I believe that my cartoon should tell a story. One particular story that caught my eyes was this story about friendship. Here is the link
I was touched by the message that it contains and I want to make this into a visual art delivered in my way, the cartoon way.
The Sand of Forgiveness
There are two close friends, they grew up together and they enjoy playing marbles, a traditional game that is popular with the boys in village.
While they were playing, there was one throw that went too far and hit too hard. It bounced off the ground and hit the other one the face. It was a very hard hit. The victim was furious.
The wrongdoer tried to apologise but instead was given a tight slap in the face in a fit of outrage. He slap wasn't meant to be given, it was all done in the spur of the moment. They have been through more than that. There was the time when they stole mango from the local market and was chased by the vendor when he found out. They escaped. Then there was the time when one saved another from a raging buffalo, their friendship was far deeper and more meaningful than a moment of misdeed.
The entire episode happened too fast. Before they could reflect on the action, the friendship has been tested.
There was both anger and remorse, they parted ways.
The scar was deep, they both asked themselves, aren't we brothers? We have been through so much...
The pain was still stinging, but what hurt more than the cheek was the bleeding heart. With a stick he wrote on the sand, 'Today my best friends slapped me'
It wasn't long before the calm finally settled and cool head reign again. There was the apology and they returned to their favourite activity which is river bathing.
They put the old story behind them, and took a plunge into the river. But he didn't surface after the dive. There must be something wrong. He immediately jumped in and saved that friend.
The boy who was saved, was grateful. He knew he wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of his best friend and he carved on the rock, and it reads, 'Today my best friend saved me.'
Moral: “When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can sweep it away. But, when someone does something good to us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase the deed.”
I verily believe in this principle and I hold it dear. To my friends that have 'saved' me, your deeds are forever engraved in the rock. I hold no grudge, because to err is only human.
credit to @zomagic

Forgiveness also good for our soul. Cartoon drawing 👍cantik. I also like the background drawing.

and also this...
I really enjoy it.Good story @sireh.
Wow!... thanks @zomagic ... once in a while I'm still love doing watercolor/draw it manually... digital can do wonders but traditional method has the kind of feel and physical touch that gave a soul to our arts.
awwww, that was sweet! <3
Thanks Kubby... FYI I still remember your kindness :) and many other great steemians who assisted me when I'm still green here...
I love this <3 resteeming for sure!
Thank you for resteeming... wish ya happiness...
Wonderful, sir @sireh - both illustration and message! Reminds me of the Filipino comics I read in popular newspapers here.
Thank you @noellesevilla ... I wish I have the chance to experience Filipino comic scene...
Moral: “When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can sweep it away. But, when someone does something good to us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase the deed.”
this words are magic!!..i cried!!
Uikks... men don't cry... tak macho laa... hahaha...
thanks bro!
Wow, I love your style. The way you ink your pages is really beautiful.
This is my style when I only have a limited time to draw... rough, sketchy and spontaneous... I wish I can finish it better... thank you for visiting my blog @la-fumettista
Well, it came out wonderful! I look forward to seeing more of your work :)
that's deep bro..agree with @zomagic..feel manually lagi ada umphh..nice touch sireh.. :)
haha... digital can give wonderful effects but manual gives more soul...
syahdu sireh ..teringat pulak zaman aku masa kecik dulu huhu
hehe... mesti kecik2 dulu ko pernah kena tempeleng dgn member... hahaha...
Wow.. you made it fun and interesting...
thank you @orangila ... glad you find it interesting...
I will forever remember this pearls of wisdom...well said...if i have ever 'slapped' in fits of rage i apologise...jom mandi sungai.
hahaha... human will never escape from mistakes ... but mandi sungai is fun... haha!
Wow! grats on your repu 60