@netuoso - How about a cartoonish video or instructional on (1-2) of the most important pieces to the basic STEEMIT Ecosystem - geared toward brand new minnows.. I have to be honest here - I feel like I'm a tad more moderately Tech Savy compared to most people in the world - average people. I run a website I designed, have learned how to market and increase website visits and conversions to my site -
However... However - After a few weeks on Steemit - I've made a shit-ton of mistakes probably by simply not grasping and truly learning the basic components such of Steem Power, Witness Voting, Upvotes, Resteeming - (at first I resteemed every post I genuinely liked and had no idea my voting power was at like 15% and probably 0% at one point - lol), The Whale to Minnow hierarchy, and maybe end with some Tricks on STEEMIT - to allow each new member to not stumble at first and get discouraged - as I have often felt..
I believe in continual dev upgrades to the platform as it grows to adapt to what it becomes - just as FB, Twitter, Insta, etc all have had to do -
However - exactly what has made every social platform over time become a Major Platform - simply was to start with a basic, super easy to understand, user friendly navigation system that a 4 year old to a 70 year old could comprehend after only a few hours exploring.
About two weeks and I still feel I'm scratching the surface of truly understanding how the model works..
I understand the user financial reward system within STEEMIT inherently makes STEEMIT more complex. But maybe that should be the focus by the many amazing people on here donating time and hard work - instead of creating more features to only intimidate the first day STEEMIT stumble upon finder that signs up.
My apologies for the long comment - just ask and I'll delete or shorten it severely - I stand to make no personal gain from it and do not want to lessen the purpose of your generous post at all. (Edited for typos)
Please don't delete! This is a great comment and exactly the type of input I was hoping to come across.
So I'm not a designer or an animator, but I could easily write out the scenes and the information to have someone else animate it. Or... I could pick that up myself too.
I agree that the amount of time and research necessary to truly understand Steem is a hard barrier of entry for the average user.
I really like this idea. Maybe I will find some time to play with it
@netuoso - Thank you for writing that - I know that it was sincere and honest - I can feel it - And I appreciate that. The delivery (animation, slides, whatever) wouldn't need to be too fancy - I was just envisioning, writing, realizing, all at once - then after reflecting on my own personal first experiences on other major platforms - the $$ effect light bulb came on and made me realize - STEEMIT is an entirely new breeed of social media - and how delicate it actually is - especially since it's been "live" for a decent amount of time..
There surely is much discussion amongst the social media giants to try to reel back in its user base and likely try to mimic the personal-content-reward-theory that has and will appeal to anyone who finds STEEMIT - Write content to share among friends/strangers with no financial compensation or Write content to share among friends/like-minded people/strangers with an definite financial compensation - even it's only pennies..
I will certainly keep the first comment up since you appreciated my thoughts/ideas - skimming it tho I'll edit the typos - just because the spell-check feature hasn't been adopted yet 100% - :) Much Thanks and I appreciate your dedication to helping STEEMIT become the first Social Media Platform that changed social media forever
Yes, absolutely. I would echo @krytonika. While I've read the white paper and followed the obvious Steemians, the complexity, nuances and pitfalls that a new Steemer could face, unwittingly, might hamper the growth of the eco-system or decrease the quality of the content to a point where there is there is little value. That's along the general use case.
On the other side -programming/code:
Another topic
As for where... Youtube works, you can then embed them in an article transcript. I think that if you leverage the Steemit eco-system and then encourage us to resteem and share on our other social media to bring more into the steemit eoc-system.
I'm in the same boat as @krytonika, just in a week. Learning, learning and more learning and trying to contribute.
I have faith that this issue will be resolved - but in the meantime - that is the reality..
Once I truly can comprehend and understand all facets of STEEMIT - I assure you my mission will be to become a strong voice of the changing issues that new users are facing - Afterall - STEEMIT is only as strong as its weakest links - without growth of new users - Whales will eventually be swimming with only Whales and like Dinosaurs - STEEMIT may face inevitable extinction. Can I get an Amen? Lol - I BELIEVE IN STEEMIT - And all successful social media platforms need an ongoing "food chain" for lack of a better word..@jasonbu - Glad to know I'm not alone - The more that people like us speak up / and get lucky enough to be heard.. (much thanks again to @netuoso for this post - otherwise let's be real - A post authored with the same exact words, and even fancy images, videos etc attached - likely would be seen by a small handful of users and read by even less.. So @jasonbu - my advice to you is for now - in order to be heard in terms of needing to better understand STEEMIT - the only way is to comment on a Whale or well followed user and cross your fingers -
@krytonika You explained perfectly, exactly what I think and how I feel about Steemit. Like you, I come from a tech-savvie background; but it's a big learning curve here and anything that simplifies it, will make it more appealing to new members.
My 6 year old nephew can see that the system is flawed - just like the old adage - "The Rich get Richer" Gratefully many Whales give a lot of money back to the pond - however I'd love to see some factual stats on what percentage give back to the minnows and what percentage of their "income" - which can simply be created simply by owning large amounts of BTC, STEEM or Cash - My worry is that when word gets out that someone can invest $10k in STEEM - then post 3x a day and rack up $1,000 a day income in a month@andyturner Thank you for saying that and speaking up about the most critical fundamental properties needed for STEEMIT's Sucess.. Likr I had said in one comment - the almighty dollar - being paid to the users is the lure to many new users - however - too much money being paid to the 1%ers ($300-500) a post for many Whales regardless of what is written - may be a cause of STEEMIT demise -
Very good idea
@bless - Thank you for saying that - even the brief positivity to a comment - for me at least - makes me feel like my voice really is being heard - and I don't need 10k followers to be reassured - I have maybe 125 and of 125 maybe 15 that have followed me because of common interests and ideas - Ya Dig?