Getting more eyeballs on it and opening the discussion to other participants is the key here. Organizing Fictional Entities like "Governments" to Kick everyone's A$$es in line is what I have a problem with. Blockchains are voluntary. Governments are Mandatory. Perhaps as more people Voluntarily CHOOSE to use more transparent systems, you'll begin to see the Effect that the Author is alluding to. No one is holding a gun to people's heads and forcing them to use Bitcoin, SteemIt, Ethereum, etc... but these are Alternatives to Coercive measures by Sociopathic elements in Society who FORCE people to use their collective methods of Central Dominance.
I choose to use Blockchains because I read the code. I choose NOT to use Government because there are not enough years left in my life to catch up with reading THEIR code.
That's the part I DO like about the blockchain. However, when value is attached to anything, people will use it. Its, therefore, not entirely free. Hence, why I dig contributionism more than blockchain-based currencies. Let's get rid of currency and then see the true revolution that blockchain open-sourcing can provide to help humanity improve the the world.