Thanks for sharing this video @knircky, I really like it. I am personally very interested in the whole VC thoughts on the space and Matsumura really knows his stuff :-)
Here are some of the videos I like:
The Bitcoin Revolution ( Documentary) Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 8
This one I like mainly because Mike Maloney dives into the macro-economic things that have been happening in history and I am very interested in the history of money, monetary policies and societal economics. Maybe it's not the best stuff out there and Maloney is more a precious metals guy, he says some interesting things in the first 7 episodes (also to be found on Youtube) and this 8th episode where he touches on Bitcoin/crypto.
Blockchain vs. Bullshit: Thoughts on the Future of Money
For me no Bitcoin and blockchain without Andreas Antonopoulos. I like Andreas his style because he is really about educating the people about blockchain and Bitcoin. I've learned a lot from him when it comes to how blockchain works, consensus mechanisms, trade-offs to be made within technological choices etc.
Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin - with Vinay Gupta | Virtual Futures Salon
Vinay Gupta is a visionary if you ask me. His thinking goes beyond almost everyone else about the space. He bases his thoughts on what he has seen and puts everything in a macro-economical perspective. He says some really powerful stuff in this interview.
And last, if you feel a bit more like watching a 'conspiracy themed' documentary, watch this one:
Ulterior States [IamSatoshi Documentary]
Enjoy watching these! :-)