I vote option #2.
If our primary goal is to get out of town, I don't want to be stuck on one of the building's top floors. At the same time, it could be helpful to do a quick search for supplies before heading out on the open road. Option 2 gives the opportunity to leave quickly if something goes wrong, but still be able to hopefully find something useful.
Choosing Option 1 may get me on the road quickly, but I will be unprepared for any future problems. Choosing Option 3 means I may not get out to the street until after dark - too dangerous!
Wouldn't a search take just as long either before or after running down the stairs?
Yes, but searching downstairs gives the option for a quick escape if something goes wrong!
I guess that all depends on how the story is written. We will soon find out. I'm nervous as heck! It would really be disappointing to be killed on the first day! Only the author knows which is the best moves to make.
So far, few have chosen NOT to search, but that may have been the correct answer and a whole lot of us will be wiped out on day 1. I'm shaking in my chair.
I'm hoping that the choices aren't just arbitrary, and the winner is just the luckiest chooser. I'd like to think there are subtle clues within the text itself (or past posts from papa-pepper).
I'm new to the game, so I hope you are correct. I followed the last season and it all made sense, but even what makes sense could have multiple outcomes, so it will be a good amount of luck in the end.