Most of us can retire right now, and let the amateurs take over. But we don't. why? Because there are trillions to be made!
Thank you for your upvotes - @booster and other bidbots will vote on this post before 3.5 days. Get your votes in before that.
Sincerely: @booster, @fyrst-witness, @frontrunner and @fyrstikken
I like @fyrstikken a lot because he is Telling You that you need to get UP off of your LAZY Ass and become Crypto Rich !!
Yes we all need to get up and put our Ass up but the minnows need whaleWhaleto grow
just excellent video of steem economy.just awesome knowledge creativity..i am subscribed your video and to see video this time.your explantation really very perfect.. its so remarkable and talented.i attracted manage this video full new players.i am obviously to see your whole series.its very beautifull.this is a your voice..pretty.. you showing this post full of energy..very well dear friend. @fyrstikken
yes @fyrstikken there are trillions to be made!
100% Upvoted and resteemed. I hope to see more of these and I hope we get a whole series. This should be #1 on Trending
Nice video. I'm curious though. Do you still love Bernie? lol
The ETH fan's sad If I insult you yet Ethereum is an ICO trick stage. You know what amount of cash went to hoodlums?? Before ETH individuals needed to make complex code and so forth to dispatch their own shitcoins we didn't have a lot of them yet with ETH it's route less demanding to make your own shitcoin FREE inside minutes. Thousand of new shitcoins are being propelled each day and tricksters accepted the open door and stole Billions $$ with their shitty ICO. This used to be great cash skimming in Bitcoin showcase top these tricksters will do this process again contributing many thousand $$ to make all the more encouraging ICO. Google boycott, Twitter FB, and other stage identified with crypto boycott is extraordinary news for Bitcoin, Exchanges need to delist bounty shitcoins.
Fucking eh right this is good. More!!!!!
I am really agree with your speak!
When you say "i not care to make your famous and i not care to make your rich"
You are my witness!<3
Well I guess we the younger ones have inherited the amateur title hahsha, nice one fryst, I love you emblem in the video, and the voice distortion too is awesome, quality video it is.
come on people. Let's make it rain money, opps i mean cryptos!
switch over and oversee it finished with new players. your awareness of other's expectations is immense, it's incredible.
switch over and manage it done with new players.
your sense of responsibility is huge, it's great.
what is the most difficult obstacle while undergoing it?
I figure we the more youthful ones have acquired the beginner title hahsha, decent one fryst, I adore you seal in the video, and the voice bending too is great.
I simply needed to share a fun task I am beginning. It's call The Shitcoin List ( www.TheShitcoinList.Com ). The thought is that I can make some quite great returns by "indiscriminately" putting resources into a rundown of Altcoins (or Shitcoins) created by filtering the whole crypto advertise for coins that fit a particular money related criteria.
Splendid video of steem economy.just wonderful learning creative energy. I am obtained in your video and to see video this time.your elucidation incredibly particularly great.. its so puzzling and talented.i pulled in deal with this video full new players. I am unquestionably to see your entire series.its particularly phenomenal.
Magnificent video of steem economy.just wonderful learning creativity. I am bought in your video and to see video this time.your explanation extremely exceptionally great.. its so astounding and talented.i pulled in deal with this video full new players. I am clearly to see your entire series.its exceptionally beautiful. this is a your voice.
Nice... :)
Ahan upvoted you dont have to thank for coz o.o1 cent means nothing ☺😊😊
Steemit trillionaires
hahaha ... is this your voice ... pretty rough language with full energy.
seems my comment has touched your soul ... are we soul mates :x
Excellent post thanks for sharing...................
a very good video review, i saw this so attracting
sometime being lazy is fun too hahah
BOO, Blaze... BOO!
smh :-(
Very interesting fantastic post
For the billions! Thanks. It es a really funny video! Beautiful voice, hahahaha!!
@fyrstikken you made it clear and we don't need anything in writing, this is clear and crisp, here everyone is doing their own work and know one is came here to take the other one's responsibility if you have value for yourself then work and then people will get influence by your work that way your work will get the exposure, so it's all about work and no body needs to be retire because till now everybody gone through from the hardest path but now it's time to make numbers more than before, it's time to see SMT's, it's time to see Hardfork, it's time to see gaming platforms on Steem, it's time to see karaoke on Steem, it's time to see healthy competition on Steem, it's time to see very tiny collective Steem hands to help under privileged people, it's time to see some work and not complaints. It was never easy, and it will not going to be easy, so don't expect anything, it's time to sweat hard and it's time to come up with your original work, everybody is here to earn that's for sure, but earning is also an strategy so your blog is your product (niche) and your comments are your promotion means if you comment then people will probably will come to see your product (BLOG), so don't expect, just do it, don't be stagnant and change good strategies time to time, because everything inconstant but change is constant, so be dynamic and let's go work and Steem On. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This is not very entertaining.
Where’s the entertainment?
Where’s the distributed studio?
You ain’t gonna make “ME” rich and famous?
Who’s gonna make YOU rich and famous?
Hello mate, I have been a very crazy follower of your content and today i think i could use a but help from you. Lately on I have not been getting the return of my efforts, its a bit frustrating. I put out todays post and I humbly request you to have a look and if you think its worth sharing with your follower, then please do share it with your followers. Thanking you in advance as always.
Your account is so dreamy! =] lol
.jpg) the most amazing thing I've seen all week. maybe the whole three weeks I've been on here.
hehehhh...yes am fuck up voting my self this days....a spend some real money in here so way the fuck shall
a not. its my money. a think the video has made me curse a little more lol. and even delegating some of my sp. to get more of it.. omg a hate begging a have a started a new way when a get a "spam comment a answer him and up vote my self lololol....we shun all do it just trolling them away....
I care not what the next person thinks, that was motivating as fuck! Well put @fyrstikken
Man, good job freeking me out.
I hope you get regular heart checkups,...
no, you do it!
I SET the Autovoter to beat the bots,
I've read conflicting info about being "too early" but
it's all over the map so I have no idea, set it at ZERO What might be the best setting for that, @Fyrstikken?
🤑 🤩
As far as your PSA, "Pull your Head Out of your A$$" Video???

Listen Up, fvcking noobs!!! :D
I just got into the crypto game brother. Looking to be like you.👍
this actually motivated me to go on a mini bender, then come back home and get my shit together
Your information and massage are well taken but we the minnows need to get up and we need the whale to help us
True words. Preach brother.
@fyrstikken awesome post, I found this useful!