I tend to use they/them when I don't know, but it also feels so damn impersonal.
Nova is my giant black Maine Coon/Norwegian Forest Cat mix and the story about him eating batman is a bit more abstract. (You can find pictures of him on my blog.)
I'll just quote a previous comment where I explained it.
It was something I said to my husband when we were in a really bad situation several years back. We were all by ourselves in the city we lived in, and we had no one to help us. I basically told him that the good superheroes were already busy, and Nova ate Batman, so Batman couldn't save us. I was trying to put an amusing emphasis on how bad the situation was.
We were in our truck with Nova, who had spent the entire day at the vet for a comprehensive exam, which always makes him very angry because he's a rescue cat and kennels freak him out. Which means he gets very hostile for a while. Nova also has pica, which is an impulse to eat pretty much everything, especially inedible objects.
Nova Ate Batman kinda ended up catching on and took over as my main handle online.
I always just say "they/them" when I don't know a person's gender lol
And yes! The doodles are so great! x v x) They're so cute and silly and just??? XDDD So much fun LOL
By the way, I've been wanting to ask you.... who is Nova and why did they eat Batman??? x - x);;
I tend to use they/them when I don't know, but it also feels so damn impersonal.
Nova is my giant black Maine Coon/Norwegian Forest Cat mix and the story about him eating batman is a bit more abstract. (You can find pictures of him on my blog.)
I'll just quote a previous comment where I explained it.
Thanks for asking! :D
I mean I actually kinda prefer people call me they/them but usually just say people can call me she/her since people usually prefer that lolFFFFF that sounds cute XD Well - not entirely, like, it seems like a cute moment in a stressful situation, but;;;
It's definitely an interesting story for a username choice :3c