ever meant anything to you, please check out this video.If @papa-pepper has
It’s about five minutes and thirty seconds long, and I find it to be borderline genius comedy! It was improv comedy that @anarchrysalis and @papa-pepper recorded to have some fun with some of the problems that people face on steemit, and to educate others in a humorous way.

He blew my mind with his improv and I had an absolute blast working with him!
A special thanks to @the-blockchain and @danilamarilu, because their artwork was displayed on the wall of my STEEM-HELP CENTER in the film.
Personally, I think that this short may be the crowning jewel of all my work on steemit, and I spent many hours on this project.
I’d like as many users to see this as possible, so tell your friends, share the link in chatrooms, and even resteem or promote it if you’d like.
Thank you all so very much for everything that you’ve done here in the steemit community!


My comments on the YT:
Whales are people too and Dolphins are lovable LOL. #MinnowLife
You just never know what will come out of the "papa-pepper tickle trunk" of fun!
Yeah, that guy is always up to something!
Thanks so much @barrydutton!
A super duper pleasure to be the initial "caller" on @papa-pepper's help line. So much fun! Thanks for involving me!!!
You did an absolutely amazing job!
Thank you so much!
Great improv man, you've got sarcastic comedy down to a T. You and @papa-pepper were naturals and meshed well together creating some real good entertainment. Congrats on the successful collaboration. By the way, did you ever see the singing lessons video I posted a few days ago?
It turned out really well, didn't it?
Super Funny
Super Collaborative Awesome Media!!!
It's a S.C.A.M I tell you!
Good stuff guys, everyone needs yo give it a thumbs up on youtube as well..
Keep Steemin :)
Excellent idea @majes, thanks so much!
Excellent video! I hope they don't outsource your help desk to an over seas call center.
No kidding, i love that job!
Very funny. Thanks for brightening up my morning.
Glad i could help with that!
Bahahaha fantastic!
Thanks, I am glad you liked it!
So full of awesomeness!!! Keep it up brother!
Thanks, i agree!
Hah! That was great.
I tried to call in, but was put on hold. Then I was given a bunch of numbers to choose from, basically stating different ways I could be on hold. But no matter which one I tried, it said that you would call me back in five minutes. So I'd try the next one. You know, it seems like a totally legit gig. And we can all use help. I know I can. Whoahboy, can I use help. I mean, I can REALLY use help.
Um... where was I? I think I'm on hold....
LOL! Too funny!
Yay!i am early here.awesome keep doing more....:)
Thanks, in time I hope to do more!
Hahahaha ! ROTFL ! 😆😂😂😂 LMAO ! Copy and paste useing glue ! HAHAHA! 😂😂😂Cant wait till the next one ! great job @papa-pepper and @anarchrysalis ! 👍Just posted on steemit chat ! resteemed !
Thank you, thank you!
Nice Job!! Very 'south parkesque' in a non-offensive way. :) Helpful Hint of the Day: Don't Poke the Whales (lol) Nicee ::Kudos:: on your project!
Thank you, compliment received!
What kind of S.C.A.M?
What about S(ar)CA(s)M?
Great job as always!
Thank you!
Very funny! You've got good reason to be proud of this effort!
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
It took a while, but i like the end result!
Great job Papa! Haha
Thanks Brother!
If papa has ever meant anything to you...AWESOME HOOK, BOOM! Haha! I loved this, hilarious. I actually just resteemed a help post of @merej99, but I am going to resteem this as well, I'll just wait a little bit ;)
Thanks so much for that!
Anything for you ;)
...and, uh... an anacronym, until it's defined, nobody knows. This was a perfect example of S.C.A.M!
Great work, super fun and @papa-pepper you should look into doing some VO work... sorry, Voice Over work, you definitely have the a pleasant neutral internet voice. Perfect for learning from :)
Hmmm. Good idea, and im glad that you got to check it out.
Really humorous stuff bro, great job this brought laughter and chuckles.
I get a kick out of it every time!
Plus, I gave @the-blockchain a little publicity!
Yeah it was funny, and I saw that! We have more songs brewing very soon too. Great thinking :)
I got another idea for us too.
Always thinking ahead, you're a progressive and successful man!
best post, good job (y)
thank you for everything, this may be a good start for me. hay friends, I am new in steemit. see also my first post, follow and upvote https://steemit.com/@fahmiauliasfr
Feed @anarchristmas more mcdonalds!
Thank you!
waaa! I like this. It's like you're a call center agent.:) A very helpful agent.
I thought it would be fun!
where does one call for help?
You can go to the steemprentice chat room on https://steemit.chat for help.
thank you Mr. Pepper
Well done!
Wow, this is so funny! Great video, animation and artwork in the background^_^
Would love to be a caller in a future. I actually really did have trouble when I first joined and had a lot of difficulty learning how to use steemit! took me about a month to really start posting regularly!
I'll keep you in mind!
awesome, would be fun!
Pretty hilarious papa-p!
duuuuuuude this is GOLD!!!
Thanks for featuring my art !!!
I laughed so much!!!
I thought throwing some art on the wall would be a good way to get some names out there!
That was fun! Great job, when we can see the next one?
It will take me some time, but i will see!
That was just awesome!
I thought so too!
You should definitely keep doing this. That was funny ;-) but also useful.
I like humorous education!
Me too and you do it so well ;-)
Keep on keeping on mate ;-)
keep it up!!!!!!
Will do!
You can read what I wrote about your post here.
Super stars!!!!
When the impaled whale came across the screen.... the look of shock on papa's face was hilarious!!!!! Lololol great job you two!!!!
Yeah, i think it was a lot of fun and worked well.
Did someone actually flag this post??? What the heck? Wow, I guess there's someone around with a crappy sense of humor LOL!
I guess they thought it was not funny.
new mining gaes https://twomine.cc/?referal=1612
Love whales in all their forms! Funny funny thanks.