Genius ways to earn more followers and money on Steemit - No 1: Constructive comments

in #steem-bounty7 years ago

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Like you know or probably found out, Steemit has been compared to an ocean. But in this discussion, I want to compare steemit to a very large market where there are thousands of sellers that deal on the same product. All of them compete for customers to patronize their goods. For a new seller to succeed in this competitive environment, they have to learn the art of attracting customers and making them come back to buy. Steemit is just like that. The Competition for customers (followers) is fierce. To earn Steem and SBD is also tough. But with the right tools and methods, we can survive the competitive environment.

The aim of this series is to uncover hidden ways to make more money and earn loyal followers on your blog. The methods we will discuss are time-tested and have been proven to work. We will make a post every two days to touch-light a new method or formular. To begin, using well-wriiten comments to attract followers and earn more.
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Making Constructive Comments

Communication is the foundation of any relationships. Without communication, human interaction becomes very difficult. This also applies to Steemit. If we want to become friends with people, we need to show interest in what they do and communicate with them. One vital way to do this is through making meaningful and well-constructed comments on their blog posts.

Before we can comment meaningfully, we need to read and understand what they have written. We do not always have to agree with them, but we need to show by our comments that we read the post and that we have a slightly different view on the matter. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and our voice should count. While making our comments, we may quote a line or two from the post or repeat some of the things said; then offer our own view.

We also need to avoid short comments. They stifle communication and do not encourage further interaction. One word comments are the giant killers. For example, after reading a post, some one word bad comments go like this:


While these may be well-meaning, they do not also convey the idea that we appreciated the article. We may need to explain why it was beautiful, nice or good. In that way, we show that we read the article at all.

Another thing we need to look out for is the danger of making irrelevant comments. We need to stick to the topic of discussion and talk about it. It is always a bad practice to discuss tings that are entirely unrelated to the article. While we may make reference to other things, It should be to support or disagree with what is being discussed. Talking about unrelated matters is as good as not making any comments at all.

Having mentioned some of the things we need to do about commenting, take a look at some do's and dont's.
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Making good comments - the do's

  1. Read the article very well and understand before you make a comment.
  2. Be constructive - for example by saying things that show you agree, disagree or want to know more about the topic.
  3. The length of your comment is as important as what is being said.
  4. Mention the author by using the @ to tag him.

Making good comments - the dont's

  1. Do not be rude even if you disagree with the author.
  2. Avoid short comments - especially one word comments.
  3. Do not discuss unrelated matters unless you want to prove or support a point.
  4. Follow up on the discussion if your comment was replied.

Set a goal of making good comments each day.

Making good comments should be a part of our activity any time we come online - on steemit. So we need to set a small realizable goal of making comments daily. Depending on your schedule, set a goal. Decide how many constructive comments you will make each day. Make it realistic and stick to it. Make 2, 3, 5, or 10 comments each day and do so for a week. Look at what happens after that - the number of followers within that period and how many upvotes you got on your comments. You will probably record some increase along the line.

Talking about making good comments - think steem-bounty!

There is a nice project on Steemit platform where you could earn directly from making good comments. The project is called steem-bounty.
Steemit as a platform does not have a way to reward users directly on their comments. We have to rely on people voting our comments. But on Steem-bounty, you earn directly from your comment. This project was started by @knircky.

On steem-bounty, money (called bounty) is set for each post. People who commented on the post are paid for their comments after the post pays out. The comments with the most upvotes from the community and the author earns the larger share of the bounty.

For the prupose of clearer understanding, here are some resource materials about steem-bounty:

  1. Steem-bounty website:
  2. You can follow the founder: @knircky
  3. How to create a bounty:

We will set a bounty of 0.2 Steem for this post. So make your meaningfull comments, and share in this money.
Following the above suggestions will help you increase your earnings and followers on Steemit.

Start from here. Lets see how you can apply the above suggestions. Make a good comment about this post. GO!!!!

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This post from @sccf is very timely and educative to whosoever wish to succeed in steemit has to read this post as a matter of necessity as for me it has enlightened me to fully understand the basic things i ought to know and flow strictly as the procedure that will enable me to excel in steemit for example, ,flowing people/making meaningful and constructive comments after reading their post also to set goal, " Make 2, 3, 5, or 10 comments each day and do so for a week" as yardstick finally not to depend only on my post that i should expand to other areas like @steem bounty that runs contest.Thanks .

¡Hola! Excelente recomendaciones, los comentarios son una tarea diaria obligatoria. para poder crecer y tener contactos con el resto de la comunidad.
Esta pagina web de Steem-bounty: es maravillosa y es de mucha utilidad para los que estamos empezando. Ya estoy siguiendo a su fundador. Cariños y besos @sccf.

What is a bounty exactly?

A bounty is money sent to a post to be distributed to the users commenting on it. It provides a way to reward users directly and works in addition to the steem/sbd they receive from the blockchain. It works independently of SteemPower.

You create a bounty by sending any amount of sbd/steem to @steem-bounty together with a post-url in the memo.

How can I earn a bounty Users are then competing for the bounty by writing their answers to the post in comments that will achieve upvotes from the community and especially the bounty creator. The money of the bounty gets distributed to all top level comments of the post at the same time when the post is paid out (7 Days after it was written). How much everyone gets depends on the votes the comments received. The sender of the bounties votes are weighted higher so that she decideds where 80% of the bounty money goes and all other votes determine the rest.@sccf has set 0.200 STEEM bounty on this post!

@steem-bounty does all of this for you automatically. You can use this service to automatically pay out a challenge, ask a hard question or simply to reward the people that interact with you.

Read more about how it works, even in different languages here.

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

  • @joseph60 has earned 0.152 STEEM. 0.152 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 STEEM from the community!
  • @celinavisaez has earned 0.038 STEEM. 0.000 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.038 STEEM from the community!

Nice post.

XDDD You posted comment which author mention not to post :D