Hey, I'm sorry but asking people to vote for your "meme" so you win first prize is frowned upon in this competition. I was looking for natural votes and noticed early on how some users were trying to game it. Please remember this in the next ones.
The memes I'm looking for are also not what this is, if you need any examples of memes I'd recommend checking out r/adviceanimals or the common meme backgrounds in imgur.com/memegen or most of the other entries in this contest.
I originally voted this up for your effort, but should've been more clear from the start about it.
Whatever makes you say this so straightaway, disappoints me, i dont know what to say, i am just not in mood of any negativity right this moment. Maybe you should have a judging panel if there is so much scope for doubts. I think you must have someone judge the competition from next time.
The meme you are looking for hmmmm, i think that is your personal opinion on memes. There are all kinds of memes that exist and mine is one of them, maybe not the ones this contest supports.
Hmm thanks for the upvote, much appreciated :) and we are cool. 😉
I've been monitoring the votes for a few days now, that's what made me say what I said. The contest doesn't need any judges as I've made it clear from the beginning I will be judging them and yes I was looking for memes in that fashion.