What If : Planet of the Cats replaces the Apes

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago (edited)

@liewsc, lets make this more fun, lets take this to the Hollywood.

The War

It is now 2072, 30 years after the great rebellion. Everyone knew Ash was different and how he would conquer over the dogs over their sleeping space and how he would demand his chin rubs with very persuasive purrs that is almost hypnotic. He is definitely not ordinary.


Everyone remembers the story, how it all started. It was a foolish act of a human that sparked the anger and frustration of the cats. He (Peter Jackson) gave Mr. Kibbles a bath. This was a snapshot taken during that watershed incident that forever changed the world...


Mr. Kibbles didn't survive long after the incident. He merely lived for another 2 years. The sheer embarrassment was too much to bear. The human did the most undignified thing to a cat. They bathed him. The humans never learn their lessons. First it was the Egyptians that witnessed the first cat domination but it wasn't worldwide. But it was enough to let out a warning. The Egyptian did the smart thing, they started worshiping the cats and that quell the rebellion that was planned. They (the humans) averted the first disaster.


Ash's Ascension to World Domination

The cats were looking for one leader, one that would lead them to victory over the humans. They know that Ash was the most likely candidate and they were not wrong. Ash has that adorable look that humans often misconceived as cuteness overload, but deep down is a scheming mastermind. Ash had planned his attack by first the recruitment of all cat elites around the world. He needed a super team. It was akin to assembling the Avengers with the exception, this is for REAL!

They first targeted the dogs and worldwide there was an internet phenomenon, the humans have started to give prominence to cats over dogs. They are everywhere, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Steemit and you name it.

First Wave


The first wave strategy was to invade the human minds to replace their best friend the dogs. Dogs were the mortal enemies of cats. There were some traitors found sleeping with dogs and they were dealt with most severely.


In order to win this war there must be no sympathy. The march goes on. One by one the dogs are dealt with in brutal fashion. There can only be one race, the cat race. The fight was brutal and there were no blood on the road, but often it is in the alleys away from human sight. The cats must remain adorable in their eyes.


Some of the cat warriors lost their fight but it has not been in vain. Some fought gallantly.


It was a long drawn first wave. No prize for guessing who came out victorious. Ash was a tactical genius. He was genetically different. His IQ has made his almost on par with Stephen Hawking. Ash did an amazing turn on the Second Wave. He did the unthinkable. He played mind control. Cat purrs were adjusted to a level that is almost soothing to the human ear but it messes with their brain and it programs them to think that cut purrs have healing effects but the more they are exposed to it, the worst the mind control take grip. At this point, some human started to realise this...but its too late...the effect was like a domino effect.


It was a propaganda war. It was one that gave the cats an edge. Now without the dogs, the coast is clear. The rabbits and tortoises are no matter in terms of pet effect. This war is about to be concluded. The last is mutiny.

To Be Continued...


credit to @zomagic



Most cats give birth to a litter of between one and nine kittens. The largest known litter ever produced was 19 kittens, of which 15 survived.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. When cats are asleep, they are still alert to incoming stimuli. If you poke the tail of a sleeping cat, it will respond accordingly.

i luv to watch this movie..

Coming soon....

Whoops, this is really Hollywood standard. I think it would be nominated at the upcoming Golden Globe Award. Applause to the movie director @perennial.

Ash has long waited for his day in the Kodak theatre. Thank you leo, tq kanye..tq spielberg...its all worth it.

Haha (drums roll)... and the winner goes to... (audience clapping)... Ash the cat

Kittens who are taken along on short, trouble-free car trips to town tend to make good passengers when they get older. They get used to the sounds and motions of traveling and make less connection between the car and the visits to the vet.

This is great m8! You always come up with cute ideas 💡 in your story writting 🤣

Cute so that u become interested to read ma...

Haha this is very funny and entertaining. Looking forward to the next episode, @perennial :D

Next episode coming right up...

When will this movie be out? I want to watch. So creative you. Indeed is #steem-cartoon.

Warner bros have purchase the rights...talks bout merchandising n distributorship r otw.

Planets of the Cats! Right on @perennial
