up after only the first day? And there's still a week to go - this season could easily bring in over 500 people! Can't wait for the first day of Season 6!

121 players now. Sign-up has been open for less than twenty-four hours.

We could easily hit over five hundred players. Here's hoping!

Looking forward to it @papa-pepper. I'm going camping next week and I hope I get reception out there.

And because I was too tired and forgot to say it in my first reply....


I'm in. Good stuff @papa-pepper. Looking forward to the big W-I-N

I hope that you win too!

This is really cool and could turn to a very big business! Welcome back text based adventure games!

They never really left. The circles were just smaller, though there were still many.

Of course things never fully disappear, but this could bring them back in a big way. Back to the awareness of the masses. I wish papa-pepper all the luck with this project and to give it his best shot! I remember playing text based adventure games when I was a child and now they have added feature of multiplayer and monetary rewards. Very cool :)

You're not big in the roleplay scene, are you?

No, I have never tried it but I'm intrigued by the idea. I have even watched one youtube-series about it from geek and sundry channel. And I have noticed the increase of such activities around the world, if you're speaking of that and that's cool to see. People need to be more open minded and have fun.

I meant text based roleplaying.

It's a huge thing.

And honestly, you could even consider tabletop RPGs like D&D as Choose Your Own Adventure Text Games because a great many players actually put an extensive amount of effort into their characters and the Dungeon Masters put a ton of effort into the game and its options as well.

So really, it hasn't gone anywhere. It's bigger than ever. It just wears a couple different masks.

True, papa-pepper should aim to simulate D&D experience. Adding dice and stuff. And as it grows, some visual representation of scenes and characters.

And I doubt the trend will be changing, nerd culture is becoming mainstream with increasing rate and I've heard of even prisoners playing D&D campaigns to kill time.

I'm in! Looking forward for the next adventure, hopefully I'll survive this time 😤

Welcome back! To victory!

Signed up! :D

Welcome back! :D

Not only do I NOT know what this is, there is NOTHING in this post that explains the game. Help!


STEEM-POCALYPSE is a survival game. You must sign up before the game begins. When the game begins, there will be a scenario and options to choose from. You must pick a single option and then wait to see the results. You must reply to this post within 24hrs of it being posted. If you do not reply in time for one post, your game is over and you will have to try again next season.

Each single day of gameplay takes two real life days. Days are divided into two rounds. One round on each real life day, before moving on to the next.

So, say, on Monday, Day 1 Round 1 is posted, on Tuesday, Day 1 Round 2 will be posted. On Wednesday, Day 2 Round 1 will be posted, on Thursday it will be Day 2 Round 2, and so on and so on and so on...

You must manage to eat every two game-days, meaning every four real life days, otherwise, you will starve to death, and you'll have to try again next season.

I would highly suggest going through and reading the game posts for the last game, starting with Day 1 Round 1, and working your way through it to get a better idea of how the game functions as a whole.

I hope I've helped to answer at least some of the questions that you have about the game. If you have anymore, please, by all means, let me know and I'll be more than happy to answer them to the best of my abilities. :)

Also, here's the first post for last season. More info is in there, and it gives you the chance to take a look at gameplay. Posting this here so you don't have to dig through @papa-pepper's past blog posts.

I will be holding a Play-Along-Pocalypse game alongside the official game. You can come join us and learn how to play the game if you'd like.

Glad to see you are getting some help with this monster!

I remember the first game - 8 teams. It seemed so easy back then huh?

I'll be signing up, as I missed the last one and that just felt.... wrong ;-)

[no bots were used in the making of this comment]

I was wondering why you weren't playing last season! I was disappointed to not be able to keep records of your survival efforts!

Yeah sorry about that. i was tied up with work and stuff and missed the signup. My dad even reminded me, but i just missed out on it.

But we are all in this time around, so looking forward to some more fun and adventure.

And thanks for stepping in to give @papa-pepper a hand with this. It has grown so much so quickly. It's a lovely thing to see. :-)

I rather enjoy helping out with this game.

There's already almost half as many sign-ups as there were last season. If it keeps going on like this, I think we'll end up with around five hundred players. Possibly more.

Woohoo! I love how this is growing and the user engagement it brings.

Signed up, upvoted and resteemed :-) let the games begin.

Welcome back!

I keep meaning to tell you how much I love your icon. It's friggin' adorable.

LOL, Thanks a lot friend, I'm not sure why but for some reason people are attracted to the beet :-)

It's colorful and cute, therefore it's like a little bit of happiness.

Officially signed up and ready to go!

Can't wait to experience the awesomeness of this game again, all the best for the new season @papa-pepper!

Welcome back!

I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell anyone...

Playing the game is awesome, but record keeping for the game is outright addictive. :3

Haha, I bet flagging the spammers is ever more fun ;)
you're awesome @novaatebatman, you did a great job last season...

I'd rather there weren't any spammers to flag, in all honesty. But such is the world we live in...

D'aww. Thank you! That means a lot to me. I sure did work hard last season. And there's already almost half of the sign-ups we had last season.

I'm currently working on a few different ways to try to make this game easier to play for the players and easier to keep records for. I'm trying to strike a balance between being highly efficient, but also still being enjoyable and engaging.

Yeah im in, was too late for season 5, but season 6 here i come🍻

Good to see you made it to the party this time! :)

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor as well! Signed up!

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the first half of Aug 06. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $61.96 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 06 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Sharing this so I can follow along! And maybe get you more to play...

Why not join in yourself? Worse that can happen is you die and have to try again next season. (And really, everyone dies in this game.)

What are the rules of the game and what kind of hoops does a player have to do?

You can find the breakdown here:

In addition, the only real changes for this season involve the sign-up process itself, which the information pertaining to that is located in the post body.

I will just watch this for now, Thank You for the details.

Playing is as good of a way to learn how to play as any.

If just watching, please make sure to respect the fact that it's asked that those not playing do not comment on the actual game posts. It's written in the game posts as well, but sadly, a great many people are very disrespectful and ignore it.

If you have questions or anything you'd like answered while watching, please come comment on one of my posts and ask your questions there, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

I look forward to you joining this amazing game in the future.

Here, you may be interested in this.

I'll be hosting a play-along game on my own blog, designed mostly to help people learn how to play the game.

Awesome !!!!!!! Let the games begin !!!!!

Welcome back!

So excited died in the first day hoping I live longer this time

You probably will. I'm not playing this season, so you don't have my bad example to follow. :P

Back! Please sign me in.

You didn't read the post.

Three days and you still haven't read the post.

If you want to play in Season 6, you need to actually read the post.

I keep meaning to check this out LOL

Signed up and Followed! Really looking forward to playing along with everyone lol

Ohhh, but I'm also joining a BATIM fan RP group on Twitter, and on top of that school's starting back? LOL This is gonna be hectic, but fun XD

Ooh, I wonder if I can get some of my friends to join in~ Huhuhu :3c

I do have an email notification list to let people know whenever sign-ups are open.

Sounds like you're gonna be ridiculously busy!

I clicked the checkbox thingie to be notified when I signed up LOL
Gonna try to keep better track of this zombie game thing from now on, even on seasons that I don't enter :3

I am XD But.... I think I can manage it LOL
If nothing else, I doubt I'll be bored for a while! :3c

Cannibals. Not zombies. :3


How do we confirm that the Google Form actually recorded our entry? I submitted yesterday.

You confirm by poking me. :)

I already have you down on the spreadsheet for this season. You can find the link for the Season 6 spreadsheet in the post above, but I'll be nice and stick it right here so you don't have to go grab it from the main post. :)

I added you within minutes of you submitting the form, as I get an email every single time the form gets submitted. :3

Thank-you novaatebatman,
When I looked at the spreadsheet the first time I thought it was just an example from last season! I had no idea it was LIVE!

ANYONE ELSE WHO DIDN'T clue in.... pay attention here!

Nope. It's the live sheet for Season 6. :D


If you have any more questions or anything, please let me know!

There are 2 pages