Can the social code be cracked?

in #steem-help9 years ago (edited)

Most of the worlds people today have some or other social media account. Even the older generation… One thing that is true is that even the most trivial social interaction online is driven by some sort of need. Since I started using Steemit, I made a point of researching and studying the various behaviors of users online.

I have read various reports, and the most recent report, stated that social behavior is pinned down by 5 significant things. These are Recognition, Diversion, Relationship, Progression and Learning. I believe these are very true even on our new platform.

The Wave report, which were done back in 2013, already stated that consumers were entering into a 'value exchange' mind-set. For example, they were happy to exchange their personal data for the promise of receiving more value. But we can take this one step further, as this is exactly what we are now doing on a daily basis on this platform. We are exchanging our content, for votes, which is translated into being paid from a pool of allocated funds! Beautiful innit?

The study asked a large group of people across the globe to answer a list of statements regarding their opinion and degree or concern about the amount of personal data that is available online.

Image Credit

I find it very interesting that the first world countries are the least concerned about the amount of personal data that is going online.

As we use more and more devices and social platforms, these devices and platforms become more entrenched in our daily lives. As a result we are more inclined to share data with online organisations and communities which improves our experiences on these platforms. The research however indicated that there is a delicate balance when raising this specific point. There are more people concerned than those not concerned. And when we go in deeper , those who are concerned, feels very strongly about that.

So what do we need to learn, in order to sell ourselves in this platform? - We need to understand what value means to the people on the platform.-

Image Credit

How do we find the right balance of content?

We should ask the question: WHY? So the researched showed by not asking what people want, but why people want it?

Learning, diversity, relationships, progression and recognition.

Alright, the above study, was focusing on how people viewed brands online, but what if we take those 5 elements which is key in people's lives on the internet, and use this as an angle to build a community around us?

Let's call the place between the objective you want to reach and the need you want to address the value exchange!

So let's do a practical example: The objective in this case is to build a community around you. The need is for you to create enough value for people to want to follow you!

Based on the five things identified above, we can do the following to build value.


Recognition is key to build a following. Not only should you receive recognition for the content you provide, you should also recognise and add value to those around you. There are many types of recognition or recognising on the platform. Sure, a whale vote, means recognition to most people on the platform, but what about Number of Votes, or Number of Comments, or Highest reward without a Whale vote? I have been tracking all of the above mentioned in a spreadsheet just for myself to understand the inner workings and the development of the platform and the community around me.


If we do not learn we will die. We need to always be looking at how the community around us is changing. We need to follow what is the topics that are trending. We need to follow the people whose writing we enjoy. We need to follow the leaders of the platform . We need to learn and learn and learn.


This is a no-brainer. If you do not build relationships with the community around you, I personally struggle to see how you will be able a community at all. It's part of life… Just do it!

Create a diversity of content

Diversity of content, will draw a wider audience of people to follow you as an individual. At this point in time, I believe it is much easier to win a new follower than losing a follower. I do believe that this will change in the future. If you do not constantly create good content, and a diversity of content why will people want to follow you?


I believe we have now all realised that the only constant in the platform is change :) There are always changes to the platform and this is amazing. I thoroughly believe that when the platform does not change on a regular basis, and progresses into a more intuitive user interface and experience, the platform will stop growing. It will always become more easier to follow people, view and read content of those who you following. New ways to attract people to follow you. The point here is that through progress and development of the platform, we will have the ability to follow and be followed more. This will ensure you build on your community.

In my post yesterday I told my story of my experiences since I came to this platform.

I want to again state the obvious by for me it is the key to unlock all of our potentials. The first thing you need to do is to build a good reputation, you then need to build a following whilst adding value to those who follow you. Many things have changed since I joined this social media platform. But the things I just mentioned has become more clear to me whilst I was using the platform. I might be wrong, but so far the community around me and has grown every day!

Well that is what I had on my mind today. Let's see what the future holds!

Happy steeming!

Images credit to the Wave Online Social Media Study

Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.

features authors to promote a diversity of content and new authors. All STEEM Dollars for these posts go to the featured author.@jacor

If you are looking to be featured as an author, please contact me via email -


I have noticed that at the moment the community of Steemit seems a little kinder than most online communities. I hope that as it grows it retains that value and respect for others. The change that we want to see in society starts with us. Good blog :)

I also picked that up @onetree . I think we are a lot of like-minded people. Apologies for not answering your comment in my previous post. I saw your on my mobile but was in meetings the whole day. To answer you. Yes, both @gavvet and I are from South Africa . I assume you are also from here looking at your comment on @gavvet's latest post.

No problem, and yes :)

Good stuff @jacor followed u...

This is a great blueprint for anyone here on Steemit wanting to develop a rewarding presence. You show how to do it the right way, and I'm going to study this and implement it as I build my Steemit following. I also love the graphics, did you create them yourself?

I wish I could do this high quality graphics myself. I forgot to add the Image Credit to all the images. I will reference to the study where I copied it from in a bitThank you @vegascomic . Apologies no

I thought maybe there was a site where they could be created or something like that. The characters are pretty cool.

I have a post in the making with many sites where similar graphics can be made. Watch this space... See what I did there ... Now you have to follow me LOL :)

I am not surprised that the most advanced countries are the ones where people are less concerned about sharing personal data. Interstingly, the countries with greater degree of openness are also small in size and it is probably true that they are unlikely to go unnoticed anyway.

Very solid post. Your info graphics are very professional.

The Recognition need is definitely a big driver. And its funny how that dynamic works. You can have 24 votes on a post that makes nothing and 5 votes on another that makes $2.

Which one will someone feel more recognized for; more satisfied with? Interesting dynamic indeed.

Excellent analysis . Thanks! Followed your blog.

The relationship point is very true. It's something that happens in real life. Interactions further more interactions and following. Posting diverse contents in also true. Excellent post with excellent points. Great job!

Mutual understanding power that we share on Steemit.

Regarding Steemit, we just need to figure out a way to prevent this from becoming a popularity contest where the most popular authors get votes regardless of content... To create the best site possible it still has to be about it's content...

post@jrcornel , I support your sentiment 100% . Content is king and should always win! I wrote about this in a previous

From what I've seen there is no particular value in upvoting just because someone is popular. At least for those with lower voting power. Seems that the far better use of time on the platform is finding and upvoting the good but lessor read posts and writing good quality posts.. I'm still working on doing the latter.

@shadowspub , the good content will find their way to the top. The developers of the platform is constantly enhancing and changing. We just need to keep at it!

@shadowspub that's why this distribution trend is so fascinating. It's totally working. Because of successful authors who've emphasized that a pillar of success is loving the community who put them there. It's like the Switzerland of social media if Switzerland had invented the first social media platform lol when the tide rises all boats rise with it!

Consider some funny posts in the future, comedy heals.

I am impressed with your analysis and am now following you. (Just figured out how to do that.) I have been trying to figure out the questions to ask so that I might provide greater value here. You have given me some ideas in that regard and I thank you for that. Look forward to more of your work.


Thank you @tad-auker . We should always try new things. Glad I could help!

Well laid out discussion. Each section was well supported.

Thank you for for a very helpful article. I am trying to do the same things pretty much,but your article helps me clarify my thoughts. It has become clear to me that the support I give to other people and the content I provide has to be really centered around issues or topics that I value highly.Because I can´t upvote(or donate) to everyone,and I can´t write about everything.

Very interesting article @jacor.

I wonder where innovation would fit into the 5 needs. I would think it is kind of a combination of progression and diversity leaning more on progression. I guess I usually think of innovation as moving and shaking up products, but never really thought about the aspect of social media.

I actually thought from the title that you may have been thinking about discussing hacking of accounts (also interesting as I recently read about the Death of Passwords ). I think people not using two factor authentication are being quite foolish, but that is a discussion for another a different post if someone wants to cover it.

Nice to read ur post, keep up ur great writing

keep up ur great work, nice to read

This is a very informative post, and I agree wholeheartedly with most of the points you raised. Nice touch on the pictures, it gives a more visual feel to the whole thing. Although I'm very hopeful, most of the time I feel I'm on the outs in terms of the community on Steemit. As you said though, change is the only thing that's constant, so I'm holding out for when it swings positively.

Particularly, I hope the reciprocity in terms of recognition would improve. Personally, I feel a bit shortchanged in this aspect. Whenever I leave comments and upvotes, I make sure to acknowledge the effort the poster put into the post. Unfortunately, I rarely get the same treatment for my own posts in return. I do try to invest heavily in relationship-building, but I'm not seeing any rewards.

I know it's hard to spell out, but I really wish there was a more in-depth instruction in this post for people like me. I've been following everything you've outlined, but I'm not getting the desired result. Anyway, upvote earned, and I wish that this post achieves the success it deserves.