The easiest way to contact someone is to go and comment on one of their recent blog posts.
Contact me on Discord at NovaAteBatman#8448 or comment on one of my recent blog posts to contact me. :)
The easiest way to contact someone is to go and comment on one of their recent blog posts.
Contact me on Discord at NovaAteBatman#8448 or comment on one of my recent blog posts to contact me. :)
Ok I am not on Discord yet and I didn't want to hijack one of your unrelated posts . Thanks I guess you got the message then? We want to choose option 1 @heatherlg89 and I will leave the cows alone. Thanks for all the work you put into this game!
I don't mind if you hijack an unrelated post for STEEM-POCALYPSE related inquiries. If you still don't like that idea, you can comment on a Play-Along-Pocalypse post because technically they are related to STEEM-POCALYPSE.
Yes, I did get the comment reply from @heatherlg89. I almost missed it, but I'm glad I didn't.
I already changed your choices on the spreadsheet.
Thank you guys very much for contacting me about it. :)
No problem! I love this game, and while it's fun to play, I'm really loving record keeping for it. :D