In our sixth (?), I lost count, installment of Steemit Secrets & Tips we will go over some features that will make your stay here at Steemit a little more easier. Such as what is a TX code and what use it provides. How to check the USD Value your vote holds and another cool feature you may not of known about, turning your text red.
Cool Red, How did you do that ?
We don't get to see too many colors being used here on Steemit but one color we can use is red. Its a very easy feature to master. Remove all the * from the below code and you to can post in red.
<div class*=phishy>This will turn red after removing all the *****<**/**div> Once the * are removed your sentence between the code will look like this.What is a TX code and what use is it to me ?
A TX Code is a number that if clicked links to a post that details a direct action you completed on steemit. For example if you are a bot user and placed a bid for 1 SBD but didn't get your bid you can use the TX code as proof of purchase.
How do I find this TX Code ?
Go to ( replace my username with yours ) and each transaction you see listed will have the TX Code in the upper corner. Click the code to view the specific details of that transaction. Copy and paste the url link if you need to show proof of that transaction to someone.

How much is my vote worth ?
Simply click on the link provided and enter your user name ( or any username ) to find out the value of your up-vote in USD. Sadly at current time my up-vote is worth less the $0.01.There are multiple different ways to find out the value of your vote but the one I like the most is the upvote calculator on, here is a direct link to the calculator section.

Cool stuff! Thanks :)
Your Welcome !
Thanks for stopping by.
Cool! So, now I can verify that my voting power is worth nothing, nattah, zip, zilch... lol

Thanks for the tip. I upvoted this post. :D
Our votes have the same value ... LOL !
If you keep trying the site will show the actual value of your vote. When I checked earlier my votes value was $0.0022xxxx currently its showing $0 like yours.
For some reason the site sometimes calculates the smaller value and other times it doesn't.
A whole $0.0022? LOL. Iβll try again. Nope. Still $0!
Yup ..... just think 1000 upvotes from me and you will have enough to buy a chocolate bar or small bag of chips.
Haha. Ditto. Here is an upvote for you. 1 down, 999 more to go for that chocolate bar.
We're back with more tips and tricks ....
[π Steemit Tips & Tricks Part Seven π
Great post thanks for the information
Steemit tips and tricks XX : Lets Make Some Profit
Ok... very ...interesting ... I did not know there was a way to know the value of my upvote. Thanks...I'm going to check :)
I thought that was a neat feature to find also.
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[π Steemit Tips & Tricks Part Seven π
This is post is great and really helpful. I've been meaning to look into a site to find my voting power.
Thanks for your comment !
Steemit tips and tricks XX : Lets Make Some Profit
Very cool tips!
So, red is the only color option besides the regular black text?
I'm laughing at myself because now that I've just learned about the red I'm disappointed that we don't have the whole rainbow to choose from!
Steemit tips and tricks XX : Lets Make Some Profit
Red is the only option I am aware of. I am disappointed we don't have more as well.
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[π Steemit Tips & Tricks Part Seven π
Nice one @rentmoney
I'm now going to go crazy on the red text!
I just learned the code for red a couple weeks ago.
It will come in handy :)
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[π Steemit Tips & Tricks Part Seven π
Nice one @rentmoney
I used to enjoy those posts so I'm glad your rekindling it. I will check it out in the morning.
On a side note I have been working hard on creating a monthly contest that you might be interested in. It launched on the 1st of April.
Check it out and see if it's something you would like to enter.
Cheers, Gaz
I just skimmed your contest and will give it another read later when I got the time. Looks like an interesting concept. It will be interesting to see how big the prize pool gets and I will certainly be participating at some point.
Brilliant stuff @rentmoney
I'm looking forward to your nominations.
Nice one @rentmoney
I'm now going to go crazy on the red text!
All this red is making me have DΓ©jΓ vu ...
Other than me bleeding you dry of all the really useful info you throw my way! Hey, if you keep teaching me, I'm going to keep using it!! π
I like this site to check account. Steemdollar didn't seem to like my hyphenated name. I couldn't get it to work.
Ah yes .. that site contains lots of useful information.
Thanks for sharing !
This was really helpful. I probably won't use any of it but it was good to know.
You never know when you might get the itch to post in is worth checking out also. Has alot of of details on your account and is easy to tack your account activity. Didn't know about making my text red, that was cool to learn thanks @rentmoney.
Resteemed by @rcr.bis FREE resteem service.
Thanks for mentioning another site we can gain information from and thanks for the resteem.
My pleasure.
Another great help from you! Thank you very much!!
Your Welcome.
Steemit tips and tricks XX : Lets Make Some Profit
We're back with more tips and tricks ....
[π Steemit Tips & Tricks Part Seven π