There are many ways to tell a story, just like the ways to skin a cat or a hamster. Whether it is to create an action or dramatic scene. We can do it in a way that is comedic and unique.
Here, is a poster between a showdown. It is a duel between the hero and the local villain. Just like how Batman faces off with Joker.
This particular scene our hero will be having a fight showdown with Jabai Putih the village bully who is always into troublemaking and crime. So he has to be taught a good lesson.
Now we create the character, he must look like a brute, one with a personality but an ugly one. He doesn't have much brains or integrity. He likes to pick on the villagers particularly those smaller and the women. He is also into gambling as he keeps some fighting roosters that he will usually use for his duel with challengers from the neighbouring village. They would usually wager some eggs or tapioca as their bet.
The Duel
Duel does not only come in one form. It comes in more than 1 form. There is the mathematics challenge which is also a test of mathematical prowess. They must count, do substraction and division and get the answer correct. The loser again will have to feed the cows and goats for 1 week.
So this is the scene whereby the duel is being moderated by the minister and he chooses a more civilised manner to do it. They are supposed to answer Year 5 mathematical questions. There is no bloodshed and it is good for children's viewing.
Like all showdowns, there will be the sponsors. Here the famous and lovable cat known as Helo Kati has sponsored the entire showdown. With Helo Kati, certain costs of organising can be absorbed. There is commercial value in these duels, just like how Floyd Mayweather v Manny Pacquio.
Here we can feel the anticipation The villagers are waiting eagerly to know who will come out tops and who will get the bragging rights.
Then we skip to the storyboard. Awang test paper has been revealed, the managed only 20 marks which is amazing because this boy spend his time crime fighting and no time to sit down and do his practice. And of course he is not even in Year 5.
Our hero is a little ashamed. He didnt dare look at the crowd. They see him as a role model. Looks like Awang is facing the challenge of his life. He is ok to fight or save a kitten from tree tops but Maths is just not his thing. Looks like out of 5 questions, all Jabai needs to do is to answer 2 correctly and he will emerge as a champion. This is super embarrassing.
When Jabai's paper was announced there was no answer. Just some drawings. This is outrageous. This man has no idea how to even use his fingers to count. There must be a way out of this madness. The mathematical skills of both our hero and the villain is at an all time low, but a winner has to be crowned. The winner is the one who got 20 marks.
The Lesson
The purpose of showing the paper by Jabai is not meant to embarrass anyone. But it is to show that anyone be it a Hero or Villain, they have to be equipped with some basic skills and in this case the skill to count. I am not very sure how he wager during the cock fights. He must start learning how to count.
Good Friday everyone.
credit to @zomagic

Great big job! I like that piece with the crowd especially:

Agreed! What a dynamic and character filled scene! :D
Thanks @sndbox .. yer guys awesome!!
TQ @dunsky ..glad you visit this post!! admirer of your amazing work!! :)
Wow an awesome job! I just did my first drawing, (if you want to see this in my last post) I would like to one day get to do such a good job.