You are right. However, like I mentioned, 3 hours ago the gap was huge! Even if I go for the Asks prices which means this whole go-around can be completed in a few months, I would have stood to gain 20% accounting for fees and headache. That's a significant amount. At this moment, it's true, it doesn't make much sense.
But that's the thing - keep an eye out. If you see STEEM crashing on the exchanges, it's a good time to buy up STEEM that way, as the Internal Market often takes hours and days to catch up.
Vice versa is also true - if STEEM soars, the Internal Market could be the better option. I remember when STEEM went past $4, the Internal Market was still trading at $3. That's an enormous differential.
yeah. and as always. is a good aggregator. I use it daily.